Thursday, March 04, 2010


We abandon our veneer of frivolity to alert our readers to some tragic news:

We learned this week that Judge Reemberto Diaz's judicial assistant's (who previously was the Judicial assistant to the late Judge Henry Leyte-Vidal) 19 year old daughter was killed in a tragic car accident last weekend.

There is some discussion of lawyers, JAs and some judges making contributions to help the family defray funeral expenses. We suggest asking Judge Diaz or his bailiff about this.

Our hearts go out to Ms. Caridad Rodriguez at this terribly difficult moment.

We also learned today that everyone's favourite ex-PD- Bob Lamons- suffered a "medical incident" of some sort in the parking lot of the REGJB this morning. He was rushed to the UM Medical Center (Formerly Cedars-Sinai) and we await word on his condition.

Reminders both that we all have one life to live and life and health are precious beyond value or words.




    It appears that sitting County Court Judge Lisa Walsh is now without an opponent. Attorney Silvia Perez, who had filed papers to run against Walsh in October of 2009, has decided to withdraw.

    Perez had loaned her campaign a total of $510 and raised a total of $40, that amount coming from her mother.

    Walsh now waits another 55 days to see if she will have a new opponent or will win re-election unopposed.

    Good luck to Judge Walsh.

    Cap Out ....

  2. Yesterday, some moron posted the following:

    Pro se defendant won an attempted murder with a firearm trial today in front of Scola. Take that SAO!!
    Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:03:00 PM

    Grow the f--- up. Take THAT 7:03.

  3. Michelle Spence Jones - please just go away. Miami has enough crooked politicians. Do we really need more.

  4. Dear 6:49,

    I am not 7:03, but you are clearly and ASA and possibly the ASA that got their ass handed to them by a pro se defendant on a 1st PBL.

    Sour grapes, sore loser, take your pick. Regardless as to who you are...I'm embarrassed for your office...must have been a great case for the state. Way to prefile!

  5. Loosing to pro se defendants makes the prosecutor look like a loooooooooser, when in fact, those trials are often much more difficult (when the defendant is smart enough not to say a bunch of crazy shit).

  6. get well soon bobby lamons. you have always been a class act and a pleasure to deal with when i as a prosecutor

  7. yeah but Scola gave the defendant 6 months for contempt

  8. When I was an ASA, I never tried cases against pro se defendants. Sorry, I dont mind losing to a good lawyer, a mediocre lawyer or even a bad lawyer. But a pro se? Never.

    If you beat them, you're supposed to beath them. If you lose- oy vey.

    I'd rather nolle prosse
