Sunday, February 13, 2011


1. The agonizing mental process of accepting that football season is finally over.

This serious mental disorder afflicts millions of Americans every year, usually in the second week of February. Effective therapy is not available until the following August, at the earliest.

2. A crisis in the national spirit that is mitigated (only slightly) by the arrival of March Madness -- the NCAA basketball tournament.

3. The realization that life as we know it has ended, at least for six torturously long months.

4. Proof that Arena Football will never take the place of the real thing.
Hank was hospitalized on February 12 with severe anxiety and chest pain. Following a series of CAT scans at the Mayo Clinic, he was diagnozed with Football Withdrawal Syndrome (FWS).


  1. Clearly Hanzman and Walsh or White Labora for CIRCUIT COURT. What happened to Rick Freedman? Maybe Rosa Figarola?

    Wo do you think...?

  2. You say all of this in jest. But like all good humor, it contains an element of truth. NFL ratings are up 30% in the past 3 years. That is amazing. Last year 18 of the top 20 rated prime time shows were NFL games. As additional mitigators, I would add spring training(actually going to a game), the Masters and US Open, and stuffing my face with beer and hot dogs on the 4th. When I was younger(1970-1980) a sure sign that FWS was about to end was when Playboy came out with it's NFL preview issue. I don't even know if Playboy published a magazine anymore.

  3. HR
    Any thought on the possiblity that a Former US President could be harged, or arrested or tried oversees for Human Rights Violations, ala Pinochete?

    Bush visit to Geneva canceled after protest threat
    Associated Press
    GENEVA -- A visit former U.S. President George W. Bush planned to make to Switzerland next week has been canceled because of security concerns, after left-wing groups called for mass protests and rights activists proposed legal action against him for allegedly ordering the torture of terrorism suspects.

    Read more:

  4. Where is the Hirsch trial order?

  5. The picks for judgeships are not so interesting in who they did pick but, who they didn't.

    De la O is toast. His personality must have gotten in the way.
    Hersch must've pissed off too many young DUI prosecutors.
    Seff is out for good. Rumor is that she can't even get a job.
    Lindsey has troulbe making decisions. Opps. Isn't that what jduges get paid to do?
    No one wants to see Jeff Swartz back again, including me.
    Why not Rick Freedman? Nice guy but, must not have the connections.

    Now about who they did pick.
    Nice to see that Bill Altfield came out of committee. He's a good guy.
    Fleur Lobree is way to smart to be a Kounty Kourt Judge.
    Please this time pick White Labora. We lover her.
    Please don't pick Brennan. The only reason she is on that list is because she worked for Jeb.

  6. 1:05 you are a true ignoramous or Bob Levy, which is the same thing.

    Richard Hersh - why would some "still wet behind the ears" prosecutors have any effect at all on the JNC process.

    Rick Freedman - yes a nice guy but has engendered no warm and fuzzy feeling that would make anyone want him to be a judge.

    Jeff Swartz - did not even apply. How could they "not pick" someone who did not apply.

    Victoria Brennen - get used to it, because the guy who is picking the judges for Scott is the same guy who picked them for Jeb.

    Amazing the only people you like are present or former prosecutors - Lobree, Altfield and White-Labora (I leave out Seff, because she was more disliked than any judge in my memory and that goes back over 20 years. Most prosecutors disliked her when she was in the SAO.)

    You should watch more Michael Putney - Stay informed not uninformed.

  7. Thomas must think that if he says something wrong someone my file a Motion for Rehearing and Reconsideration of the Anita Hill issue. So he has taken the safest route.
