Sunday, September 11, 2011


The Suicide pool carnage: Out: Rumpole, DOM, Caped Crusader, Stephen ImMache, Fake Alex Michaels, Dustin Tischler, Fake Freddy Moldovan, Miguel De La Over, Crushing Catalano, and Ifitkhar Memon, 10-players out in the worst single day in blog suicide pool history. Faith in the Browns, and KC Chiefs did in most of the players. If the Cardinals had lost, and the game was close, the pool would have been down to single digits.


  1. Diary Of A Mad Regional CounselSunday, September 11, 2011 8:26:00 PM


    July 13, 2011: Dear Diary: I knew it! Those schemers were plotting behind my back! Today I caught them drinking on the job! Oh sure it was just a little wine! And oh sure it was after hours and they "said" it was to celebrate a birthday! Yeah right! I've got them where I want them.

    July 20, 2011: Its been a week since I caught those rats trying to sink my ship with wine! What to do, oh what to do??!!!

    July 27, 2011: its been two weeks since the great wine incident. I need to move deliberately, to show Tallahassee I am n charge, in control and in line for re-appointment.

    August 4, 2011: Dear Diary- three weeks since I caught those rats splashing wine in the computers, laughing about destroying state property and on the phone with Carlo Martinez laughing about our budget cuts. I'll get them. And soon!

    August 13, 2011: Dear Diary- well the worst month of my life has gone by. The great wine incident is becoming worse and worse. After careful investigation I now believe Zenobi was on the grassy knoll in Dallas on that fateful day in 1963. I just need to find the phone number for Oliver Stone and then I can rite my own ticket.

    August 20, 2011- Dear Diary- that idiot Oliver Stone won't return my calls. He's done for, I will guarantee it. Meanwhile the rats snicker behind my back whenever I walk out of the room. Just wait,,,just wait. We have that big trial coming up, not sure how to handle that....

    August 27, 2011. Six weeks since I uncovered proof that my own people were behind 9/11. I am shaking with rage while they toast with wine. Something must be done and soon.

    September 7, 2011. Dear Diary- the deed is done. Seven short weeks since I uncovered the plot to destabilize world governments brewing in my own office. As crazy as it seems, those three were behind the Japanese nuclear melt down, the Kennedy Assassination, 9/11, and the filming and production of both Waterworld and Dances with Wolves. The evil behind destroying Kevin Costner's career was just more than I could accept. So fired them, one and all. And by tomorrow I will be prepared to accept the accolades of the free world. There is talk Good Morning America wants me as a host, and perhaps a nomination to the Supreme Court or a Senate seat if I want.

    I can't wait to see the Herald.....

  2. I just had to see it twice. It's that good.

  3. 8:26. It wasn't funny the first time.

    Every line I checked today had the Titans as the favorite by one to two points. Where and when was Jax minus two?

  4. Master Obi Wan Zenobi, Darth George has fired you. We are doomed!

    (Obi Wan Zenobi waves the young Regional Counsel close): I am weak, come close.

    YRC: I am next to you Obi Wan Zenobi, please let me know what to do next.

    OWZ (In a voice barely above a whisper) I have drank the wine of freedom and paid a price. But the evil emperor Darth Joe George cannot win...(gasp...choke...chomp) there...

    YRC: Tell me Master Obi Wan sound like fake Ted Mastos.

    OWZ (In a voice that is barely above a whisper) There is... (gasp...choke...cough cough cough) there is another one.

  5. To be continued.....

  6. Lovin all this

  7. i can't believe the excitement of the JET game. they are going all the way Rumpole ... !!!!

  8. It was the Strawberrys where George caught them w/ geometric logic. yes the strawberrys..

  9. DEAR DIARY; one of the top posts of all time, would have been better to leave out 9/11 references.

  10. Jets win DESPITE Sanchez.

    The guy is the most overrated QB in football.

    Jets will not go to the Superbowl.

    If they get to the AFC Championship, it will only be because of a weak Dolphin, Bills, and Patriot showing.

    Btw, this is from a life long Jet fan.

  11. At least Mike D is with me and the Fins.
