Saturday, June 26, 2010



The biggest match of this world cup so far takes place today as our boys from England play the blokes from Germany. England and Germany have a long and storied tradition of world cup rivalry starting in 1930. Perhaps our lowest hour was when the team was instructed to give the nazi salute in Berlin in 1938. But we've won one world cup and it was a thrilling victory over the West Germans in our home stadium in Wembley, England in 1966. Unfortunately the Germans have won three. This is the 28th time our boys have faced the Huns, and the score is 12 apiece with three draws. Today will be fun, considering the papers in London compare the match to the blitz. We'll be hoisting a pint or two of bitter and cheering our lads on. Depending upon the results we may be off to a bit of a slow start tomorrow in court.

It was with a mixture of bemusement and haughtiness that we watched the American team in the world cup. Getting a tie against our beloved boys from England two weeks ago was difficult to swallow. But these Yanks had pluck, coming from behind again and again.

Their luck ran out today against Ghana, a team we believed the USA was fully capable of beating. The lads played their hearts out again, coming from behind one - nil, to eventually lose 2-1, in a match that was in doubt up to the final horn after 120 minutes. For the second time in two world cups, Ghana- a country the size of Oregon, has knocked out the USA from the world cup.

Having honed our competitiveness on the football pitch at Eton, we know of what we speak. The Yanks went as far as they deserved to. This was not Hockey in Lake Placid in 1980. There would be no "do you believe in miracles?" moments.

Football- what we here call soccer- is not our game. It is a game that belongs to almost all other countries, but not ours. We wouldn't expect Ghana to compete and win the Stanley Cup. We wouldn't expect Brazil to field a basketball team to compete with the LA Lakers. We don't expect Germany to challenge the NY Yankees at the world series. And there would be serious risk of death if Japan or China put a team in the NFL.

There is no reason to expect our lads could compete with the rest of the world on the Football pitch, but they made it out of the first round and were very competitive today.

Well done lads; well done indeed.


  1. We've shown steady improvement since starting our domestic league (MLS) back in the 90's. Problem is
    with depth. We have 2 world class
    players in Dempsey and Donovan
    but you can't expect them to score
    every game. Eventually someone else has to step up to the plate and finish.

    Coach also made a very bad tactical
    move today by not starting Edu right away. The guy had been playing great AND we were winning whenever he was in the game. Accordingly, we had to use one of only three subs in the first half and couldn't bring on another attacker at the end of the game when we needed a goal.

  2. And, see I thought it was the emergence of "Soccer Moms" in recent years that lead to our breaking the record. What do I know?

  3. Leacock strikes again:

    2 listserv emails asking simple questions about her cases and it's not even noon.

    Then a barrage of about 6 emails having to do with the world cup.

    Ms. Leacock - you ask a lot of questions about a lot of cases so I'll assume you're prospering in private practice due to the volume of work you have.

    Get a LexisNexis account (it's a write off) or a hire a law student to clerk for you.

    I just get annoyed with these emails asking how to write a C4 motion or what to do about a motion to suppress.

    Also, if I wanted to know the world cup scores, I'd check. I don't need to filter through a dozen twitter-like emails about which country score a goal. It's just obnoxious.

  4. Looks like you'll need continuances tomorrow, Rumpole. The Germans are steamrolling England flat on the field, 4-1 so far.

  5. soccer moms perished with minivans

    thank god......

    hard to tell which was more annoying

  6. GO GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Sid Smith or Elliot Silver as Rumpole?

    Sorry about the match- revenge for 1966.

    Argentina would have crushed the Brits anyway.

  8. soccer (aka "football" for eurotrash, third world nations and others) is nothing but a great sport for 4th graders - chase after ball, kick ball, repeat.

  9. 10:59 am - hear, hear! The world cup emails were the last straw for me. I cannot fathom how she gets clients.

  10. Leacock: what a complete moron. Check out her website: "extensive and intricate understanding of the criminal rules and procedures..." ROTFLMAO. I guess that intricate understanding stems from soliciting the opinions of other attorneys on a listserve. What a joke.
