Tuesday, June 01, 2010


TUESDAY AFTERNOON UPDATES: Al and Tipper Gore call it quits after 40 years of marriage. Look what John Edwards started.

The lines to the REGJB were surprisingly short and misdemeanor calendars were mostly manageable. Lets give credit to Judge Slom and his County Court Judges who apparently planned and worked hard to make the schedule today manageable. According to reports, Judges Louis Krieger Martin and Joe Fernandez had the smallest calendars while Judge Miranda had a larger calendar, but in her defense we hear she is working her way through a large backlog of cases.

We highly recommend the BBC coverage of the incident where Israel boarded vessels bound for Gaza. Israel is quickly being isolated on this, and more ships are heading for Gaza. What do they do now? Stay tuned.

Good Tuesday Morning! It's the first working Tuesday of 2010 June.

Today is June 1, 2010, the 152nd day of the year. There are 213 days remaining. In 1792 Kentucky was admitted to the Union. In 1812 James Monroe asked Congress to declare war on our UK and last year General Motors filed for bankruptcy on this date.

How were the lines into the REGJB this AM? Send us your pictures so we can harass Judge Slom. It's been awhile and it's on our to do list.


From Bob Norman's Daily Pulp comes this tidbit about the racial insensitivity of County Court Judge Peggy Gehl. We've just about run out of adjectives to describe the Broward Judiciary so we'll leave it to you dear readers. Post your best adjectives in the comments section and we'll choose a few.

During her birthday party last year in a jury room, Judge Gehl needed a light for the candles on her cake, according to Finkelstein. She turned, naturally, to Jamaican-American assistant public defender Ghenete Wright Muir and said, "You have a light." Muir said, no, actually she doesn't. Gehl said that she must have one because she smokes. No, I don't smoke, said Muir. "Yes, you do smoke, because you have dreadlocks," Gehl told her.

The DBR coverage of this outrage is here which also includes Gehl screaming at a defendant "Go back to Jamaica" when his lawyer asked her to withhold adjudication on a matter so his immigration status would not be jeopardized.

Rumpole shakes his head in wonder: The stupidity and insensitivity of the encounter really has us speechless. We wouldn't expect this type of thinking in the average citizen, but then we remember it's Broward and this is a Judge we're talking about, so really why are we surprised at all?


  1. I realize this is a difficult day and I don't want to make it worse BUT

    today is the first day of Hurricane season AND just one Hurricane in the Gulf would push back BPs ability to cap the well until November.

    Sorry. Try and have a nice day.

  2. Its the end of the golf as we known it.

  3. Gehl retired two weeks ago. She is no longer on the bench.

  4. There are tens of thousands of drilling platforms in the Gulf that have to be evacuated everytime there is a hurricane that heads in their direction. It is incredible that there hasn't beena disaster prior to now. We just don't think about the possibilities until it happens. We are truly a reactionary society.

  5. Some local defense attorney has some spam bot trying to spam our blog with his website. The writing is atrocious and the website sucks. The question is whether I turn my considerable talents towards picking he and his website apart or do I turn the other electronic cheek and leave him be?

  6. We support an attack on the offending spammer but only if it is written in French

  7. Rump,

    You forgot to mention that the escalator on the first floor was being worked on again at 9am and was out of service.

    I think that 9am on a Tuesday after a long weekend with a packed courthouse is the best time to shut down the escalator. Kudos to Judge Slom for making sure this well-timed work continues to disprupt the administration of justice.

    Why dont they just work on the elevators and escalators after lunchtime when all the judges are gone for the day?

    By the way, who is going to be in charge of publishing number of open cases in each division? I know the judges look at those things everyday so they can be assured they are not the division with the highest number.

  8. Several alert readers actually sent me pictures of the escalator that is out of service and I will have it up in tomorrow's post. But I can't hold Slom responsible for that.

  9. Medicated Pete endorses Samantha Ruiz Cohen for Judge over Petey Adrien!!!

  10. If Peggy Gehl was smart, she would issue and apology and enjoy retirement.

  11. Rump, what exactly is so special about the BBC coverage? They make the headline of the article a quote from an obviously biased witness whose inculpatory statement is inconsistent with the exculpatory physical evidence collected at the scene, ie, the video buried deeper in the article. That case would never get past a JOA. It is typical blame Israel for everything journalism that would never happen if another country were involved. Could you imagine if a bunch of islamic fundamentalists boated to Guantanamo in support of Bin Laden's driver and refused US Coast Guard warnings to stop, and then attacked the boarding party? Every one of them would be either shot or imprisoned, and nobody would say a word. The world is off its rocker.

  12. I came across this review of DUI payaso, Jose Elortegui. Had to share it.


  13. John Edwards is my hero, he should have been president, go figure, if he were running for office in Miami having only one mistress would be seen as a lack of Machismo and shortcoming.

  14. Why not blame Slom or Soto or whomever makes the decision to shut down the elevators and escalators at the worst possible times? Even if the building manager was responsible, dont you think the administrative judges should step in and say something? You know, something like, "Hey building manager, we need the escalators to shuttle the thousands of people around the various courtrooms in this facility. How about we shut the escalators down beginning at about 1:00 pm when 98% of the building is empty."

    It's like the groundskeeper of Augusta National turning on the sprinklers at 3pm on the final round.

    Or re-striping 1-95 Monday at 9:00 a.m.

    Or hey, the Baby Lollipops case is still being tried. I say we replace the carpet in there. How's tomorrow at 10:30am look for everyone?

  15. the real fake alschulerTuesday, June 01, 2010 11:43:00 PM

    Keeping with the spirit of politics...the following is appropriate:

    You say that you are fake Alschuler?

    I know the real fake Alshuler...

    The real fake Alschuler was a friend of mine...

    YOU SIR are not fake Alschuler!!

  16. When Castro shot down the unarmed Brothers to the Rescue planes in international airspace, there was little condemnation from the international community. Now, the Israelis hit back after being suckerpunched and it's a war ceime.What hypocrisy!
