Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Update: Speaking of laboring for truth, our favourite Federal Blogger was at the 11th Circuit Hearing today on the Government's appeal of Judge Cooke's dismissal of the money laundering count against attorney Ben Kuehne. His blogging is here.
The argument apparently went well for Kuehne, with the government DOJ
lawyer having to admit that under the government's view, approximately 4 billion people on earth have committed some form of money laundering. Not really- but the government did back themselves into another corner. Again.

You know what this looks like to us? This looks like the government realized a long time ago that they blew this case and should have never charged Ben Kuehne. But now they've dug themselves such a deep hole they can't get out of it, so they're going to go down swinging and try and take Ben Kuehne with them just on the stress and damage to his practice this ridiculous and outrageous prosecution must be having on him.

Real lawyers- not coddled federal DOJ appartchiks- would have manned up to their mistake a long time ago and apologized to Ben Kuehne and dismissed the case. But never mistake those DOJ pretty boys and girls for real lawyers.

Congratulations to Judge Antonio Arzola of the County Court for his promotion to Circuit Court.

Did you know that Judge Arzola once clerked for now Chief Judge Federico Moreno in Federal Court?

Did you know Judge Federico Moreno got his start on the bench right in our humble little building as a County Court Judge?

Did you know whilst a County Court Judge, Federico Moreno once signed a bench warrant for a Dolphins wide receiver, and then is reported to have remarked or written on the warrant "don't arrest on Sundays"?

Best of luck to Judge Arzola as he joins our never ending "Labor for the the Truth", and while we have little experience with him where he has been, we truly mean it when we say.....See You In Court Judge Arzola.

Courtesy of the Broward Blog, here's a link to the Sun Sentinel which has a You Tube video posted of your Fort Lauderdale Police at work. The words "safe", "professional" and "non-violent" would never be associated with that gang that patrols the streets North of the Border.


  1. Arzola is smart, fair, knows the law most of the time, if he doesn't know the law will look it up and treats all with respect, while not kowtowing to anybody.

    Can't ask for much more from a judge.

  2. to 5:57 - wrong. The Captain got it right with the post about the Arzola appt. Gov. Crist issued a press release that said:


    September 22, 2009
    TALLAHASSEE – Governor Charlie Crist today announced the appointment of Antonio Arzola of Miami to the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court.

    “Antonio’s extensive professional experience in both the public and private sectors and his diverse background makes him an ideal choice for this post,” said Governor Crist. “I am confident his strong work ethic, humble temperament and personal integrity will serve the people of the Eleventh Circuit well.”

    To Scott Saul: you got it right and this stat is even more telling:

    Ted Ginn Jr has 134 receiving yards in two games this year. But only 1 yard has come after the catch. Of course it would have been 3 yards but for the catch on that final drive where he gained 11yards, but stepped back two yards and then out of bounds on the wrong side of the first down marker.

  3. 2 things
    1. Arzola is a good guy, smart judge

    2. re yom kippur- my father always disputed the "holiest day of the year" claim (dont know if this was an original thought or one shared/learned from others) and said that he believed that the Sabbath was the holiest day, as it was direct decree from G_d in the commandements, not to downplay significance of Yom Kippur, but i always appreciated that analysis

  4. Cash money ain't never gonna play out.

  5. Arzola is a good guy. He is a bit state oriented but, means well, is polite and liked by both sides.

    Good choice but, then, so was Gayles.

    Hard to believe that Crist passed up Vickie Brennan. She was an insider from Jeb's days but, not as good a judge as Arzola or Gayles.

  6. Judge Arzola and Jonathan Blecher- seperated at birth???

  7. I speak for all the Goyem when I say we are happy to have Monday off. Mazel Tov.

  8. Vhy I not considered for judge? Dees eeees bullsheeeeeeeeeeet!

  9. Goyem on the blog? Oy Vey!

  10. Bestiality is not against the law in Florida

    Rumpole, how can this be? Please comment.

    "Carla Rhea Maldonado, 41, of Palm Coast, was charged in 2008 after a tipster turned over a computer disk depicting her performing oral sex on a then-15-year-old girl in February 2005.

    The same disk contained pictures of her having sex with her German shepherd, reports the Daytona Beach News Journal.

    That effectively got Maldonado fired -- from the Flagler Humane Society, where she worked for nine years as a veterinary technician.

    Now she's facing some serious cage time.

    She'll will likely be sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison followed by five years' probation. Plus she'll have to register as a sex offender.

    But Circuit Judge Kim C. Hammond could send her to prison for up to 15 years when she is sentenced Oct. 19.

    Her husband, David Maldonado, 42, is accused of recording the images of his wife molesting the teenager. He's charged with 50 counts of possession of child pornography.

    She was not charged with any crime in connection with the dog. Bestiality is not against the law in Florida

  11. "You know what this looks like to us? This looks like the government realized a long time ago that they blew this case and should have never charged Ben Kuehne. But now they've dug themselves such a deep hole they can't get out of it, so they're going to go down swinging and try and take Ben Kuehne with them just on the stress and damage to his practice this ridiculous and outrageous prosecution must be having on him.

    Real lawyers- not coddled federal DOJ appartchiks- would have manned up to their mistake a long time ago and apologized to Ben Kuehne and dismissed the case. But never mistake those DOJ pretty boys and girls for real lawyers."

    So true. It's not just the "DOJ pretty boys" that are guilty of this behavior.

    I hope Ben and crew kick these sob's asses.
