Wednesday, May 04, 2016




With just over 24 hours to go before the deadline to Qualify for the 2016 Miami-Dade Judicial Elections, there are many creatures a-stirring throughout all parts of our great County.

The following Incumbent Circuit and County Judges are holding their breath, all currently unopposed, waiting to see who among them will join the summer breakfast circuit traveling between Florida City to the South and Aventura to the North; from Miami Beach to the East to the likes of Doral, Sweetwater, and Kendall to the West:


John Schlesinger
Rodolfo "Rudy" Ruiz
Scott Bernstein
Bertila Soto
John Thornton
Jennifer Bailey
Barbara Areces
William Thomas
Milt Hirsch
Samantha Ruiz Cohen
Nushin Sayfie
Monica Gordo


Michaelle Gonzalez-Paulson
Diana Vizcaino
Laura Anne Stuzin

The following "CONTESTED" races are lining up as follows:

Circuit Group 9 - Incumbent Jason Bloch* v. Marcia Del Rey

Circuit Group 30 - Incumbent Rosa Rodriguez v. Jorge Lopez*

Circuit Group 34 - Mark Blumstein v. Renee Gordon v. Denise Martinez-Scanziani v. Luis Perez-Medina.  (Judge Gill Freeman retiring).

Circuit Group 39 - David Young v. NOBODY YET. (Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat retiring).

Circuit Group 52 - Carol "Jodie" Breece v. Raul Perez-Ceballos v. Oscar Rodriguez-Fonts. (Judge Michael Genden retiring).

Circuit Group 66 - Incumbent Robert Luck v. Yolly Roberson*

Circuit Group 74 - Incumbent George "Jorge" Sarduy v. Elena Ortega-Tauler

County Group 5 - Incumbent Fred Seraphin v. Milena Abreu

County Group 7 - Incumbent Ed Newman v. Lizzett Martinez*

County Group 15 - Ruben Yury Alcoba v. Linda Luce v. Eleane Sosa-Bruzon*. (Judge Judith Rubenstein retiring).

County Group 23 - Incumbent Carroll Kelly v. Rosy Anette Aponte*

County Group 35 - Incumbent Wendell Graham v. Antonio "Tony" Jimenez

*Indicates that the candidate has filed their initial Statement of Candidate for Judicial Office but they have not yet paid their Qualifying Fee.



  1. Someone should hop in that Robert Luck race. Yolly may hop out!! He needs to be opposed.

  2. Captain, what's the story about rumors of some meeting that supposedly took place in Bonita Springs where some people who run judicial campaigns in Miami-Dade reportedly decided who was going to file or switch groups between today and Friday?

  3. 12:22. I believe in the democratic process as much as the next guy. But Luck deserving opposition? He is a brilliant jurist and will probably be on the Federal Bench before long. This guy was in his office on Christmas Day churning out well reasoned opinions so litigants could have finality to their cases instead of being back logged into oblivion. Luck is a smart man and a hard worker. Isn't that what we want In a Judge? If you want drama - turn on the tv. Leave the good judges alone.

  4. It is great to see incumbents opposed, it will keep many judges who think they are elected for life on their toes and possibly more human in their dealing with the public, staff and attorneys that appear before them.

    After all the bemoaning by so many in this blog and the legal community, it is hysterical that Mr. Know-It-All Milt Hirsh & Ms. Rudeness Monica Gordo have garnered no opposition.


  5. UPDATE:

    Jason Bloch has now paid his qualifying fee.

    Cap Out .....

  6. ortega-tauler stays against sarduy - loans herself $100k after the sale of her property in a couple of weeks.

    its election time b!tches!

  7. Yolly cannot win. The Haitian Lawyers Association is not supporting her and neither are the Dems. She is dreaming. Though if she stays it creates the dynamic for a spoiler to run away with the win from both Yolly and Luck.

    Laura Anne Stuzin's name is like Fleur Jeannine Lobree and Flora Seff. Money cannot buy love for name. A great name can defeat a strange name. Think about it. (This was the truth before the mid 80's too when it was all white men primarily on the bench.) Appointees that have never ran a campaign will make many mistakes and can be defeated. Even Aponte can win here. Not Elena Tauler-Ortega Jimenez Garcia Perez Diaz Ceballos Thomas though.

    This post begs for someone to run against David Young. Strangely enough it does not ask the same for other heavyweights like Chief Judge Soto or Judge Hirsch. Young has raise a lot of cash and has worked his base. This blog is underestimating the preparation of Young, but things that Sayfie and Kelly are stronger? That is ironic.

    Judge Sarduy may get his clock cleaned. Not by Elena though. Likely a late candidate with better credentials and bedside manner.

    Graham will sadly lose his seat for being late so often, falling asleep and not reading up on his cases. Is he aware he will lose his senior judge status when he loses? Judge Graham it is acceptable to retire.

    Judge Bloch you make your election tougher each day. While no one likes Marcia or Hector, you are just strange and indecisive. Please stop the jokes and make a decision. If a third candidate jumps in this race it could truly become interesting. As it stands it is difficult to vote for Marcia or Bloch.

    Raul please stop dancing and be serious. Gordon you are not ready or even aware. Maybe wait for 2020? Oscar roar like a lion because it is time to wake up. Jorge this is going to get ugly. John does not know what he is doing and will get you and Aponte in trouble. Lizzette seems like you are on AC power and other days on DC. You are making Newman look good lately. Jimenez please stop. Alcoba who? Medina I am seriously confused by you and Denise. Seraphin early retirement is not a bad option sense you are not trying to win and obviously lack campaign knowledge. Gordo behave please. Sayfie and Bernstein keep up the good work.

    Anyone have Broward and WP news?

  8. Rosy Aponte has qualified in Group 52.....for now

  9. Rump, It's not Jason Bloch v. Marcia Del Rey. It's Jason Bloch v. Hector Lombana. Del Rey is just his puppet to settle a personal beef.

  10. Robert Luck is one of the best judges on the bench in South Florida, federal court included, and this is coming from a defense attorney. He will not suffer laziness, incompetence, or sloppy work, and he bends over backwards to reach the right decision. And unlike some of the judges in that building, he's not afraid to make fair calls even in difficult and controversial cases.



    Rosy Aponte has moved again. This time, to stay.

    Ms. Aponte is out of the County Court race and now running for Circuit Court yet again. But this time it's not against an incumbent Judge, instead she filed to run in Group 52. She has paid her qualifying fee and she intends to remain in that Group.

    Attorney Daniel A. Espinosa has also filed in Circuit Group 30. He has not yet paid his qualifying fee.

    Cap Out .....

  12. yolly qualified in luck - his luck will run out against yolly.


  13. UPDATE:

    Yolly Roberson has now paid her qualifying fee.

    Lizzett Martinez has also now paid her qualifying fee.

    Cap Out .....

  14. Hopefully, Daniel Espinosa will pay his outstanding judgments prior to becoming a judge. It would be a real embarrassment if the Sheriff were to come and levy upon his robes !

  15. It is interesting that Daniel A. Martinez has money to pay a qualifying fee, but has left judgments unsatisfied. Welcome to Dade County Politics.

  16. One has to wonder if Daniel Espinosa is seeking a seat on the bench so that he can spring his fraudster father, or if he is just worried that with dad in jail his referral source will dry up.

  17. Who the F is Lizzett Martinez???


  18. UPDATE:

    In Group 30 of the Circuit Court, Jorge A Lopez has disappeared as quickly as he appeared one day ago when he filed to run against Judge Rosa Rodriguez. Unfortunately for Rodriguez, Daniel Espinosa is still hanging around that Group, but still has not paid his qualifying fee. (see my comment at 12:50 PM).

    Where will Lopez pop up next - David Young's Group ?????

    Cap Out .....

  19. the repercussions if anyone files against young and sayfie will be immense and too much for one to handle.

  20. Anticipating unusual demand due to the large number of contested judicial elections, the governor's office has issued an emergency order suspending sales of antacid, antidiarrheal and antianxiety agents to the general public until 12:01 p.m. on Friday, May 6, 2016, in order to ensure adequate supplies to meet the needs of judicial candidates and incumbents qualifying that morning.

  21. At 11:45 Friday someone is filling for Public Defender against Carlito

  22. Group 30 should be interesting, many skeletons will be coming out to dance.

  23. And now it comes. Group 30 may be contested and the skeletons will soon emerge

  24. Next year we need to hire a new guy to post fake rumors about who is filing against who. Needs to be more dramatic and reflect the hopes and dreams of the poster.

  25. Dear 11: 38:
    You love Judge Luck. I don't. I found him to be a total jerk. He constantly told me how smart he was and how he knew everything about everything. He wouldn't give Mother Teresa a break. Me no fan.

  26. Please tell me Gordo has meaningful opposition. She is as bad as peter Adrian. Her single qualification is....well, she has none. Maybe the last name..

  27. 7:16: Agreed. Arrogant and insufferable are the words that come to mind with Luck. He was rude to everyone, clients, attorneys, his staff, even other judges. Ask Judge Walsh about the mess he left for her, the audit was a disaster.

    1. He's super nice off the bench.

    2. He is not rude to his staff at all!

  28. Raul Perez-Ceballos withdrew from 52. He will not run this year.

  29. The time of reckoning approaches as the high-noon deadline looms! Who will it finally be, the gallant combatants of judicial democracy? Enquiring minds wann know....
