Friday, October 17, 2014


"Sometimes wrong, but never in doubt" was the funny, dismissive comment our wonderful law school property professor would quip when he zeroed in on a first year law student and didn't get the correct answer. 

Perhaps that should be the motto of the Miami Herald as this week they WITHDREW their previous endorsement of embattled County Court Judge Jacqueline Schwartz ("take down that stinkin sign") and endorsed her opponent Frank Bocanegra. 

The Miami Herald withdraws an election recommendation rarely, sometimes reluctantly, when new information leads to reconsideration. And this is the case in the runoff between incumbent Miami-Dade County Judge Jacqueline Schwartz and attorney Frank Bocanegra. In August, the Herald recommended Ms. Schwartz’s re-election because of her experience on the bench. The incumbent drew two opponents for the primary. She and Mr. Bocanegra ended up in a runoff.
Since the primary, the Miami Herald reported an incident at a Coconut Grove convenience store in which the owner said that Ms. Schwartz demanded that he remove an opponent’s oversized campaign sign from the parking lot outside or display hers, too, then cursed at him when he said he could not because he was not the property owner. The story continues that the judge called Miami code enforcement, which made the store owner remove the too-large sign.
This raises sufficient questions about the judge’s demeanor. The individuals interviewed at the convenience store — a cashier corroborated the story in a sworn statement — said they did not know she was a judge when she came in.

Mao said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
But Mao never had Miami Code Enforcement as a weapon. 
See you in court. 

Read more here:


  1. On the next episode of Intervention...

    "Jackie, first of all I want to say that everyone here loves you and wants the best for you. But we want to see you get the help you need. Last month, you cursed out a 7-11 cashier because of a sign. Now even the Herald says they have to turn their back on you. We have a place for you to go. Look here at the brochure- they have games, arts and crafts, music time and even a gym. We're all here to support you."

  2. Anyone who has been in her Hialeah courtroom knows she needs to go......frank can't be worse
