Saturday, September 12, 2009


It all starts tomorrow!!!

Don't forget the Suicide Pool: David O Markus, Miguel De La O"ver", Marshall Dore Louis, Iftikhar Memon, Public Pretender, Daniel Tidbitt, Fake Alex Michaels, and others have already signed up. Don't forget to get your picks in before tomorrow.

The Rules are simple- pick one team each week to win the game. No point spread involved. Once you use that team you cannot use it again the rest of the year.

This will be our fourth year picking football games, and we put our record up against the very best touts who sell their services. We have had a winning and profitable season every season, but we can tell you that this year looks tough. In the past we have identified certain trends or reverse trends where we spotted teams that were over rated or under rated and made a lot of money early in the season until the rest of the public caught on and the lines were adjusted.

We are not seeing too many of those as of this moment. But we shall plunge ahead and give you a preview of our picks for tomorrow.

Our own home town Fins open up 2009 on the road at Atlanta, and we are worried. The Fins are +4 and the play here looks to be the Falcons and lay the points. The Fins start a rookie in the secondary, and the Falcons have the superior "non-gimmick" running game along with a great young QB.

The J..E..T...S open the season against an improving Houston Texan team that is giving up between 3.5 and 5 points. Give the points, and lets call it 4, and we like the under 45 as well.

The Tampa Bay Bucs are getting no respect as a home dog to the Dallas Cowpokes. This Cowpoke team will disappoint again this year, but this is a game to stay away from with the Bucs in disarray as evidenced by the firing of their offensive coordinator a week before the season began.

We also like the Cardinals -7 over the 49ers, and the Pack -3 at home over da Bears. Check in tomorrow with our final plays and the amounts.

And remember to bet with your head and not over it....unless you really really need the money and have a good feeling about the game.


  1. Horray!!!! Tomorrow for the first time since January, I will arise in my palatial condo over looking the ocean and shout with glee sometime between 1pm and 1:15 PM


  2. From the civil blog which is these days mostly all Shumie All the Time:

    Hollywood-Miami Insider said...

    Hollywood chatter has producer Judd Apatow buying a screen treatment called "No Time for Shumie Time" about a 50 year old lawyer who gets fired for taking some time off from work. He moves in with his girlfriend who is 36 to save expenses and winds up raising her three daughters ages 10, 12, 16, and becomes a stay at home step dad while his girlfriend finishes law school and ...yes gets hired by his old firm. Then she gets a file he was working on and together they go to court and win the big unwinnable case that for a twist in the plot, the partner of the firm wanted them to lose because he had bought stock in the company being sued. They win the case, get married , he gets his job back, and the he and her three daughters all live happily ever after.

    Seth Rogan is interested in playing the lawyer, but they haven't decided yet if he will wear makeup to age or re-write the script so the lawyer is younger.

    The story takes place in a mythical Miami Firm, Peterson, Hernandez, Glumberger and Associates.

    The screen treatment was written by a real out of work Miami lawyer who just got three mil for his efforts plus a credit as the writer if the film is made and a small piece of the back end gross, not net.


  4. much to lose much to gain in my brain i gotta capitlist migraine

  5. So many hoes in my beach condo think I'm a movie star- 49, I drive a 200 thousand dollar car.

  6. We got our block sold on the dope spot
    The last thing we sweated was a sucker punk cop!!

    Fake Willie Falcon and Real Fake Sal Maglutta

  7. Rump, what we have here, to quote Cool Hand Luke- is a failure to communicate.

    At it's essence, the Hustler is a young man with, as he puts it, nothing to lose and much to gain.

    All he really cares about is being a success in business as we can see in this line: "I gotta get more money than you got, so what if some mutha f'er gets shot?"

    This is a young man who has traded his morals for success in business. Unfortunately for all involved, his business happens to be drugs, and that bothers even him: "Every dollar I get another brotha drops...g-dam, maybe that's the plan and I don't understand. But I gotta get paid, I got money to earn."

    So once again we can see the moral conflicts over what his business may be doing to his neighborhood which he has sold on the "dope spot" takes second place to his desire to earn money and "get paid".

    This is an extremely conflicted young man who is highly motivated to succeed. Can we say that he is any different in a fundamental sense from say a young Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?

    These are good points for everyone to discuss over coffee at Au Bon Pain.

  8. pregnant teens children scream life is weighed on the scales of a triple beam

  9. I would like to join this discussion but I think it's above me-

    My education's low
    but I got long dough
    (i got) moves like a pitt bull
    my heart pumps nitro
    I sleep on silk and
    lie like a politician
    my uzis my best friend
    cold as a mortician

  10. You had sanity, and I wanted it
    I was crazy and you disbarred me
    Turn the crazy into the lazy
    without my license my future is hazy.

  11. What the hell has happened to the legals blog lately? Sex and nudie pics on the civil blog, the federal blogger is all over the damn place and JBB is obsessed with football.


    South Florida Lawyer threatens to destroy Reporter for the Sun Sentinel for negative reporting of him.


    Bigwig Attorney Threatens Journalist Over Articles

    Scott Rothstein vows to go after more journalists as well

    Scott Rothstein, who operates one of the most successful law firms in South Florida, has apparently vowed to destroy a local journalist for writing critical articles about his friends.

    According to Broward-Palm Beach New Times columnist Bob Norman, Rothstein phoned him on August 25, calling himself the “Jewish Avenger” and threatening to bankrupt Norman and his wife, who is a reporter for the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

    Rothstein, managing partner of Rothstein, Rosenfeldt, Adler in Fort Lauderdale -- who recently purchased a controlling stake of Casa Casuarina on South Beach, better known as the Versace Mansion, which he plans to turn into a nightclub -- has become one of the most powerful men in South Florida, buying up restaurants and homes and donating big money to politicians.

    “I’m tired of you hunting around,” Rothstein told Norman, who said he was digging into the connections between Rothstein and state Rep. Evan Jenne of Dania Beach.

    Rothstein said he plans on going after other journalists as well.

    “I am starting with you and the Sun Sentinel and a couple of other (local reporters),” he told Norman.

    “When I finish, I think I will have made an important point.”

    But Rothstein also acknowledged that his threats could generate more negative coverage about him and his friends.

    “I may be too stupid to realize that what I’m about to do might cause you to write more horrific things about me and my family.”

    Norman met Rothstein in person about a year ago where the lawyer came off as friendly but was also sure to warn Norman not to cross him

    Q: Will Rumpole be scared to print this article for fear of reprisal?

  13. 8:44- have you read this blog for more than 6 months? We have always discussed pro football, and picked winners for the last three years, making the readers who follow our plays fairly wealthy along the way.

    8:49- who was the wise person who said "never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the gallon."??

    I don't know this avenger putz, but I ain't a scared. I've had crazier people than him after me.

  14. Rumpole at 9:12, - And we thought they taught the First Amendment in law school.

  15. Your point being what besides a the top of your head?
