Saturday, May 23, 2015


From: Somewhere you're not. 

Rumpole traditionally takes a vacation to start the summer season, relaxing in a place far away from the summer crowds and noisy americans wearing loud bathing suits, sipping diet poison, playing obnoxious music on devices, and ordering another cheeseburger and fries. 

Scandinavia, Lake Tahoe, Fiji, The South of France, Patagonia, and of course lovely old London,  these are all places we have frequented in the past.  And this year we prefer to keep our location, as we usually do, bi mat

Speaking of Music, a subject too often neglected in these pages, we invite you to comment about your favourite SUMMER SONGS. We will post the best lists on the front page. And of course, any Beach Boys song makes the list, with Surfin USA topping it,  (Happy Judge Slom?) So lets go a little deeper. 

We will kick it off, with our all time favourite, deep track summer song, from First Class: Beach Baby

Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams, makes the list. As does the 1964 classic Under the Boardwalk by the Drifters. And you can add School's Out for Summer by Alice Cooper if you so desire.

WARNING: And since in a prior discussion the blog vox populi agreed to ban offensive words and ideas, we will not approve any Justin Timberlake comments/songs.   

First up, and it's a great one: 
Heatwave (Martha Reeves and The Vandellas)

Summer in the City, The Boys of Summer, Sitting on the Dock of the Bay, One Love….
Decent list. 

Have at it and enjoy your long weekend. 


  1. Rumpole,

    That's the worst song. Ever. Sorry.

  2. John Mellencamp

    Jack and Diane

  3. Hot Fun in the Summertime (Sly and the Family Stone)

    Heatwave (Martha Reeves and The Vandellas)

    Summertime (Will Smith).

  4. I'm adding Heatwave to the front. Great pick.

  5. 10:06 then go listen to the Pitbull station Sirius 4.

  6. I'm reading poker books in prep for the wsop and I still can't get reverse implied odds.

  7. Hot in the City
    Billy Idol

  8. Now that Marvin Gaye's family has been able to successfully sue Pharrell Williams and that other clown for melody plagiarism, Chuck Berry should be able to get at least half of the Beach Boys' royalties for the last 50 years, since "surf music" is little more than a rehash of Chuck's music for white people. Come to think of it, Chuck should be able to get a nice little penny from the Rolling Stones too.

    Best summertime song for me is "Summertime Blues" by Eddie
    Cochran, The Who (my favorite verison), Blue Cheer, Rush, and many others. Some of the best rock lyrics ever--"I went to my Congressman and he said quote 'I'd like to help you son, but your too young to vote.'"

  9. What are reverse implied odds?

  10. "You all know me. You all know what I do for a living…" (Quint's speech from Jaws, the greatest summer movie, with Independence Day a distant second. Anyway, I am a semi professional poker player and an REGJB regular.

    To understand reverse implied odds you need to understand 1) pot odds and then 2) implied pot odds, as RIPO are the opposite of implied pot odds.

    Pot odds is the ratio of money in the pot over the money you need to put in. If the pot had 100 bucks and you need ten to call, 100/10= 10:1, the pot is giving you ten to one to continue playing.

    Pot odds are the only real odds you can calculate and the only odds you need to know.

    Two poker theorists from the 1970's began to speculate if you were heads up at the flop in holdem an you knew your opponent, then besides calculating pot odds, you could SPECULATE what additional money they would bet as the hand progressed. This is implied pot odds. To do this, you need to know your opponent and understand their range and how they bet.

    To be continued

  11. Lets say your opponent raised heavy pre flop and you know that they always do this only with AK or AQ or JJ 10-10. And the flop was A-K-7. And you had KK. Your opponent has top two pair. with now 110 in the pot, how much can you speculate they will put in? In a cash game you need to know their stack. Lets say they have 500 more. You can probably, depending on the turn and the river estimate that with top two pair on the board and no flush or straight coming, they will risk the rest of their stack. So now every bet they make you should consider their total 500 at risk and calculate in your pot odds.

    Say a 2 comes at the turn and they bet 100. The pot now has 210 and it costs you 100 to play, the pot is giving you 2.1:1. But really you know they will call an all in, so you look at the pot as not 210 but 610 (calculating their additional 400 remaining) and in reality the pot is giving you 6.1:1 to call.
    This is implied pot odds, And as you can see it's merely guess based on two things- 1) what your opponent has and 2) what they will risk.

    Personally I use implied pot odds very little in my game and I grind 3-6K a week at 5-10 easily.

  12. So now Reverse Implied Pot Odds RIPO is the money you can expect to lose assuming you are behind in the game. Again, assume your opponent has AK and now you have k-10 and the flop comes A-K-7.

    You have middle pair to top two pair. To calculate RIPO if you know you are behind, look at your opponent's stack (500) and calculate how much they will risk (assumption 1) based on the hand you put them on (assumption 2) and add that to the pot.

    In my opinion, with all die respect to David Sklansky who invented these concepts, it's mental masturbation. Its mostly guess work. Spending your time reading your opponents, calculating your outs, your Expected Value (which granted must include pot odds and some very rough implied pot odds) will serve you better than RIPO and IPO.

    Good luck. I will be at the WSOP starting July 3. Just got back from Vegas and will be there in June for some other tournaments.

  13. Summer in the City, The Loving Spoonful

  14. Wow "Poker" ... are you looking for investors? You are very intelligent and I could use a good investment! Keep winning in poker, in court and in life! Magnet

  15. Ok Rumpole, you ready to roll? Lets dance.

    Nimitz, Fletcher and Spruance were bumblers at Midway. Only blind luck let them carry the day. Nagumo and Yamamoto had the advantage and pressed it and got caught.

    One interesting note- WWII naval operations were at the time much like poker today, a game of skill with incomplete information.

    Your thoughts big fella?

  16. Rumpole

    It IS the worst.



    This is the geriatric blog.

    I hate pitfull

  17. For we old timers, there is nothing like Nat King Cole singing "Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer"

  18. The boys of summer needs to be on that playlist. So does Summer by War.

  19. I say any song that Elaine can dance to at her office party.....

  20. Claude Erskine BrowneSunday, May 24, 2015 4:54:00 PM

    Summertime ( and the living is easy)
    Billie Holiday or Janis Joplin

  21. billie holiday? Hey 4:54-- how old are you?

  22. No particular order:

    Sitting on the dock of a bay
    The kid rock song
    The Jon bovi song
    Go to sleepy little baby
    One love

  23. The Heat is On - Glenn Frey

  24. Geriatric for sure....


  25. MEMORIAL DAY .....

    From Senator Bill Nelson:

    In the history of our nation more than a million men and women have lost their lives while serving in the military and protecting our freedoms.

    It is only fitting that, for nearly 150 years now, we have set aside a day each year in May to remember those who made this ultimate sacrifice.

    Their dedication and courage never ceases to amaze me. So, as we pause this Memorial Day to honor those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms, I hope you’ll also join me in saying a prayer for the safety of those currently serving here at home and around the globe.

    Well said, Senator Nelson, well said.

    Captain Out .....




    Before President Obama took office, his predecessor President Bush prohibited the press from covering Dover Air Force Base and the story of our dead soldiers and their trip back home.

    NPR and CBS both have good coverage of it below ...


    Most of the troops who died during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were flown to Dover Air Force base in Delaware. And for most of the wars, those dignified transfers were off limits to the press. That changed in 2009, when President Obama lifted the media ban and paid a visit to Dover himself

    Cap Out .....

  27. Here is an old favorite dating back to the bobby soxers and re-recorded many times over the years but still a good listen.

  28. I count every day as a blessing that my son did not come back in a box from his tour in Afghanistan. I hug him every day I am with him, never leave him without a kiss and always, but always, tell him I love him at the end of every phone call.

  29. The more I read this blog the more I realize that Richard is rumpole. But it's great that you have lead everyone to believe it's Phil! Brilliant! And your counterpart captain Brian.

  30. Theme from A Summer Place by Percy Faith and his orchestra.

  31. Too Hot - Kool and the Gang

  32. See You in September by The Happenings - "Have a good time, but remember, there is danger in the summer moon above......"

  33. Captain is Eiglarsh. He's admitted it here.

  34. Beautiful girls..............Van Halen

