Saturday, March 08, 2008


Yes we've made the big time (although Ms. Nesmith's columns have been great as well). writes HERE about our posting Mr. Thompson's legal pleadings in his "dispute" with the Florida Bar. And all you readers said our indulging Mr. Thomson would lead to no good! Indeed.


  1. Rumpole on Meet the Press with Tim Russet Sunday, and CNN's Weekend wrap up Sunday night at 10:00 pm.

  2. strange to see all the jt haters. he is harmless. many of his pleadings, though over the top, are right on. the florida bar is the most difficult bunch in the world. And the adult picture book pleading was fantastic.

  3. The Q will be serving as Rumpole's agent

  4. I did not post a comment. I know the individual in question used his minor child in a "sting operation"- but that being said, that was his choice. I choose not to allow comments about the child.

  5. I heard RFB was a putz from other bloggers, and now I can see why.

  6. The adult picture book should be enshrined in a pleadings hall of fame.


  8. According to this morning's Herald, the woman running against Jeri Beth Cohen was shot at by three men with automatic weapons. the police believe it was a carjacking gone bad. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???

  9. On JT:
    Many of the things he says are bent with a great fear of god. He is an arrogant radical religious old devil with a charming disdain for the Supreme Ct of Florida. The people who write negative and slanderous comments about him are Min, the Judge and Keuhne. Who else could harbor such hate for him.
    At the end of the day he has at least one great flaw. He pretends to hate lesbians, all men love hot lesbians.

  10. Send me an email if you think I am crazy at:

    Jack Thompson

  11. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Seizing on a rare opportunity to influence U.S. politics, Puerto Rico's Democratic Party has chosen to hold a presidential primary instead of a caucus to encourage more islanders to participate in the June 1 contest, an official said Friday.

    Puerto Rico will decide American politics I love it!


    Bullets miss judicial candidate
    A candidate for judge was attacked last week in Little Haiti by gunmen who peppered her SUV.


    Miami-Dade judicial candidate Abbie Cuellar was driving along a side street in Little Haiti last week when two men emerged from a minivan-type vehicle and riddled her Infiniti SUV with bullets.

    She survived, but flying glass slashed her face.

    ''I wish I knew. I wish I knew it was a random act,'' Cuellar said this week. ``If it's something more sinister than that, I don't know what to do to protect myself.''

    The shooting is still perplexing Miami homicide detectives, who on Friday were to talk with Cuellar, 45, about details of the attack.

    The best theory: The gunmen were likely carjackers.

    Cuellar, a family-law and child-welfare attorney who lives in the Shorecrest neighborhood, is running against Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jeri Beth Cohen in November's election.

    On Feb. 26, the night of the attack, Cuellar had gone to a wine-and-cheese tasting in Doral. Exiting the Airport Expressway, she drove her black 2006 Infiniti sports utility vehicle, and headed home to Miami's Upper Eastside.

    Running empty on gas, she stopped at the Sunoco station, 1 NW 54 St., which she believed was better lit than the station across the street.

    Cuellar says she noticed nothing unusual while pumping gas. Just lots of cars.


    At about 10:25 p.m., down 54th street, she turned up Northeast Fourth Court, a two-lane side street used as a short-cut by many Upper Eastside residents.

    As Cuellar sped home -- she hadn't eaten at the event -- she noticed a large car next to her around 64th Street. It was odd because the lane was for oncoming traffic.

    The vehicle was light colored and large, though she couldn't tell if it was an SUV or a mini-van.

    ''What I really noticed was that the back window -- the whole back door -- was a tinted window. I remember that very distinctly. I had never seen that before,'' she recalled.

    The vehicle accelerated to pass her up, then slowed in front of her. Her Infiniti nearly hit the back of the vehicle. She braked.

    ``I immediately knew something was going down.''

    She said she saw two men get out and start shooting. ``I put the car in reverse and floored it. A bullet hit the windshield and it shattered. I crouched down and drove the car in reverse. Don't ask me how.''

    Her Infiniti came to a stop at an intersection. She flung open the door. Another car stopped, but the driver refused to help. Bleeding, Cuellar instead drove to Andiamo Pizza, 5600 Biscayne Blvd., where she called 911.

    Bullet holes marked the bumper, windshield and roof. Seven bullet casings were found, Cuellar said.


    Police speculate the gunmen followed her from the Sunoco.

    Detectives theorize they wanted to steal her car but were spooked when she reversed.

    Miami Cmdr. David Magnusson, who oversees Little Haiti, is baffled.

    ''It could very well be a robbery. But it's a string of events that we don't normally see with robberies,'' he said.

    ``I have not seen that, not in Little Haiti or the Upper Eastside -- a car just jamming on the brakes and two guys popping out. I don't know why these guys would be hell-bent on firing at her.''

    Anyone with information can call Miami's homicide unit at 305-579-6530 or Miami-Dade CrimeStoppers at 305-471-TIPS.


    My warmest regards to Abbie Cuellar I hope you are safe and doing better I was shocked to hear read this story.

    Now gun control for the life of me lets get some gun control!!


    Video of the candidate for Judge who was shot at.

  14. So, Jeri Beth "I have Cubans" Cohen is paying to off Candidate Cuellar? Mr. Alex Acosta, when will you finally move your butt and question all the good Judges of the 11th and start Operation Ethical Bench?

    Yes, Cohen, Farina, Ferrer, Cohn, Pando, Mills-Francis, Liefman, Fernandez, Firtel, Esquiroz, Echarte, McWhorter, Leifman, Rodriguez, Slom, Glazer, Scola (both), Lando, Korvick, Manno Schurr, Young, Bernstein, Larry Schwarts, Soto, Karlan, Faber, Miller (both), Saenz, Kravitz and King.

    In my humble opinion, we can stand to investigate these horrible law breakers and bring them to justice.

    What say you Mr. Acosta? That shooting was no accident and you know it. Do not let what happened to our officer's wives happen again this election. The abuse must end NOW!

  15. 10:51PM Get a grip my friend. Yikes a little off your rocker?

  16. Do some of you actually read what you write before you press send? Or are you just looking for a reaction?

  17. 10:51 You make JT look sane.

  18. Yeah, whatever. When the good old gangsters intimidate someone like poor Ms. Cuellar, we need to get a grip. Though, when someone merely states that Leifman works part-time we are racist, discriminatory and disrespectful. Whatever!

    As far as I am concern, you can all go to hell. I am with Cuellar. By bye Cohen the Cuban Hater!

  19. The Cuellar incident is intimidation gone bad. Yeah, I said it. She was to be intimidated. I am sure if you look hard enough, you will find Bob Levy somewhere within that mess.

    Why? Let's think. Who shoots up a person who is broke and is driving a normal car with nothing special on it. You can say that maybe they wanted to rape her, but let's be realistic here. The lady is not hot at all, no fun intended. Does anyone know the year of her car? Why try to steal it from her while she is driving when you can take one with less effort? She is running against Cohen who is known to be in fear for her seat based on her hate for Latins. Beth, it is time to say the truth. Tell them that Bob was the one that with the crazy intimidation idea and save yourself. Trust me, you will serve little time and Bob knows jail well.

    Best of luck peeps...
