Sunday, October 12, 2014


The story of the day is the defeat of the Seahawks to the resurgent Cowpokes, and with that defeat, the departure of survivor pool stalwarts Jon Colby, Rick Freedman, Miguel De La Over, and Dustin Tischler. Dore Louis also goes down with a gutsy pick of the Bills at home over the cheaters, and fake Alex Michaels makes his move as a legitimate contender with a gutsy pick of the Browns over the steelers. 

And there is controversy, because the Commish - Michael Grieco and Brian Freedman picked the Bengals who did NOT lose, but also did not win, in a tie with the Panthers. It is our unappealable decision that Mssrs.  Grieco and Freedman are  still alive because this is a survivor pool and the rule is that if you pick a team that loses, you are out, and Freedman and Grieco's  team clearly did not lose. 

Sorry dear blog readers and survivor pool participants. An emergency matter regarding a client has arisen out of state and at the moment we have limited internet access. Such is the life of a sought after attorney. 

Survivor pool participants- get your picks in.  We will post the picks, but probably not before this evening. 

Take the Bengals -7 at home in a bounce back over the Panthers. 
 The Cardinals -6 at home over the Skins.
Under 55.5 Bears at Falcons.


  1. There will be a bring back Kenny rally at Prime Italian tonight at 6pm supporting the groundswell movement to bring Kenny back to the survivor pool.

  2. Zegna Bal Harbour Sales Representative responsible for Sir Kenny W.Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:18:00 PM

    Finally ….

    the NFL. Isn't this what the blog is all about and does best? Enough of the intellectual talk and "who is the best author in history?".

  3. Does anyone know if David Young was approved as a senior judge or has he never applied for it?

  4. hey rump….

    what happens when there is a TIE?

    bengals? carolina? who wins and who loses?

  5. A tie is a loss in survivor.

  6. Did wasson's kid ever get tickets to the game?


  8. You know what Rumpole?

    I am done with this silly Suicide Pool until next year. I am sick of it. Bye Bye.

  9. First, I lose in the Suicide Pool.

    What next, Erectile Dysfunction?

  10. I respectfully disagree Rump. In survivor pool, you pick a time to win. Cincinnati did not win.

  11. If I was one of the participants that picked the Bengals, I would put it up for a vote. But I'm not, so I have no skin in this game. Egads! I;m like a judge. What a truly horrifying thought. But that being said, you go out of the survivor pool when you pick a team that loses. And their team didn't lose. QED they remain alive.

  12. Hey Rump,

    I took the Chargers yesterday, not Seattle. I should still be alive.

    Dustin Tischler

  13. The people who took the Bengals should bow out. Have some self-respect.

  14. Rumpole:

    The Browns handily beat the Steelers at Three Rivers (or whatever it is called these days) for the first time in I don't know how long, moving them to 3-2.

    In the next three weeks they face three teams that, at present, have a single win among them.

    This is the year, Rumpole. This is the year.

    1. It's that what you were telling yourself right before you lost by 50 points, Kuntz?

  15. Craven anonymous at @7:09:

    I deeply resent your hurtful, slanderous and inaccurate remarks. Fifty points!? Fifty? Why, a simple review of the public record reveals that I lost by a mere 29 points (really only 28.8 to be precise).

    Missed it by THAT much, as Maxwell Smart used to say.

    Also, an even more simple review of a calendar will show that this 29-point squeaker of an election occurred more than four years ago. As I've written in these pages, I've long since gotten over it. Haven't you, oh meek anonymous poster? If not, I'm sorry my near miss has caused you such lingering angst.

    [As for my beloved Browns, I am as certain as I have ever been that this is the year. I've been that certain every year of the past 50 (barring the dark, empty, teamless years following Model's midnight flight). That's how it is to believe in something.]
