Friday, June 24, 2011


As per the JAA Blog, Broward PD Howard Finklestein has sent a letter to the Department of Justice accusing the Broward SAO and BSO of engaging in obstruction of justice for their failure to investigate several law enforcement officers who apparently obtained controlled substances (steroids) by fraud.

The Broward PD drops a dime to the feds on the Broward SAO and Sheriffs Office.
And you wonder why we call it "Browierd".

The letter is here.

The news article is here.

The JAA Blog coverage is here.

And just because it's Friday here's a video of the Phillie Phanatic going down in the line of duty. Have a great weekend.



    Blogging live from the city where the "trial of the century" is happening before our eyes, Orlando, Florida .....

    Scott Hawkins is officially your new Florida Bar President.

    Cap Out .....

  2. The Captain Reports:

    North of the Border very sad news .....

    I don't know how many of you know ASA Joel Silvershein in Broward, but very sad news to report. Joel's 16 year old son, Andrew, a sophomore at Western High School, who was attending camp in Georgia, died while on a whitewater rafting trip on Sunday.

    To read more :,0,1858149.story

    My deepest sympathies to Joel and his family.

    Cap Out .....

  3. How long until bottom feeder low life criminal defense attorneys claim that they don't care because Joel works for the Broward SAO.

  4. Marcus will fight for "his brother" until the funds run out. innocent until indigent.

  5. Phuckin Philly Phans r PhagsFriday, June 24, 2011 4:38:00 PM

    Hate the Phillies. In fact hate Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles.

    But I love the Phanatic. He kicks the Chicken's ass. And Billy the Marlin just looks like a big grinning goofball comparatively.

  6. Every ocean needs a bottom feeder, the system falls apart without someone doing the dirty work.

    Not everyone has the balls to be a bottom feeder. They often call those people career prosecutors.

    And by the way, I saw the article in the Herald on Thursday. I remarked that it was a shame. We dont wish ASAs families come to harm. It is ASAs who have no sympathy for anyone, that we wish could be in someone else's shoes for once, and understand not everything is true because a cop wrote it in a police report.

  7. Joel is a great guy! My deepest sympathies to him and his family.
