Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Open blogging. No moderation in comments section but we will be reviewing it every few minutes and will remove offensive comments.

Some thoughts.....

We're the only industrialized nation without a high speed rail system. If the government works with private industry to build it, is that "out of control spending" or "investing in our infrastructure"?

Representative Michelle Bachman of Minnesota is a raving moron. She thinks the founding fathers, including "John Quincy Adams" ended slavery. First, JQA was the son of founding father John Adams. But why let facts get in the way of a good tea party story. Second, can someone go tell her about the Civil War. Anyone...Bueller...anyone? Please. She just erased the deaths of 600,000 Americans. Third- we get what we deserve. If we continue to elect anti-intellectual right wing nuts, the age of "American Exceptionalism" will end with our current elected officials who cannot spell it.

We miss Keith Olbermann on MSNBC.

We also miss Judge Manny Crespo.

Off to watch the SOTU and read how John Quincy Adams fought with George Washington at the San Fernando Valley in California and freed the slaves from the British.

Also brushing up on how private industry and innovation built the interstate highway system (Eisenhower administration) and won the space race (Kennedy and Johnson administrations) without meddlesome government interference.


  1. The State of the Shumie is Sound!!!

  2. Say what you want but Michele Bachmann is a Milfy MILF.

  3. Saw the 007 of DUIs shoot down another high reading in Broward recently. Gotta give the man credit.

  4. Whats with the stripped ribbons? WHat cancer is that for?

  5. Observations from the President's entrance:

    When he met a newly clean-shaved Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, he leaned over, clasped his and and said, "You shaved the beard?"

    Mr. Obama and Mr. Coburn were freshman senators together when they arrived. And despite the gulf in their policies, the two are said to be friends.

  6. Took about 5 seconds for him to mention Tucson

  7. Judge Rules that White Girl must be tried as black adult!!! Click for the startling ruling.

  8. Kenny Weisman - the new big macher in civil court???

  9. Here it comes... the Sputnik moment clause.....

  10. No applause for the phrase...wow.

  11. The White House had tried to hold the written speech until Mr. Obama delivered it. But it leaked out, and the White House was forced to release it early. As the president walked down the aisle and saw his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, he leaned in and said, "I don't need to deliver it now. Everybody saw it."

  12. Ribbons were idea of local Debbie Wasserman Schultz in honor of Giffords. White is for hope for peaceful nonviolent society. Black is in rememberance of victims of violence.

  13. Why are Scalia, Alito and Thomas not at the State of the Union?

  14. Thank you 929. Did not know that.

  15. Scalia, Alito and Thomas should stay home during arguments also.

  16. Super Bowl winners not important now that Bears aren't in it?

  17. Somebody get John Boehner an enema. He looks seriously constipated.

  18. Rumpole, r u there?

  19. you mean "altacocker" of civil court.

  20. Uhho...cheap shot at the civil plaintiff lawyers... med mal practice reform...

  21. 50 minutes before he mentioned Iraq.

  22. North Korea, south korea, India, Pakistan, Nato, Russia, Asia, India again, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador,....

    still no Afghanistan unless I missed it.

  23. Joint chiefs didnt seem to like the line about dont ask dont tell repeal, although they rarely stand or clap for most things.

  24. Justice Ginsburg's been asleep for about 1/2 hour.

  25. nailed it...9,8 but the chinese judge only gave him a 7.9

  26. he didn't mention the Justice Building Blog, deduct .5 for that

  27. ok. going to sleep. no more open moderation

  28. Would people use an expensive rail system that taxpayers would have to subsidize like Amtrak when flying is cheaper?

  29. HR
    Interesting Article. Gov. Scott hired ex-campaign workers and gave them nice cushy jobs w/ higher salaries then most ASAs & APDs. Read it and heck the salaries.

    Scott's campaign workers take key jobs
    .A slew of staffers during Gov. Rick Scott's gubernatorial campaign have joined his administration with high-profile jobs.

    Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/01/25/2034276/scotts-campaign-workers-take-key.html#ixzz1C8wBJIs1

  30. yes altacocker, no macher, no civil

  31. Palin-Bachmann in 2012. Girl Power.

  32. The real solution to violent criminals is:

    1. Start with stiff PRISON sentence for FIRST time violent offenders (read on).

    2. Now order the defendant to report to prison in 4 to six months.

    3. While awaiting the prison sentence allow the defendant to obtain his GED or High School Diploma or if the defendant has either allow for admission into community college.

    4. If the defendant has obtained the GED vacate the prison sentence and resentence to supervised probation.

    The problem we have now is we do the reverse which is probation for some first time violent offenders and in some cases direct prison time. That's not a solution because that first time offender will get out and be more of a harden criminal, probation also will not work because the loop holes of controlled probation that mandates a defendant get a GED and such are flawed.

    The only solution is to start with a stiff prison term and allow to report to prison in 4 to 6 months with the defendant allowed to earn his release by getting an education via GED or community college.

    In short, "Education is the key".

    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

    ~Nelson Mandela

  33. Need court interpreter for all this Yiddish.


    A non-practicing Jew

  34. RE: Your MILFY MILF teabagger:



    So, you want to be a Circuit Court Judge .....

    The JNC has met and reviewed 27 applications for two Circuit Court openings, Judge Emas and Judge Pineiro. Interviews will take place on Feb. 10th. They have elected to interview 12, including seven County Court Judges and five attorneys:

    9:30 a.m. Victoria Brennan
    9:45 a.m. Miguel M. de la O
    10 a.m. Rosa Figarola
    10:15 a.m. Andrew S. Hague
    10:45 a.m. Michael A. Hanzman
    11 a.m. Richard Hersch
    11:15 a.m. Norma Shepard Lindsey
    11:30 a.m. Alan D. Sackrin
    12 p.m. Rodney Smith
    12:15 p.m. Lisa Walsh
    12:30 p.m. Deborah White-Labora
    Fredrick "Rick" Freedman will be considered, but his interview will take place on Feb. 9, 2011.

    Please contact the JNC will any comments.

    Cap Out .....


    So, you want to be a County Court Judge .....

    The JNC has met and reviewed 32 applications for one County Court opening, Judge Bloom. Interviews will take place on Feb. 9th. They have elected to interview 17 attorneys:

    9:30 a.m. William Altfield
    9:45 a.m. Tanya Brinkley
    10 a.m. Ivonne Cuesta
    10:15 a.m. Dawn Denaro
    10:45 a.m. Fredrick "Rick" Freedman
    11 a.m. Julio Gomez
    11:15 a.m. Alan Greenstein
    11:30 a.m. Carlos Guzman
    12:30 p.m. Steven Lieberman
    12:45 p.m. Fleur Lobree
    1:00 p.m. Ian Illych Martinez
    1:15 p.m Francisco Marty
    1:45 p.m. Spencer Jet Multack
    2 p.m. Gordon C. Murray, Sr.
    2:15 p.m. Yadira Pedraza
    2:30 p.m. Margaret A. Rosenbaum
    2:45 p.m. Flora E. Seff

    Members of the bench, the Bar and the public are urged to contact the members of the commission concerning applicants for judicial positions. Commission members are:

    Mark Romance (Chair)

    Marlene Quintana (Vice-Chair)

    Gonzalo Dorta

    Philip Freidin

    Manny Kadre

    John Kozyak

    Rayfield McGhee, Jr.

    Daniel W. Schwartz

    Marva L. Wiley

    Cap Out .....

  37. Why is Flora Seff trying to become a judge again? Didn's she get the point?

  38. "Gov. Scott hired ex-campaign workers and gave them nice cushy jobs w/ higher salaries then most ASAs & APDs."

    Well, Duh.

    Oh, my, God. Julius Caesar gave cushy positions to the men who crossed the Rubicon with him and did not give any of the good jobs to those of us who remained neutral and did not fight with him! It's like, unfair.

  39. Yeah I agree, I wrote something that never got posted and it probably did not get posted because I said that i thought it was stupid when DOM was on stage and the guy said that DOM was blacker than him. That did not get posted. You know i think its b.s. blacks can say what they want but no one else can.And by the way I am not white. I hate the double standard. But obviously it was too hot for RUMPY DUMPY
