Friday, April 11, 2014


Miami Dade's Drug Court (Motto: "First in the nation") celebrated twenty five years today with a graduation ceremony attended by dignitaries and retired  Judges  Jeffrey Rosinek and Herb Klein, and former drug court judge Deborah White-Labora. 

Miami Dade did indeed launch the first drug court in the nation and that is something we all should be justly proud of. 

Treating the disease instead of criminalizing the addiction has saved literally tens of thousands of lives. 
Judges like Jeff Rosinek, the late Stanley Goldstein and Deborah White-Labora created and carried on a tradition of caring, concern, and successful treatment of drug addiction. The savings of costs to our community in lives saved, families restored, not to mention the return of productive citizens to our community is immeasurable. 

It's popular these days to say government doesn't work. 
Drug court proves that government works. 
Drug court works. 

Congratulations to all the clerks, bailiffs, prosecutors, PDs, support staff and judges who dedicated their  time and effort to make Miami's Drug court  an indispensable and life saving program. You are doing the work of saints.  Godspeed. 

Enjoy your wonderful Masters spring weekend. 


  1. I served in drug court for several months when Judge Rosinek was presiding.

    It was a great time; watching how Judge Rosinek treated each and every defendant made me want to be a better person and help people.

    Nowadays "mensch" gets thrown around allot - it fits Rosinek perfect.

    What a great human being.

    Judge Rosinek's efforts saved thousands of souls over the years. I can not imagine a more worthy and satisfying endeavor.

  2. You need to mention Judge Jeri Beth Cohen, she has also been a leader in this field. She started drug Court for dependency and runs the Drug Court now. Props where props are due Horace.

  3. Ok Lets talk Masters. Brandt Snedecker's second at 18 today. Lasered it on the green and it seemed to nestle 20 feet beyond the hole at the far edge. But there is a ridge there leading back to the hole and the ball found the ridge and rolled right by the edge of the cup and Snedecker had a tap in birdie 3. The moment I saw the shot I said to myself that is just like Jim Colbert's second at 18 in the first round of the Masters in 74. Same lie. Snedecker clubbed down a bit but the ball landed in the same spot and like Colbert's it rolled over the left edge of the hole and came to rest for a tap in.

    Great game. Great course.

  4. Mickelson misses the cut and blows another Masters.

  5. Jeri Beth was left out on purpose. She is a nightmare.
    She never listens to anyone and drives everyone nuts.

  6. I hope that Rump will be as quick to post about the great Heat victory tonight as he has been to post about the defeats :) GO HEAT!!!

  7. 7:27- How about amateur Marty Fleckman's approach shot at the eleventh at Baltusrol during he 3rd round of the 1967 open which he was leading at the time?

  8. The mainstays from the State and PD's deserve a lot of recognition and admiration from all of us. Akiliah Bain and Audra Cohen have both been in drug court for many many years and have endured the daily grind. Some lawyers may think what they do is not lawyering but let me tell you from first hand experience - these two women are great lawyers and even better people.


  9. The trialmaster does not ever go to "drug court".

  10. Don't forget Stan Goldstein.
    He was the first judge and a great guy to work with.

    I miss him.

  11. The concept behind drug "court" is nice, but it ain't court. It's social service. Sadly, it has to be administered under auspices of court or else idiot politicians won't fund it. But those of us who practice law know drug court is NOT court. And Jeri Beth is a know-it-all who hit her ceiling of competency long ago.

  12. The polavestian dance number two by Boradict

  13. Judge Rosinek is the BEST and a gem of a guy. To add Judge Jeri Beth Cohen to the list of others is ridiculous. She is the nastiest and worst Judge I ever appeared before. She is not a nice jurist. She is vindictive and a know it all ... Who does not know much. I feel sorry for kids and their lawyers in her court. Yuck.

  14. Oh lord 8:53 am. so expected. So droll. So overused. Every time someone mentions a great approach shot some dofus always says "what about Marty Fleckstein in 67?"
    Geeze. Give me a b r e a k!

  15. The tournament will be decided by the 1st hole (toughest opening hole on the tour) the 4th, the 14th, and the birdie-able 18th. It could all come down to Bubba's drive and approach on 18.

  16. Lets acknowledge the hard work in Drug Court of the PDs. Brummer, Rodham, Goldstein and Martinez.
    Creating and pushing the Therapeutic Method INSTEAD Of the Adversary model.

  17. As a guy a few years younger than Fred Couples, and with Couples being 4 behind, I'd love to see him throw up a 66-67 and put himself in contention. Otherwise I see it coming down to Bubba and Rickey Fowler

  18. The JB Cohen bashing amuses me. She has done as much, if not more, than most anyone to help protect the rights and interests of the poor and addicted in the system. And, she's been doing it for 20 years.

    You don't like her personality? That's your problem. Your clients are far better off in front of her than 90% of the other judges. Her frustration stems from years of dealing with a system that doesn't seem to care, useless or ignorant lawyers, probation officers and prosecutors who don't get it, etc.

    You need to adjust your priorities......


  19. FYI Freddie just birdieed 1 and 2!

  20. BTDT: should we ALL adjust our priorities, or should JBC adjust her demeanor? I think the latter.

  21. Rump , if I was carrying a bag at Augusta today, I would pull out Ben Crenshaw's play book. Considering he won twice, it's not bad advice: work the ball left to right where you can; be short 5 yards and pitch or chip down hill with a small bump and let it release- hopefully for an eagle and then putt uphill for birdie; be happy with par on one, attack two for the eagle and settle for the birdie (as Couples just did) and come out of holes one through four -2.

    That will put anyone in contention near the top.

  22. PS in the closeups of the crowd at Amen Corner, I swear I see Shumie sitting in a big chair waiving a big cigar looking like he owns the place.

  23. Jeri Beth Cohen has done much but, she really is a know it all person who loved to push people around.

    In county court, she was a nightmare. In Juvy... she was a one man show. Nothing you could say would sway her. He made her mind up before you walked in the door.

    In drug court she is OK but, I give her a D- as a judge.

    Sorry but, I have had my fill of her speeches.

  24. 2:27.........I've never had a real problem with JB (on the one or two occasions where I felt she was over the top, I went and spoke with her in chambers. She was a pleasure to talk to and apologized. She'll listen if you approach her properly. She'll also listen if you're well prepared. And, you can get her to change her opinions. Her heart IS in the right place). I'm not saying she's perfect (she's not); I'm just saying that she has helped A LOT of people and deserves better than she's getting.


  25. Hey 5:42. You are probably right but, I am tired of the show she puts on.

    I would prefer a judge who actually listens to us.

  26. DS since you're patting PDs Office where are the PDs when the Empress Jeri Cohen runs amok and over the rights of defendants and/or their families or significant others, ordering them to get drug tested or threatening DCF action when she doesn't get her way?

  27. 432..............THAT I can understand, LOL. Seriously though, talk to her in chambers. She really is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and wants to do the right thing (I wish the other judges were as gutsy as she is).


  28. Jeri Cohen is a rude and sad excuse for a judge. She speaks down to everyone and her mouth caught her speaking ill of Hispanics and Cubans. Hector Lombana saved her and put her in his pocket of corruption. A pocket shared by the male version which is Al Milian. Neither should be on the bench.
