Wednesday, May 06, 2009


BREAKING BLOG NEWS: From reporter Bill Shields via the South Florida Lawyers Blog: Circuit Court Judge Tam Wilson is .....outta here. Come October 2009 Judge Wilson will retire to golf, pina coladas, late lunches, early dinners...which if you think about it, sort of begs the question as to why retire when the State of Florida will pay you more than 150K a year to do that and all you have to do is wear that dopy robe? 

 But lets not rain on Judge Tam Wilson's parade. He was a good, fair, hard working judge. And we echo the sentiment of the Civil Blog guy- we may never have always gotten what we wanted from Judge Wilson,  but we never left his courtroom without believing that our client  got a full and fair hearing on the issues. Tam Wilson was one of the really good guys and his departure leaves a hole on the Dade Bench that will be hard to fill. *

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 
Albert Einstein. 

After last week's dustup over Judge Fred Seraphin's putative refusal to call attorneys out of turn during the busy Wednesday sounding calendar in County Court, we sent our spy to Judge Serpahin's courtroom Wednesday morning for a report. The result- a favorable, if somewhat over enthusiastic,  report for Judge Seraphin. 

Rumpole,  I'm here outside courtroom 4-9 at 9:10 and something amazing is going on: the courtroom is quiet and empty. There is a sign announcing Judge Seraphin's new policy- attorneys will be called out of turn between 8:30 and 9:30 am. 

Not since Judge Fred Nesbitt prowled the hallways of County Court in his bright blue robe, terrifying prosecutors and generally snarling at everyone, have I seen a more contentious problem then what was brewing between defense attorneys and Judge Seraphin these past few weeks.  And then,  just like that, PRESTO!!!  A little good old fashion common sense has everybody singing a different tune.  The Judge seems happier. The attorneys are happier. Even the pro se defendants are happier. .... As Bob Dylan sang, "the times" old rumpy, "they are a changing..."  This is county court agent 99 signing out.

Rumpole says: Well done Judge Seraphin. Well done indeed. 

Coming up next on the blog-  Can they really consider prosecuting lawyers for their written legal opinions? Only on your humble little Justice Building Blog. 

See You in Court,  with a new and fuller appreciation for the fact that there really is no cure for drinking too much Tequila. 

*there is absolutely, positively no hidden connection whatsoever between our phrase 
"...leaves a hole...." and the phrase associated with those last two words, and Judge Wilson. Would but we could say that for the rest of his brethren. 


  1. Almost exactly what I wrote here a few days ago when I said that Judge Seraphin took attorneys out of turn at the begnning of his calendar.

  2. BRAVO JUDGE! It only took some common sense & a swift (kick).... I mean reminder of your upcoming election to come up with a solution. Well Done!

  3. Can they really consider prosecuting lawyers for their written legal opinions? Only on your humble little Justice Building Blog?

    "Prosecuting" is a strong word, but for us ASAs, you will notice that none of us (save for Abe Laeser), will post by name.

    Some ASAs refuse to even post anonymously.

  4. 6:33 A.M.--I can see that you are an ASA. I will find out who you are sooner or later. And because you have dared to post on this blog, even anonymously, YOU ARE FIRED!! Any ASA who posts on this blog WILL BE FIRED.

    (Serious note: My respect for Mr. Laeser and his integrity prevents me from making more snarky comments).

  5. Rumour is fake dan horn fired all dade attorneys, pursuant to the horn compact.

  6. Fred Saraphin is deep down a good guy and I hope he learned from this.

  7. Great, so now at least we don't have to wait to hear the judge admonish people to be quiet so he can hear himself talk.
    Waiting in line was only indicative of the fact that there's a larger problem going on in that courtroom.
    Moving a calendar is only a small part of being a good judge.
    I don't mind waiting in line at Joes because I know the service I'm going to get when I get to the front of the line is decent.

  8. The Senate on Thursday approved the nomination of Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as the nation's drug czar, signaling a change in U.S. drug policy. Kerlikowske, a 36-year law enforcement veteran who has been Seattle's top cop for nine years, has pledged to take a balanced, science-based approach to the job. He also said he will focus on reducing demand for illicit drugs in the United States - a sharp contrast from the Bush administration's focus on intercepting drugs as they cross the border and punishing drug crimes.
    "Our nation's demand for drugs often fuels drug production and trafficking, as well as violence and corruption, within other nations," Kerlikowske said at his confirmation hearing for the job of director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The position is commonly known as the drug czar.

  9. rumor has it that judge tam wilson's seat is already to be filled by:

    Justice Labarga who has decided that he has done enough time on the 4th dca and the florida supreme court....

  10. Fake Don Horn is hereby relieved of his paycheck. He is free to occupy the position, but his monthly pay has been reallocated elsewhere.

    In fact, all ASA's are hereby relieved of 2% of their paychecks too, its not a paycut, its just being reassigned to another area.

    And the ASA who indicted the window washer, you're getting a promotion. :)

  11. All of you--including Rumpole--are fired. I am taking over this blog and will fire everybody on the blog. Nobody is safe. ASAs. APDs. Private attorneys. Judges. Clerks. Bailiffs. Probation officers. Policemen. Corrections officers. The guys who "fix" the REGJB escalators. Even the good folks at Au Bon Pain. YOU ARE ALL FIRED!!!!
