Thursday, October 08, 2009


The minimum mandatory craze has reached traffic court. Courtesy of the Broward Blog and their readers who did the research:

Fun With Statutes -  322.0261 Driver improvement course; requirement to maintain driving privileges; failure to complete; department approval of course:

(4)  The department shall identify any operator convicted of, or who pleaded nolo contendere to, a violation of s. 316.074(1
), s.  316.075(1)(c)1., s 316.072, s. 316.191  or s. 316.192 and shall require that operator, in addition to other applicable penalties, to attend a department-approved driver improvement course in order to maintain driving privileges. If the operator fails to complete the course within 90 days after receiving notice from the department, the operator's driver license shall be canceled by the department until the course is successfully completed. 

The 2009 Statute requires mandatory driving school on violations of traffic control device, red light, school bus, drag racing and reckless for "any operator convicted of, or who pleaded nolo contendere".  Q: Does a guilty plea to a Withhold gut the statute?

Rumpole says: add this as reason 84 for lawyers who aren't in traffic court every day to never go. 

Miami FACDL President Hector Flores is in the NY Times today representing a former "high ranking" ICE Agent. Courtesy of everyone's favourite federal blogger. By the way, there is no truth to the persistent rumor our favourite federal blogger was removed from the Supreme Court attorney's gallery the other day for doing the wave after Justice Sotomayor asked a question during oral argument. 

The JETS are coming to town this week for Monday Night Football and perhaps a renewal of Jets coach Rex Ryan's pre-season war of words with Fin Linebacker Channing Crowder. 

Another Monday holiday coming up. Enjoy your loooooong weekend. 
Ho hum. 


  1. min man for traffic. Can you say
    "mo money mo money mo money fo me!!"???

  2. Min mands just confirms that the legislature does not trust the judiciary.

  3. When was this changed? My statute book says that it's supposed to be for a 2nd violation within 12 months. When do we get the new books?
