Monday, June 20, 2011


Update: Scalia to the women of Walmart: Drop dead (and pretty yourself up while you're at it).

Update: Florida Marlins: Our manager is older(80) than your manager. Jack McKeon (guided Marlins to World Series in 2003) is back.
Query: If a person can manage a major league baseball team at age 80, why does Florida require its Judges to retire at age 70? For many people 70 is the new 50. Do we really want to lose valuable experience where it's needed most?

Update: Amnesty International has taken up the cause of Georgia inmate Troy Davis. The petition and website is here.
We admit to not knowing a whole lot about this case. Can anyone fill us in?

The following applicants have been nominated for a seat on the 3rd District Court of Appeals:

Circuit Judge Jennifer D. Bailey.

Circuit Judge Ivan F. Fernandez.

Circuit Judge Jose M. Rodriguez.

Bambi Groff Blum, Esq.

Thomas W. Logue, Esq.

Edwin A. Scales III., Esq.

Good luck.


  1. Is Jose bringing the Britney Spears mic to the Third? Stocks in La Loggia just plummeted.

  2. Having appeared before Judge Rodriguez over the years, I am SHOCKED the jnc would nominate him. Jose mails it in every day. He is not intellectually curious. He is filler on that list.

  3. jose rodriguez? really people? the jnc is a funny bunch. i can just see jr thrrowing his stress balls up in the air during oral argument.

  4. ah, man, but i really wanted to get picked, mmmmmmm

  5. This is an easy layup - Judge Bailey. I tried my first case ever against her - and she was a young lawyer right out of school. She was at Kimbrall Hamann. She tried her case with such grace, intellect and skill ... and beat me silly! I always have the greatest respect for her and she has been a fabulous judge. She will be an excellent 3rd DCA Judge. Let's pull for her.

  6. Dear Governor Scott,

    Since I dont do any appeals, please pick Jose Rodriguez.

    Every trial lawyer that has to appear in front of Judge Rodriguez

  7. Of all the managers the Marlins have ever had, full-time and interim, McKeon is the only one with a winning record while with the Marlins.

  8. Sorry, Jose, but, you have no business being a DCA judge.

    I wonder if being former Mayor Alex (let Elian stay) Pinelas' best friend helped you get out of a committee that must have been high on drugs at the time.

    I'm just saying....

  9. jose rodriguez? jnc must have been on dope. that guy is a lazy spiteful putz, and those are his better attributes

  10. Bailey is the best of this bunch although losing her as a trial judge is a great loss.

  11. I agree that Jennifer Bailey would be a wonderful choice.

  12. Any word on who has applied for Regional Counsel position? Just curious.

  13. Instead of spewing invectives about Judge Rodriguez, relax a bit and take a look at this pic of the shuttle launch from a skydiver's perspective:

  14. Can't publish the comment that incuded the Judge oogling women in skirts. The rest was fine. Try again.

  15. Seriously ... where have ya'll been hiding ... Jose is "best buddies" with Dorta and his crew ! Duh !

  16. Jose at the DCA? You gotta be kinding!

  17. Taking away our last joy?Monday, June 20, 2011 9:52:00 PM

    If chasing skirt keeps me from becoming Judge I'll never make it.

    But knowing the Judges that are on the bench here in Dade, I know that is not a disqualifier.

    And some if the male judges seem to have an eye for the ladies too.

  18. Judges should be retired at 65, at least in criminal. They lose all touch with realty and can't differentiate GHB from LSD or THC. Get rid of the all. They don't know what the kids are up to and shouldn't be judging them.

  19. I'm in for "Bambi" Justice Bambi - I love it.

  20. Judge Rodriguez = hackey sack tossing on the bench; mirror so that he can watch himself (does he have one in his bedroom too?); and Britney Spears microphone... in other words a Dade county joke of a judge. Spiteful, egotistical and has an inflated view of his own intellect. Wow. My laborador retriever would be a better appellate judge.

  21. I agree Bailey is the best choice, what a gem of a Judge.

    I don't really know the other candidates show I will not comment good or bad.

    On the other hand, I about fell out of my chair when I read Judge Gladys Perez was up for the gig, what a joke.

    I give the JNC credit for knowing how to pick um and tossing her name to the curb.

  22. Nowadays, people can work until they are 80. But people expect to retire at 60-65 and think that have some embedded right to suck money out of their neighbor's pockets to support their lifestyle. Nonsense.
    The social security retirement age was set at 65 in 1935 for a very good reason: that was the life expectancy of the average male. Following that logic, it should now be 77. If that happened, our fiscal problems would evaporate almost overnight.

  23. I don't know how he is as a civil judge, but in criminal, Rodriguez was a disgrace. Always extremely tardy in taking the bench, avoidung trials and work and lacking professionalism. Too much politics in the process.

    On the other hand, Bailey is what a Judge should be.

  24. 11:10 pm

    my sentiments exactly.

  25. A cheap shot at Scalia. The decision was unanimous. It was a no brainer. If Ginsburg or Breyer had written the opinion, would your headline be the same? Come on. You are better than that.

  26. I can think of no better example of the erosion in the amount of respect afforded our profession than the nomination by the JNC of a woman named BAMBI to be a judge. It makes me think of the movie My Cousin Vinny or Legally Blond as opposed to 12 Angry Men or the Verdict. This is what happens when you expand from 33000 members to 91000 in 20 years. I nominate for County Court Boopsy, Circuit Court Tiffany and for the 3rd dca Crystal. I don't mean to be sexist but I can't think of names for mimbos.!!

  27. 8:53 I would grudgingly admit the sentence should read "Supreme Court and Scalia...."

  28. Don't knock My Cousin Vinny, it's a comedy, but it's a great trial movie. Effective cross examination and all.

  29. 8:53
    MSNBC reported in two different stories that it was a 5-4 decision with opinion by Scalia.

  30. When I was in law school, I was taught that judges are among the highest echelon in the legal profession.

    Now I know that a lot of campaign money and a Hispanic name are more than enough. Definitely a brain drain of judges in Miami-Dade County.

  31. 10:44,
    You are a sexist a**.
    In many languages (especially Italian), Bambi is a male's name. It is a shortened form bambino, meaning little boy.
    Most people don't realize (or remember) that in the movie, Bambi was actually a male.
    It's people with narrow minds like yours that have eroded our profession.
    And no, I'm not Bambi, don't even know who she is, but reading your comment got me thinking about how narrow minded people with preconceived notions are such a hindrance in this profession.

  32. Who the hell thinks Jose Rodriquez is qualified to be any kind of judge, let alone a DCA judge?

    You gotta be kiding.

    Bailey is the qualified one on that list.

  33. 10:44
    Her parents gave her the name, she had no imput. Are we to judge her worth based on her first name? Are we so shallow...

  34. Tuesday, June 21, 2011 3:16:00 PM


  35. Former CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles' nickname is "Bambi".

  36. I worked in the court system for many years before retiring. Judge Rodrgiuez was one of our alternate judges to take emergencies to when My boss wasnt in. Judge Rodriguez was never in the office. When he actually was in the office for like an hour he wouldnt lend a hand. This guy is a joke. Hey baldy keep smoking that cigar at La Loggia's. That's what we pay you for.

  37. It is a name regularly used by strippers and porno stars, nice try at spin though.

  38. to 1044. can i have your number so i can apologize, I should remember that people like you want to have our next president be named newt or mitt, like those names will command international respect. i'm sure a name means little in life, ask moon unit zappa and chastity bono if their named caused anguish and discrimination. actually her nomination means her stripper name was overlooked so score one for the jnc.

  39. Other than the wait staff at La Loggia, can you see anyone giving a written recommendation for Rodriguez?

    Then again, a pick of Rodriguez to the DCA would be maintaining diversity on the bench. You see, the last pick of Kevin Emas, who is hard working, very smart, very personable, very respectful to all those before him is a perfect complement to Rodriguez who is the complete opposite. Diversity in action.

    Sorry Jose, but all the attorneys you trampled over for the last years will now come to roost as you will have virtually no support from the legal community. Not that you care.

  40. 11:01-- ask moon unit zappa and chastity bono if their named caused anguish and discrimination.

    -what type of anguish have these individuals encountered?

    BTW-- Stripper name??????? There is no such thing as a STRIPPER NAME!!

    An individuals name doesn't make a difference in a persons success later in life, whether or not that name is common or unusual does matter.

  41. I hate to say this but the people leaving horrible comments about Judge Rodriguez are misinformed. I have been working in the Court System for over 20 years and I can say he is the only Judge in the building five days a week. He comes in early, leaves late, he does cover emergency hearings, motion calendars, and trials for other Judges including those that are NOT his alternates. We have had emergencies walk into our office on a friday afternoon and the only Judge in the building to hear these emergencies is Judge Rodriguez. He hears emergency hearings during weekends and holidays even though he was not the emergency Judge. I don't know his work ethics in Criminal but he is working his a** off in Civil. He is currently handling all the Foreclosure Calendars, covering his Division in Family, covered Judge Reyes' former division and will also cover in the near future Judge Dresnick 's division too. For those attorneys that were before him in criminal you need to know once a Judge's Calendar is over and they have no trials most of the Judges leave for the day including their staff. So if you want to complain you should look at the rest of the Judges that are sitting on the bench. As to his lunch at the Loggia I think everyone should take a lunch break, and if you are a practicing attorney you would know that all the judge's offices close from 12:00 pm to 1:30. During this time he enjoys smoking his cigar and I think he is entitled to do so. Don't you do what you want to do, during your lunch breaks? What makes him different that he can't enjoy his lunch? That he is a Judge? Isn't he allowed to enjoy his lunch too? Maybe some of you should go to Macy's and see how the other Judge's enjoy there lunch everyday, same time, same place, everyday and the same group of Judges. I don't hear any comments about them. What makes him so different is he does not care what people say about him and he does not care who you are and he will rule against you. As to Judge Rodriguez being buddies with Gonzalo Dorta please be aware that he ruled against Mr. Dorta on a high profile case with big named attorneys on Dorta's side. So get your information straight. It's easy to hear gossip and repeat it, so I want to enlighten you with some truth that I have been a witness to for the last 6 years. He might not be your favorite, but at least he is honest and you will get a hearing before him, if you need one.

  42. Is a Judge supposed to be "nice"? Is that a qualificiation for the 3rd DCA? Are the people here complaining about judge Rodriguez attorneys? Real attorneys?

    Why is it a crime for him to enjoy a cigar at lunch at the same place every day? If that makes him happy, why does it bother you?

    Not a single one of the people complaining about him on a personal level has mentioned a word about his professionalism, his career. Has any of the these great minds that complain and complain taken a single minute and performed a simple search on how many of Judge JR's cases get reversed?

    To be able to critize a Judge, you need to raise your level, not bring him down to yours.

    I say South Florida with benefit tremendously with his appointment to the 3rd DCA.
