Thursday, October 01, 2015


Leslie Rothenberg, formerly of the Dade State Attorneys Office, the Circuit Court bench, a putative run at the State Attorney position, and currently on the 3rd DCA, has been elected chief Judge of the 3rd DCA starting Summer, 2017. 

And to think, we knew her when.


The only thing missing from this Miami-Dade State Attorney Office Facebook page is a selfie of the prosecutors.  On the Facebook page on this post is a picture of the defendant, defeated, cuffed, in custody. 

Thank you to prosecutors Kimberly Archila and David Emas for all the hard work in this case under difficult circumstances.

A long time ago, a coach once told us "son, when you score, act like you've been there before." 

We've always tried to follow that philosophy with jury trials. But our SAO doesn't.  Tsk. Tsk. 

Judge Steve Leifman has ruled…. the red light camera system does not comply with state law. You can get your red light camera ticket dismissed. Just call 1-888-rum-ptix, and we will take care of it for you. 


  1. "Son, when you score, act like you've been there before." Screw that. It's thinking like that, that has made sports unbearable to watch. You're running back and tear off a 50 yard go ahead TD but once you get in the end zone, you're supposed to just hand the ball to the ref while the stadium full of your fans is going crazy cheering? No way, go ahead and show off.

    We congratulate the defense on this blog when they defeat the state. I have no problem with the state patting themselves on the back when they win.

    A wise man once asked Tom Brady, "You mad bro?"

  2. Yesterday, I saw Judge Miranda's Bailiff refuse entry to the Courtroom to two ladies whose family member was a defendant . He told them they weren't dressed properly for Court . One had a sort but tasteful dress, the other shorts. Not what I would advise a client's family to wear, but as the lady in shorts said " its hot outside" .
    I was under the impression Courts are open to the public and more importantly, didn't the Florida Supremes say 20 years ago that Judges should not comment on what people wear to court ?
    Miranda's Bailiff was acting more like a doorman at a SoBe club, regulating who gets in.

  3. That Facebook page is so embarrassing

  4. Really dumb, but ... Talk about the pot calling the frying pan beige. Lovely to see the FACDL via Kevin Hellman start a round of Yippee every time someone wins a 3rd degree felony. Followed by 30 or 40 Congrats to suggest that 'justice' was done. We all know that 95% of cases are decided on the facts and witnesses, and we take credit when little is due. YES, Rundle is wrong. YES, the PD is wrong. Now -- go back to work instead of glad handing yourself.

  5. Judge Rothenberg is the single most rotten example of improper judicial activism Florida courts have ever seen. Her opinions based on personal and political considerations instead of focusing on precedent and following the rules of appellate procedure. She is a glaring example of Thomas Jefferson’s famous "despotic behavior" opinion of certain judges. She got on the bench because JEB owed her a favor after her grossly unsuccessful run for Dade State Attorney. Now, she sits on the dais like the people of Dade County elected her. The same people who she constantly bashes with her results-driven attitude, and utter disregard for the law, appellate procedure and love for hospitals, big tobacco, insurance companies and prosecutors. She will go outside the record if she has to, in order to accomplish her iniquitous goals. Even her own colleagues trash her in private and gossip about what an difficult and awful judge she is. Worst of all, because of our awful retention system, Cruella De Vil now gets to be chief judge.

  6. It is Rothenberg's turn. She is the most senior judge, who has not been Chief Judge. That is the way it works. It is not that it is the choice of her colleagues, but the seniority system. Years ago, one judge gave up his turn so that David Levy, who had been on the court a long time, could have one year as Chief Judge before he retired.

    Despite the disdain many on this blog show for her criminal decisions, a view not shared by a majority of the judges at the 3rd, she has been outstanding in her Civil and Family decisions.

  7. Professor, with all due respect you're dead wrong. She has been awful in her Civil decision. Just ask any Plaintiff's lawyer in town!

  8. Anyone have a link/cite/location for Leifman's opinion?

  9. I agree with 6 am and "old guy".

    I hate the FACDL congrats emails. But isn't it hypocritical for you to be criticizing Kathy for doing the very same thing. And the picture is from the Herald article... not one they took.

    Stop patting yourselves on the backs and pretending to be humble. Just do the job you are paid to do.

  10. Rump, "C'Mon Man" Ain't a slight classy celebration due for a job well done, despite the side of the isle. Now when teammates start jumpin in, or ya start Whippin n Nae Nae'in, then you deserve it when the refs throw a flag, or bloggers blog.

  11. I heard that the REN (a venue) will be offering 2x1 deals to ASA's and PD's who celebrate winning trials in order to compensate for the poor salaries paid by the state.

  12. I don't see anything wrong with a good celebration.

    s/ Fake Ickey Woods

  13. "I have no problem with the state patting themselves on the back when they win." That's bad form old boy, one never pats oneself on the back.

    Please note that in real football, scoring is met with exuberant celebration. In american, monopolist, cartel football there may be no celebration, but does anyone still watch that now that the EPL is here, live and in high def?

    "Hook was not his true name. To reveal who he really was would even at this date set the country in a blaze; but as those who read between the lines must already have guessed, he had been at a famous public school; and its traditions still clung to him like garments, with which indeed they are largely concerned. Thus it was offensive to him even now to board a ship in the same dress in which he grappled [attacked] her, and he still adhered in his walk to the school's distinguished slouch. But above all he retained the passion for good form.

    Good form! However much he may have degenerated, he still knew that this is all that really matters."

  14. "...she has been outstanding in her Civil..decisions." Maybe if you run an insurance company?

  15. Link to Leifman opinion????

  16. Rotenberg continues to intentionally screw Plaintiffs even when the law is dead set against them. This week she reversed Judge Walsh on work product on a maritime case and held the Plaintiff could not have photos taken post accident by the defense even though the Plaintiff has no access to the ship. Just awful. And reversed Judge Cueto's award of attorney fees in a insurance case holding that the hours were "excessive" and the multiplier was not mandated.This rotten judge has never tried a civil case and has no idea about overhead in a Plaintiff trial firm. Hopefully her administrative duties will keep this nitwit off the bench, at least a little.

  17. I understand that Plaintiff's attorneys are not happy with her decisions, however that is not all there is to civil, and she still has been outstanding on family issues. Prosecutors don't like some judges, insurance defense lawyers don't like others. It is not possible to make everyone happy. But overall, in civil and family, she really has been outstanding.

  18. Sad day in Oregon. The losers who "egged" him on should be hit with conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism. This is from a flaming liberal, gun toting Def Atty.

  19. Other than the lonely, miserable butt munch that limply posted a REN comment as he spent another night alone , this is the best comment stream ever

  20. Agree with 12:35. The Ren posts are boring and annoying. If I was advertising my law firm on this blog within posts, I'm sure you would delete them. But you let the somebody advertise a nightclub? On a legal blog?

  21. For those who have expressed unhappiness at "Judge Rothenberg's decisions" in insurance cases, she did not rule alone. There were at least 2 out of 3 judges who voted against the Plaintiff's position. If she was so clearly wrong, then the other two judges would tell her so. In some cases it has been unanimous or per curium. She writes an opinion, but the majority must concur. These are rulings of the 3rd DCA, not Judge Rothenberg. Don't just kill the messenger.

  22. No, Judge Rothenberg doesn't like plaintiffs' cases, and finds reasons to reverse them. But she is not a "nitwit". She's a very hard worker, who comes in very prepared, with a definite point of you. Don't underestimate her. She's one very sharp lady.
