Monday, October 05, 2015


ESPN and the Miami Herald have announced that Joe Philbin is no longer the Head Coach of the Miami Dolphins.  (That must have been a long plane ride home from London.)  The interim Head Coach is Tight Ends Coach Dan Campbell.  He played for Bill Parsells and Sean Payton, and is real motivator.  It is said that he is the player's favorite coach.  The hope has to be that he can motivate a team in disarray, and uninspired, to play to their capabilities.

If I am Campbell, the first thing I do is tell my Defensive Coordinator that instead of a two gap defense, which the players hate and is reactive not aggressive, to now play a one gap, aggressive, up the field defense, which plays to the strengths of the personnel (Suh and Wade for example).  If he can't or won't, fire him and put the defensive line coach in as the coordinator.  Shake things up.  Give the players something to believe in.  This should be an interesting two weeks.


  1. The Captain Reports:

    Great write-up by Howard Cohen of the Miami Herald:

    Miami-Dade Circuit Judge William Gladstone, children’s advocate, dies at 85

    The man has a building named after him (along with Sy Gelber). He deserves a tremendous amount of credit for getting Tallahassee and local government to redirect their efforts in the area of juvenile crime and in focusing on the children.

    Rumpole usually posts something in the BLOG when such a heavyweight in our criminal justice system passes away. I venture to guess that most of those that read the BLOG are too young to even know who Judge Gladstone was. Maybe some of the old-timers that had a chance to appear before him, or work with him, can chime in on his life and his contributions to juvenile justice.

    Cap Out .....

  2. I was a prosecutor assigned to Judge Gladstone's court in the 80's. He was a true gentleman who really cared about everyone. He was like a dad to everyone in that court house.

    May he rest in peace.

  3. How much longer James Blake? #FireAlGolden

  4. Many years(decades) ago I was retained to represent a lawyers son who got arrested for trafficking in marijuana in a larger amount that was stored in a vacant house near Palmetto High School. The son was accepted at an ivy league school for college. Although standing was a real concern as well as the rest of the motion to suppress Judge Gladstone granted the motion probably because he realized the vast harm a conviction would carry with this otherwise outstanding student. I believe based on his reputation of looking out for the juveniles he did what he thought was best for the child, not withstanding the harsh law. He was a great Judge and his likes will not be seen again for a very long time, if ever. New Judges assigned to Juvenile rotate out as soon as they can for greener pastures. But Judge Gladstone stayed out of devotion and care.

  5. I'm trying to arrange my office's holiday party. Would ren (a venue) be a good spot? Serious answers only.

  6. To the person who inquired whether REN would be a good place for a holiday office party, the answer, without sarcasm or fanfare is an emphatic NO!
