Wednesday, October 08, 2014


Jurors convicted Andrew "Birdman" Rolle for the first degree murder of Detective James Walker Wednesday afternoon, in a tense re-trial, that saw the jury announce they were hung 6-6, and in which the jury asked to  SEE the video of certain witnesses testifying. The jurors mistakenly thought that the news camera was recording the whole trial.

Congratulations to ASA Abbe Rifkin who fought for justice for the killer of a Miami Dade detective. She persevered through a mistrial and never stopped fighting for what she believed was right.

David Peckins and Stuart Adelstein for the defense. Two very experienced defense attorneys placed in the extremely unenviable position of defending the accused and now convicted murder of a police officer. When no else will step forward and defend the seemingly un-defendable, great lawyers like these two make our constitution and our system work.

Here is Ovalle's story in the Herald.

See you in court.


  1. Wow … David Peckins has been trying murder and death penalty cases for so many years. He should be awarded a medal for protecting the toughest and least likable clients at the Justice Building.

    He should be a Judge -- as I know he really wants to be.

    Congratulations DAVID PECKINS on one heck of a career and being a REAL LAWYER.

  2. Two of the best defense attorneys around town but Rifkin is no slouch either.

  3. 8:45 pm: a REAL LAWYER can try cases without making personal attacks against opposing counsel. Apparently, protecting "the toughest and least likable clients" has rubbed off on your guy.

  4. Wait a minute. Both defense lawyers were paid big bucks to defend the case. Abbe is on salary and was paid about 100k last year.

    They are just doing their jobs and they ARE getting paid to do them.

    1. Who was paying the bills here?

  5. The Professor says:

    David spent many years trying to become a judge, and each time something stopped him which should not have. Whether it was an opponent who was not as qualified, or getting out of committee against others who were more politically connected.

    David would have made a superb judge who, despite his long career defending the worst of the worst, had a realistic attitude toward the law, his clients and the prosecution role in the system. It is a great loss that he never got there.

  6. David would have made an excelent judge. Too bad he didnt have a latin hypened last name and only 5 years of experience being a lawyer. Our judges get elected with a latin female name and most have zero trial experience or courtroom time. In fact one of our current judges sold Amway out of her husbands law office and got elected in a landslide over an experienced judge of many years who was not latin and had no war chest to win reelection.

  7. David seems like a nice enough guy off the bench but if his demeanor as a traffic hearing officer is any indication, we are all very lucky that he is not a judge. He denies all motions and gives the worst sentences in the building.

  8. You never know who is going to make a good judge. The position magnifies good and bad characteristics. The position has brought out good qualities in the "Amway" judge, who is patient, prepared, and eager to learn. Other lawyers renowned for their smarts have shown themselves on the bench to be arrogant, overbearing and short-tempered.

  9. I tried a case against David. Last minute, his client came up with an alibi witness, his gf, I deposed her after voirdire. When it came time for him to present his case, David refused to call her as a witness bc he knew she lied during the depo and would lie on the stand. I doubt there are many defense arts who would do the same. I would take him as a judge over most of the judges currently on the bench save a very few.

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