Saturday, October 31, 2009



Here is one of our favourite presidential trivia questions that popped up on Final Jeopardy Friday Night:

Name the only president who has the same double letter occurrence in their first and last name : The double letters must be in order- for instance if you answer Theodore Roosevelt you would be wrong because while there are two "O"'s in Theodore, they aren't double in the same way they are in Roosevelt.

Hint: This president is named in an Odd Couple episode. Double bonus- why was this president named by Felix in an Odd Couple episode?


  1. Millard Fillmore, and no idea about the odd couple - Miami 1L who wishes he could be out partying tonight

  2. MiLLard FiLLmore.

    "Millard Fillmore knew less about opera than any other President- except of course for Rutherford B. Hayes".

  3. Millard Fillmore (I googled it).

    GroVEr CleVEland could also make an interesting trivia questions since he's got "ve" in both names and was president on two separate terms.

  4. J...E...T...S.... Fake Jay White sucks!!!!

  5. Shumie is a rank cruciverbalist the sort of which it is dangerous to consort with on this or any all hallows eve. Beware!

  6. I just logged onto facebook and the top suggestion was to "poke jonathan bletcher."


  7. When I was growing up my school banned all types of cruciverbalism...and unfortunately when I got to a liberal northeastern college, I discovered cruciverbalism and went a bit overboard for a few years and my grades suffered because of it. I didn't get into a top tier law school because of my grades, and now I labour as a coverage attorney and live in a cheap apartment in South Miami.

    All because my hometown school was uptight.

  8. JEFF OR SAM IS OK WITH MESaturday, October 31, 2009 9:52:00 AM

    Wouldn't you say Petey Adrien is the Millard Filmore of circuit judges? Below mediocre and soon forgotten once voted out of office? I sure hope so..

  9. Pretty tricky for halloween by putting that link in the title and not telling one. You're a tricky blogger rump- I'll say that. And the picture? Scared the bejesus out of me.

  10. Hey that Nate guy is the lawyer from North of the Border who just filed to run against an incumbent Judge in Broweird. It's up on that JAAB site.

  11. Any guy who knows Odd Couple trivia is qualified to be judge in my book.

  12. My parents were liberal and had no problem with me engaging in cruciverbalism at home so when I got to college it was no big deal. I aced college went to Columbia Law school, got hired by a big firm, and have a penthouse on Brickell. Go figure.

  13. Thanks for the kind words Rump. Big fan.

    Was on a cruise this weekend with a bunch of friends, one of whom was wearing an "Unger Gum" T-Shirt. Get the reference?

    Now how's that for Odd Couple trivia.

  14. Halloween trivia: What Justice Building character other than Alex Michaels hails from Transylvania and looks the part?

  15. Good luck in the NYC Marathon tomorrow Rumpole. Let us know what your time was. I'm sure you will beat my best time (5:00:00)

  16. Of course I know the reference. I think last week I asked of anyone knew what Felix's brother did? He owned a bubble gum factory in Buffalo and as the Odd Couple ends- Felix and Gloria remarry and Felix goes to Buffalo to work with his brother. He in fact- in the final scene- shuffles off to Buffalo. Great trivia.

  17. millard filmore and he knew less about ballet than any president in us history.

    what curent miami member of the arts community was on the same episode re ballet?

  18. what did oscar miss because felix called him at the baseball game? Movie

    what did oscar throw on the wall in a fit of anger at felix? movie

    what role did arnold from happy days play on the odd couple? show

  19. Is there any truth to the rumor that MADD is getting 1k per case for this DUI diversion madness?

    boy if that is true they sell out pretty cheaply like a miami commissioner

  20. Can someone explain to me how this is correct? Millard Fillmore is the ONLY one??? One poster already named Grover Cleveland. The first one (of the "ONLY") that popped into my head was Lyndon Johnson. This question is only legitimate if they use the word "consonants" in place of "letters". Ridiculous that they do this on final Jeopardy.

  21. After MADD's founder became a lobbyist/PR person for the liquor industry, you can expect anything.

  22. Miami commissioners don't sell themselves cheaply. They work on volume just like some ticket lawyers.

  23. 7:44- the question is presidential names with double letters- and the same double letters in the first and last name- MiLLard (double LL) fiLLmore(Double LL) - is the only answer- what can't you see about that?

  24. PTI for 1st dui's is going is an outrage. Where is the dui defense bar lobby? DUI cases just went from 10k a pop to 2500 a pop.

  25. 10:53, don't be so naive. Only a few attorneys were able to get 10k for a DUI, a fee which they often had to reduce because people, simply, don't have that kind of money.

    The average fee for a well-done first time DUI is 3 to 4k. Some volumizers charge between 600 to 1k.

  26. Speacking of Peter Adrien- just 429 more days until he is unemployed.
