Friday, September 18, 2009

The Jewish Service Heard Round the World: Live from Germany

Tonight marks the beginning of ten days of introspection for those who practice and follow the Jewish religion. In honor of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, we bring you this amazing story.

THE SCENE: The Battle for the control of Aachen, Germany.

THE DATE: October 29, 1944.

Max Fuchs, now an 87 year old retiree living in New York, had been studying to be a Cantor before joining the First Infantry Division.

When it was decided to conduct and broadcast a Jewish Religious Service on German soil, Mr. Fuchs was asked to sing at the battlefield service. Mr. Fuchs recalled that he chose two songs because they were familiar and they were quick. If you listen closely during the closing song at the end of the video, you can hear artillery in the background.

Every day during WWII American soldiers engaged in simple acts of humanity that made it crystal clear why we were fighting. It is to honor their memory, and in the spirit of this season of renewal that we make this post.


  1. The Captain Responds:

    To contact the Gov:

    Office of Governor Charlie Crist
    State of Florida
    The Capitol
    400 S. Monroe St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

    Cap Out ....

  2. I read this on South Florida Lawyer. A very moving event.

  3. Thank You for remembering!May we all learn from History!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 11:18:00 om, people don't learn from history. That's why it repeats itself.
