Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This lawyer appears to be engaging in spam. This comment keeps arriving in our in box and we have heard through the blogger grapevine that this comment is appearing on other blogs.

Is this type of spam ethical? Should something be done to stop this lawyer? At the very least people should call him and let him know our dander is up:

Great Article and informative. Thanks for sharing. I know its not really relavant, but I have been following your blog for some time and I had an amazing thing happen to me today. I got a speeding ticket two months ago and I gave it to the Traffic Ticket Team, www.trafficticketteam.com, who's main
Lawyer Jason A. Diamond did a speeding traffic ticket for me and he was amazing.
He got my ticket dismissed. I know you are thinking, who cares. But I was so freggin amazed, I feel like I need to tell the world to never pay a traffic ticket again. It's so empowering to have a way to tell the cops, you are not all that. Anyway, enough soap boxing, If you ever get a traffic ticket, call Jason Diamond (954) 967-9888 his office and staff were great.
Doug Johnson

Tales From The Blitz:

We received this email:

Rumpole: Ola from ground zero, County Court- The Blitz!

Most of the big defense guns are out in force: Randy "the ticket machine" Maultash; Hochman and Goldman; Tony for Hidnert; Vic the Mad Russian; Bob Baker - and all their minions. There is a consortium of sorts- the big ticket guys all got together and each took a courtroom and handled all the cases of the consortium, so they wouldn't have to go running from court to court. This iced out the coverage lawyers but so far everyone is happy.

Things are going fairly well. Lots of cases are getting resolved and the new fad among the cops is to show up in court and then say they don't remember the case. The cops avoid getting into trouble for not showing, but once they check in they can leave and don't have to wait around.

The Judge are pretty ok about this. Some Judges are still a stickler for the damn written rights waiver form and some judges are giving the prosecutors forever to wait until dismissing the case when a witness doesn't appear. But mostly things are running a lot smoother than last year's blitz.

Thanks for the vine.
Traffic lawyer----out!


  1. If it truly is a client doing it on his own...no violation. If it is at the behest of the lawyer...big problems.

  2. Yep, I've been getting large helpings of it at my place.


  3. He looks like just another shameless self promoter. One of many who appear on your blog. I guess you have to define Spam. Perhaps there is a rule, statute or case law that defines Spam. That would be helpful. I think this guy is just posting, copying and posting to as many sites as possible to make a buck. I guess all the bondsman and house men are taken right now.

    Now, hopefully this is a real client for said attorney who did have a real problem. If not, perhaps he is engaging in some sort of unethical conduct governed by the Bar. Worst case perhaps it could be akin to fraud, an FCC violation, or other crime.

    Lawyer advertising appears to be evolving with the 'net and facebook, blogs, twitter, etc. Some Facebook Lawyer cites may not pass muster under the Bar's Advertising Regulations. I'm not sure the bar requires attorneys to submit their FB sites for approval yet. I've seen at leat one that may cause some concern.

    Along the advertising vein: Any comments about the I-95 billboard that reads www.whocanisue.com? I thought that this might not pass muster.

    Talk among yourselves. Advertising on the Internet. Discuss.

  4. Don't worry, Richard and I will prank call this SOB to death.

  5. ha, the jack and rod show!

  6. LOL. Yeah, posting the comment on your main page is a GREAT way to deter that kind of conduct.

    If you're going to publish a comment on this, at least X out his name. Otherwise, you're feeding into what he's (assuming arguendo that he's the one doing it and not a client) doing since he probably thinks there's no such thing as bad publicity.


  7. It would be more than a surprise to me if a cleint was spamming the world for this lawyer.

  8. at least it doesnt look like a miami-dade office, more north of the border shananagans

  9. I've often wondered what the bar would do if a a non-lawyer started taking out advertising on a lawyers behalf - advertising with "features" and "testimonials" and non-muzak music. I don't who would ever do such a thing without being prompted and paid, but what if for some reason it happened. Or alternatively what if they were prompted and paid and the bar couldn't prove it. It's not as if they can regulate non-lawyers, and while free speech for lawyers is heavily curtailed in advertising (among other things), I have a hard time believing anyone else could regulate it. If corporations want to make adverts not so cleverly disguised as movies to avoid campaign finance problems, what's to stop a non-lawyer putting out a testimonial. I imagine a number of lawyers ask their clients to rate them on Avvo - thereby encouraging a positive testimonial - what's the difference between that and encouraging them to post a nice comment on a blog or take out an advertising spot. It's near impossible unlikely that a client would do this on their own, but I wonder how the bar would handle it?

  10. Anon, the bar isn't checking facebook and myspace just yet, though they threatened to do so last month for new applicants. Word on the street is that they're backing away from that. Regarding the billboard, it's disgusting and no wonder people hate lawyers until they need one.

  11. http://www.atlantada.org/

    Scroll down to the bottom. It's him I found the wanted man. He's been working there all along lol!

    Your friend and fan
    Officer friendly;)

  12. I think Spam is unsolicited email. Blogs by their very nature solict email, comments and the like. Not spam. Maybe the lawyer owes this client, perhaps his brother in law, some money and helping him get some clients with a little free advertising. I thought the one comment was interesting re why you put it up on the front page if you found it to be improper. I'm sure someone will look up this lawyer. He's probably new. Cut him some slack. Tell him the rules re advertising and forgetaboutit.

  13. Rump: Just give this lawyer a warning. Tell him you must pay for advertising. Besides, there a bigger problems in the system. Don't focus on a scratch on the arm when you are bleeding from the jugular.

  14. Here's Diamond's Bar profile. He's an experienced AV rated ticket lawyer (admitted 1995) from Hollywood with a discliplinary history per the Bar website.


  15. Young Jon Blecher

    A popular haircut

    one piece of the river of grass...

    Amazing Karnac:

    Young Jon Blecher

    A popular haircut

    and one piece of the river of glass

    ed mcmahon...hohohohoho hahahaha

    amazing karnac: what is

    David Spade
    a fade
    a blade

    ed mcmahon---hohohohohoho hahahahaha

  16. A quick search of the Broward county public records shows that there is a Douglas A. Johnson who has several traffic cases and Jason Diamond is listed as the attorney of record on some of them. Were these comments out of the goodness of Johnson's heart? Did Diamond give Johnson something in exchange for his 'testimonial?' Even if he did, is that prohibited? If I call the number, is Johnson going to be working there?

  17. The guy has two disciplines from the Bar for, wait for it ........ wait for it .......... wait for it ............ violating Bar advertising rules. Really? Hard to believe.

    Disciple 1:
    Jason Alexander Diamond, 4421 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, reprimanded for professional misconduct following an Aug. 26 court order. Diamond is further placed on probation for two years and must attend and complete The Florida Bar’s Advertising Workshop held in his geographical area. (Admitted to practice: 1995) Diamond failed to comply with Florida Bar Advertising Rules. (Case nos. SC04-72 and SC04-864)

    Discipline 2:
    Jason Alexander Diamond, 4421 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, suspended from practicing law in Florida for three days, effective 30 days following a January 26 court order. (Admitted to practice: 1995) Diamond violated advertising rules. (Case no. SC05-1615)

    Give AVVO some props, they have him rated as a "concern" with a 4.6 score, while Martindale-Hubbell gives the guy an AV. In case you didn't know, the V in AV is for VERY HIGH ethical standards. Shouldn't one Bar discipline, much less TWO, automatically disqualify a lawyer for a V rating???

    Where is the Captain on this stuff. No election news. I had to post the fundraising numbers. No discipline info. You should withdraw his privileges Rumps.

  18. Where is Shelly Schwartz these days? What division? Is he still in Hialeah?!?!

  19. Faux Fakey Fakerstein, Esq.Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:24:00 PM

    Rump -- Just as an FYI, this guy holds himself out as AV rated on the Bar website, but I just checked and according to Martindale-Hubbell, he is NOT peer review rated AV (or anything for that matter).



    I see another bar complaint in his future.

    Faux Fakey Fakerstein, Esq.

  20. yall need to just leave the traffic ticket hacks alone--really!!

  21. Rumpole
    The thing with an AV rating is that once you have it unless you pay an extra $35 a year they dont include you in the website. I know cause I have an AV rating ( the Letter from Martindale-H is on my wall) but they send me email all the time telling me I am not on the web list, but can be for $35.
    D. Sisselman

  22. I wonder if his Avvo rating would be lower if it also showed his 2006 suspension...

  23. Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:00:00 AM

    I want a poll tossing this lazy bastard off the blog. Captain get with the program or find another blog.

