Thursday, May 19, 2011



The Memorial Day Holiday is on the horizon and it's not too soon to start loading up your Kindle or Nook with beach books.

We're currently reading "The Wizard Of Lies" by Diana Henriques. A book about Bernie Madoff by the NY Times Reporter who covered the case. A compelling read.

DOM meanwhile is reading the classic Sci Fi Thriller Lucifer's Hammer.

We're reading the responsible book. Go figure.

Former Dade PDs Bill Barzee and "Country" Dave Petus are turning a Manhattan Federal Courtroom on its ear by bringing a free swinging "Miami style" defense to a high profile Financial Fraud case. DOM has been on top of this story, but a good article about Bill's opening is here. The trial is expected to last six weeks.

FYI- Bill's sister is departing circuit judge Mary Barzee-Flores. Bill is partners with the judge's husband, Hector Flores, a former ace fed pd who got his own not guiltys last week in a major case.

You can't tell the players without a scorecard.

Finally, it's probably curtains for the nomination of Professor Goodwin Liu to the 9th circuit. Republicans and a few key democrats are lining up against the professor's nomination and that will be enough to fillibuster the vote.

Liu had the audacity to speak out against Justice Alito's nomination to the supreme court:

Liu had said Alito's vision was an America "where police may shoot and kill an unarmed boy ... where federal agents may point guns at ordinary citizens during a raid, even after no sign of resistance ... where the FBI may install a camera where you sleep ... where a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man, absent ... analysis showing discrimination."

The fact that Alito's opinions bear out his radical philosophy is not enough to overcome the radical right's vengence against anyone who dares to mention that the emperor has no clothes. The AP article via the Herald is here.

See You In Court, reading the old fashioned way- with a book.



  1. JUDGE JOHN THORNTON leaving criminal to move to Civil divison. Nushin Safie becomes Assoc. Administrative Judge of Criminal. All this sometime in July.

  2. when you point one finger out, three point back, there but for the grace of god go I, pick up a mirror instead of a magnifying glass, gossip erodes self esteem, when you don't like someone it usually means you see something in that person you don't like about yourself, and lastly: if you have not forgiven yourself for your own wrongs or mistakes as a defense mechanism you talk of others mistakes so no attention is focused on your own failings. this is contributed by an attorney who works hard, is ethical, does not bother anyone, yet no shortage of attorneys like to gossip and slander him because he does not practice law like so many of the children in the gjb, the ones who contribute so much to this site, tear people down because a couple dozen jerks don't like you because you are not in their little click, PATHETIC.

  3. Niven is old school.I'm re-reading Towers of Midnight by Jordan & Sanderson



    As you may have heard earlier this week, the US Supreme Court, in an 8-1 decision, (Justice Ginsburg with the dissent), further chipped away at what is left of the 4th.

    Please advise your family, your friends, and your clients, that the next time there is a knock at the door, and the person on the other side announces themselves as police officers, that they should Politely, and Calmly, state: "Please Go Away".

    And then read the NY Times Op Ed piece by Linda Greenhouse, where she states, on the ruling, in part:

    "It’s worth stopping to consider the assumptions about human nature that underlie not only this ruling but much of the court’s Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. It’s worth wondering what planet the justices — most of them, anyway, and not just the incumbents, but many of their predecessors — have been living on when it comes to encounters between the police and the rest of us."

    According to Justice Alito, who wrote for the majority:

    “Whether the person who knocks on the door and requests the opportunity to speak is a police officer or a private citizen, the occupant has no obligation to open the door or to speak.”

    He went on to state that “occupants who choose not to stand on their constitutional rights but instead elect to attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame for the warrantless exigent-circumstances search that may ensue.”

    Read it all here:


    Captain Out .....

  5. and why might Judge Thornton being moving over to Civil in July 3:22 PM. What say you as to the reason for that?

  6. There goes the last bit of privacy we had. When the cops knock, and you politely refuse to open the door, they will now be able to kick it down to prevent the destruction of evidence they will say they feared.

    The home is no longer your castle. Sad tragic day for this country.

  7. The sky is falling. Really.Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:30:00 PM


    As you may have heard, the world is coming to an end this weekend. As a result I am not prepping for any of my cases calendared next week. I think it is important to make the best of my last hours here. Not sure exactly how best to do that. I think it should be enjoyable but dignified.

    Any suggestions?
