Monday, January 24, 2011


Congrats to everyone's favourite federal blogger for beating us mano-a-mano heads up in football picks. Behind most of the year, David showed his toughness, stuck it out, even in the middle of a big trial out of town, and prevailed by picking the over yesterday in the Steeler-Jets game. Despite the fact we went 2-0 yesterday, David takes home the crown and a dinner at Joes. The Gift certificate can be picked up at our office or we will mail it later this week.

Please look at Sunday's post and write a check to the fund for the two slain Miami-Dade Police Officers. The funerals were today and officers were mostly out of the REGJB on funeral duty.

Comments in Sunday section seem to indicate another tragedy in Northern Florida today as details emerge about the possible murder of two more police officers in the line of duty.

At some point soon it's time to talk about gun control. It seems to us a simple fact that if armed and trained officers can be gunned down, then the solution is not more guns. The simple fact is that the person who pulls their gun first or plans the attack is usually more successful. Lets start with taking automatic rifles off the streets, as most police officers approve of. Lets move on to the armor piercing bullets and the extra large clips that were used in Arizona.

Let the crazy comments begin.

SFL covers the closing of the Miami Club. We need a new food establishment. Any suggestions?


  1. Are you telling me that I do not need my AK-47 with armor piercing bullets in order to fulfill my 2nd Amendment and G-d given right to kill Bambi's mother?

    What if she was wearing a flak jacket and had a Glock 40 with an extended clip to shoot back at me? Could I use the "stand my ground" law to toss a grenade at her?

    I have been to many countries where virtually no one was armed, and managed to survive unscathed. However in some sections of this town..really scary because many 15 year olds are packing.

    ...and then someone shoots a congresswoman or two cops -- and for a few minutes we realize that we are not a well-regulated militia, but a bunch of hooligans who think that we all need to be armed to the teeth "just in case".

    Then the realization fades, and we go to Walmart for more bullets.

    I watched some of today's memorial service. So very sad, in so many ways.


    Judge Arthur Rothenberg decides where to bury the body ....

    Hello to our old friend Arthur Rothenberg. He resides in Probate Court and today he will be faced with the difficult decision on where the final resting place will be for former Venezuelan President Carlos Andres Perez.

    Perez, 88, who lead Venezuela from 1974-79 and 1989-93, died Dec. 25 in Miami after suffering a heart attack. Cecilia Matos, Perez’s long time mistress, and the couple’s two daughters say he wanted to be buried in South Florida because of his opposition to current President Hugo Chavez.

    But Blanca Rodriguez, Perez’s estranged wife, maintains that her husband wanted a Venezuelan burial, and because they were never divorced she has legal rights in the matter

    Cap Out ....

  3. Did you know Tombstone Arizona had gun control? That's what led to the Gunfight at the O.K.Corral

  4. The Broward Blog called you out.
    Check it out.

  5. First crazy comment is this one by Rumpole:

    "Lets start with taking automatic rifles off the streets, as most police officers approve of. Lets move on to the armor piercing bullets and the extra large clips that were used in Arizona."

    I'm amazed at your purported ignorance of firearms and crimes, Rumpole. There are no automatic rifles in the street! There are semiautomatic civilian versions of
    military rifles which fire full-metal jacket military ammo, which is far more survival than hollow-point civillan and police ammo. The National Firearms Act of 1934 tightly regulates automatic weapons and, since then, only one legal automatic weapon has been used in a crime and it was a domestic violence incident perpetrated by a police officer. Likewise, armor piercing ammo (the famous KTW bullets) have never been used in a police killing. Concentrate on CRIMINAL control and leave the guns alone. None of these criminals involved in police shootings had rifles but STOLEN handguns that they were not supposed to have as convicted felons. Do you think that gun control laws would deter them? Or the nut in Tucson who should have been declared incompetent? So criminals can have guns and large clips but you want to take them away from the law abiding people. Please get real!

  6. All the talk about blaming KFR a single ASA or judge Jimenez misses the point. It is simply the culture of the MJB to "dispose" of or "close" as many cases as possible. When I was a C ASA many moons ago the judge I was before once said "ya know son we need to close 48 cases a week just to break even." Said it like he was running a business. Young ASA's who come to felonies all eager to do the right thing start bragging that "when i got the audit it was 200 cases but now it is only 100" as if that somehow proves ones worth as a lawyer.

    We can all say Jimenez shouldn't have offered that plea or the ASA shouldn't have offered it, but maybe we should look at this as a systemic breakdown where all the actors in the system just want to close cases as fast as possible.

    I just don't see how an armed robber on probation who gets caught selling dope gets only one year in jail. The most bleeding heart of PD's, if they step away from their appointed role for a moment, know that this is a very very light sentence that happens every day in the MJB.

    So now two cops are dead, kids are fatherless and motherless and nothing will change in that building. Sure for a few weeks a few judges up for election will act a little tougher but in the end after a few weeks the fanatical pursuit of "keeping the audit down" will prevail. Memories will fade until the next time a judge does this and some cops or true taxpaying citizen gets blown away and we all wonder "shit how did that happen?"

  7. Sad day today. We buried two good cops.

    I wish it weren't so.

  8. 649
    We would not need to close out cases if the audits were not filled w/ BS cases and lots of drug cases. Give a ticket for possession and a fine for sale and see the end to a need to worry about control of audits, it will vanish w/ Felony drug possession and HTOs and other traffic offenses.

  9. 5:21: On guns Rump is the exact kind of hypocrite that he accuses the loonies on the far right of being. Very Michelle Bachman-like of him. Working from emotions to a position; no facts; make-it-up-as-I-go-because-it-sounds-good stuff. Not worth discussing it with him. Really, not worth it. (Love you otherwise Rump)

  10. What would we do without the bs cases to help pay the bills?
