Thursday, June 02, 2016


We received an email from the attorney who we were upset with ( it took a few days). He apologized for the contretemps. 
He said he was taking down the automatic feed. In response to that we are deleting our last two blog posts. 
Even Steven. 

It just keeps getting worse and worse for proponents of the death penalty (Motto "kill em all, guilty or innocent.") .

Judge Brennan granted a defense motion to strike the death penalty because the ASA failed to file the new notice of intent to seek death with the applicable aggravating factors within the time periods prescribed by the new statute. 

Chris Decoste with RC3 with the nice win. 

This decision is case specific and doesn't have the precedential  value of Judge Hirsch's order, but a win is a win. 

Query: is the death penalty dead?


Lots of negative comments about our actions with the blog-thief, even from long-time and careful blog readers. 

Take our new poll. 


  1. Long live the death penalty.

  2. DeCoste getting credit for Aroca's stupidity.

  3. Just removed you from bookmark list. Last view, last comment.

  4. Nobody did anything great. The prosecutor cannot count to 45.
    Where is the great honor in that?

  5. Don't take credit away from Chris DeCoste. He is an excellent attorney, one of the best trial lawyers under 40 by far.

    Aroca is bright and understands the law but he is a very disorganized thinker. He is manic and lets his emotions get in the way of his professional judgment.

    As for the result? Whatever. The defendant will end up serving life in prison. Who really cares? Death penalty litigation is such a waste of time and money. Life in prison is cheaper and just as effective as removing a dangerous person from society as is a heart-stopping dose of potassium chloride.

  6. Not necessarily wrong to attack, just took it too far (button not available).

  7. It's not even steven... you trashed a decent guy without good cause. But at least you removed the post. Everyone makes mistakes Rumpole, glad you recognized yours.

  8. In ten years there won't be five lawyers in this town who are death certified unless they relax the rules - it is very hard to get two death cases to verdict. They also need to rise the rates to at least 150 dollars an hour.

  9. We didn't make a mistake. We stand by what we did. But as soon as the lawyer who doesn't read his own blog decided to read his, we removed our posts upon his word he would stop stealing our writing.

    And as for you, 11:38 AM, oh NO! Well, that's it I guess. No more blog. Why write it if idiots like you won't read it? Oh yeah, you will be reading it, so we will keep writing it.


  10. The lawyers who do court appointed death cases are among the worst trial lawyers in Miami. They are there only because of their longevity and not because of any talent. Who would handle such serious cases for peanuts unless that's the only way they can make a living?
