Friday, November 09, 2012


In all the election hoopla we neglected to mention that very quietly, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle has been re-elected. Ms. Rundle has been state attorney since Janet Reno became Attorney General on March 11, 1993. Ms. Rundle's 19 years in office surpasses Ms. Reno's 15. Ms. Rundle's tenure as State Attorney has not been without controversy. Certainly there is no reader of this blog who practices criminal law who has not at one time or another become frustrated when an Assistant State Attorney announced in court, for the umpteenth time, that they could not offer a more reasonable plea because their supervisor wouldn't let them. But that is the nature of a large prosecutors office. And Ms. Rundle's tenure has also been marked by many successes, often quietly occurring  outside of media coverage. As citizens of Dade County it is in all of our interests that the Dade County State Attorneys Office continues to be professionally run and staffed by dedicated and talented prosecutors. Congratulations Kathy Rundle, and keep up the good work. 

JUDGE ANDREA RICKER WOLFSON. Congratulations are also due to Judge Wolfson. She should never have had even one challenger, much less two, which forced her into an election run-off in November. It is worth noting that Judge Wolfson has admirably performed her duties as a judge while running non-stop for retention (and that means seven days a week) since March 2012. For the last eight months Judge Wolfson and her husband have worked tirelessly for her retention. We as lawyers and citizens of Dade County are all better off for it. We now have a wonderful judge who is hard working, fair, well respected and a Judge who brings respect and credit to the judiciary every day. When you bump into Judge Wolfson she will probably thank you for your support. You should thank her for her dedication. 

Well done Judge Wolfson. Well done indeed. 

Another wonderful weekend on tap and the Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner. Turkey time! Enjoy the weekend and see you in court on Monday. 


  1. Somebody explain to us how all these professional republican strategists/pollsters really and truly believed Romney was going to win? How could they be so blind? On the eve of every election since Nixon beat McGovern the losing candidate's people told him on the day of the election that there was no hope. Exceptions of course for 2000 and 2004. But Carter knew he was going to beat Ford and 4 years later on election day his pollster told him in the morning it had all broken Reagan's way over the weekend. Ditto Mondale and Dukakis and Dole and McCain. This election was not that close. How could they not have known?

  2. Well said Rump.

  3. Rumpole is on fire as of late. Leading me to believe he is spending less time in the office and more time drinking he seems...less angry and more reflective.

  4. Rumpole, I have spoken to many of my conservative friends about how they, not specifically the Romney people, actually believed Romney was going to win, much less in an EC landslide. The common thing all of them told me is that all the pundits said it would be so. My next question was where did these pundits supposedly preach this gospel. The answer, Fox News, Drudge, and so on. The reason why they thought they would win was because the only information they would accept as fact was right wing propaganda. As the allies moved deeper into Germany, Hitler still thought victory was within reach for his beloved fatherland. History is filled with this kind of hubris.

  5. There were hundreds of millions of Republican dollars put into the various PACs and there was no return on investment. There was no way the Republican propoganda machine, a/k/a Fox News and their pundits, could admit likely defeat. Rich people like those who funded the PACs don't like the fact their money went for nothing.

  6. Rump,

    Thoughts on the "fiscal cliff"?

    Pretty sad state of economic affairs when we need to delay spending cuts and revenue increases to avoid another recession.

    Timing is everything, I suppose.

  7. Dear 9:31 am poster: I love it when people use words like "hubris." Does anyone really use words like that, well... other than Milt Hirsch?

  8. Carter may have know he was going to beat Ford in 76 but don't think for a minute that he didn't have doubts. He was up 33 in the summer and won by about 2 or 3. Ford surged in the last week of the campaign He was done in by the Nixon pardon and a really dumb comment about Poland. In 76, Carter was a horrible campaigner and ran a terrible election campaign. Funny. Only one person took note of this: Ronald Reagan. Four years later, Carter was just as inept.

  9. I had the exact same experience as 9:31 where my conservative friends (who only watch Fox because they honestly believe it is the only "fair and balanced" network)were completely convinced Romney would win decisively. When I suggested they look at Silver's 538or Real Politics (which had Obama's odds of winning at 91%) for a more objective analysis they scoffed. Intrigued, I watched Fox Monday night. Without exception, every Fox commentator confidently predicted a Romney win or Romney landslide. I understood at once the disconnect between Fox viewers and reality.

  10. Wolfson missed many days while running for reelection. I was hoping she would loose. She is more of the more pro State judges and it is incredibly frustrating.

  11. I hate the left wing dribble as much as the right. Anytime a liberal goes to the bottom of the deck with Hitler comparisions, it irks fair minded rich people like myself. Taxes are my number one issue. This is a nice problem to have, I must admit. The republicans would be the more perfect party if they reached out to latins and supported the dream act. Abortion should be a non issue. Its almost a joke to me that the sky is falling econmically yet all the Dems were talking about in the end was social issues.. In the end, Obama winning will be good for the country. It will drive the Republicans to the center socially. I just hope they don't move there fiscally. Don't tax the 1 percent any more. We pay enought.

  12. 1:27, 9:31 here. The Hitler analogy was not meant to compare Republicans to Hitler but to highlight how history has plenty of examples of how people in positions of power failed to appreciate the changing world around them. I used Hitler as the analogy because it is one, hopefully, we all know and can appreciate. And I agree with you, if the Republicans focused on fiscal issues and left the social issues out, they would stand a much better chance in the future. The problem is that the base of the Republican party are social conservatives and if they were to be left out, there would be no party really left to fight for.




    On Sunday, (for those that know the history of the holiday), and Monday, for those taking a day off from work or school but have no clue why they get to go to the beach that day, we celebrate the contribution of all Veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

    On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, of 1918, an Armistice was signed by the Germans ending World War One.

    The next year, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the holiday originally called Armistice Day, to be celebrated each and every November 11th.

    Since we have effectively moved the celebration of Veteran's Day to a Monday, maybe Congress could simply move the celebration of the holiday to a Tuesday, say Election Day, and we can know that when we vote we are celebrating each and every Veteran that has served and protected our freedom - to vote.

    And, with that day being a holiday, there would be an even better percentage turnout on election day.

    On wait, the Republicans in the House would never do something like that, as it would cause more people to vote, and there are more Dems registered than Republicans. Well, it was a nice idea.

    Happy Veteran's Day.

    Captain Out .....

  14. Old Fats (you may know him as Rush Limbuagh) said yesterday that he "feels like he lost [his] country on Tuesday. I think he should take a trip somewhere to look and see if he can find it. Afghanistan comes to mind right off the bat. I'll pack him a side of beef so he does not get hungry on the way.

    The last couple of days I saw the flag on every flagpoll, government workers at their jobs, soldiers still overseas and at bases here at home and our legislators still saying NO to President Obama.

    Rush your country isn't lost, you just lost. Get over it, be a patriot and think about the country instead of your pocketbook. What a loser you are.

  15. Rump--they drank the Kool-Aid. The GOP convinced themselves that the polls were skewed, the "liberal media" was reporting only good stories about Obama/bad about Romney, etc., etc.

    The funny thing is that no reliable pollster ever had Romney winning the Electoral College or up in a national poll outside the margin of error. Gallup--which has done horribly as of late--was the one poll that had Romney up, and the GOP jumped on that like mad.

  16. I hav ea proposal. How about if all teh Romney supporters just hire Romney supporters and all the Obama supporters just hire Obama supporters? After all, what is an Obama supporter without a Romney supporter to support him?

  17. Congratulations, Judge Wolfson. You should be very proud of the campaign you ran. I am very glad to have had the opportunity to get to know you during the race. I commend you and believe you will serve the people of our community well.

    Arthur Spiegel

  18. The Owner of Papa John's Pizza, is going to reduce workers hours to below 30 a week so he doesn't have to raise the price of pizza $.15 ( yes 15 CENTS) to pay hor health Insurance for HIS workers under ACA , ie ObamaCare.
    Yet he can donate Millions to his new Ava Marie Catholic University he help found.

    Darden Corp , owners of Olive Garden and other chains is also reducing hours on employees to keep from adding a Quarter to the price of memu items so they too can avoid providing health insurance to employees.



  19. So General Petraeus cheated on his wife. He's life long fitness freak. At sixty I am sure he is in better shape than almost any chubber who reads this blog.

    Then I saw a picture of his wife. She didn't share his enthusiasm for fitness. Any wonder why he cheated?



    It's over .....

    Palm Beach County completed their count of their absentee ballots about fifteen minutes ago. With that, the Florida votes have now been counted. And President Obama ended up with barely more than 50% of the votes cast.

    Of course, The Captain called Florida at just after ten pm on Tuesday evening.

    The final numbers, (excluding some provisional ballots and some overseas ballots):

    Romney / Ryan REP 4,162,174
    Obama / Biden DEM 4,236,032

    By the way, the comments by both the elected officials and the press about the fact that Florida was the last state called have been way out of line. Those commenting show just how uninformed they really are, or that they just want to get their comment on national TV.

    The fact is that there are several states still counting votes. Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Arizona just to name a few. Why haven't the press been criticizing the fact that those states are still counting four days after the election was over?

    The only reason why Florida was NOT CALLED was because our state was the closest state statistically. If this state were a 52-48 state on Tuesday, it would have been called on Tuesday.

    Yes we should be criticized for the long lines and the running out of ballots and the lack of training for the poll workers, but anyone commenting on the fact that we were still counting on Saturday and not pointing out that so were many other states, well, they should go back to what they know.

    Cap Out ....

  21. It's obvious that the idiot DS has never owned a business. Spoken like the true Socialist you have been and always will be.

  22. Its the 24/7 media that drives the need for instant results. The Founders gave much longer, a month plus, to count and get things straightwith December being the Ectorial College meeting.

  23. Captain - you do agree that many of the problems derive from Scott trying to suppress the vote, right?

  24. Hey DS, what the heck is an "ectorial college"? Probably where you went to school.

  25. Funny thing , we ran at a deficit when Washington was president , when Madison was president, Lincoln , FDR , Regan, ..... Why the doom and gloom? I am not financially sophisticated but seems to me it's always been like that , what's the big deal now? Jason G

  26. The Domino's Pizza founder also founded Ave Maria, not the Papa John's founder.

  27. The F.B.I spying on C.I.A. how come nobody caught D.E.A. selling guns to Mexico?

  28. Hey dude! An "ectorial" college is some college that's got something to do with the Fallopian tubes like an "ectopic" pregnancy or something. Duh!

  29. Pundit,

    The gop have O'd on the kool-aid. Did you see what Steve Schmidt said in the interview with Brian Williams?

    It is ironic to hear Steve Schmidt say that you can't have people like Donald Trump "hangin around" our presidential candidates.

    Eating my cinnamon rolls and
    peanut butter cookies from the Knausberry farm rolling on the floor, playing the interview back again. Laugh so hard it hurts now. Polemicist at best they have to repudiate the hate speech. If they don't know how then they should go back to "ectorial college". Maybe they will have better results there.

    The future of the republican party is going to be Jon Huntsman Jr. He seems to be the only voice of reason but his party rejected his voice.


  30. Another point--even though I thought I'd call Judge Hirsch humble before I said this, I agree with Ann Coulter in her article "Romney is Not to Blame." She calls out Akin and Mourdock for their views on rape and abortion. The GOP's support of these nut jobs, and Romney's failure to distance himself from their comments, obviously didn't help matters.

    A pretty strong argument can made that the GOP as a party, as well as some (but by no means all) of its candidates, are beginning to lose touch with American reality. What else can explain the Democratic margins of victory when Obama had so much baggage?

  31. CNN is garbage as long as Philip Kent is the CEO you can rest assure they will not address the President presented by title. As long as Ted Turner, and Phil Kent run CNN it is worthless to receive any news from CNN. Phil Griffith is a much more accurate and fair CEO, and he's keen to morale of the country. How can you people watch a network who's president was secretary and public relations person for former U.S. Senator Strom Thurman?

  32. Best tweet the day after the election:

    Dear people being laid off today - it is day 1 of your new involuntary polysci/Econ class. Pay attention. There's a test in 4 years.

  33. Rumpy,

    No comment on Patraeus's resignation?

  34. Dear 9:20 pm:

    Stop watching Fox News. The DEA did not sell guns to Mexico. Only an ignorant right winger would spew such garbage.

    The accusation is that the DEA allowed guns that were legally sold in Arizona (thanks to the NRA!) to straw buyers to be transported to Mexico in an effort to uncover who is involved in gun running to Mexico. Government money was not used to make these sales. Government guns were not given to Mexican drug dealers. These were all legal gun purchases in Arizona by straw buyers for the purposes of transporting the guns to Mexico. The Government allowed the guns to walk into mexico in a failed effort to trace the final buyer.
