Saturday, March 01, 2008



Reported by the Miami Herald HERE

The Florida Legislature has agreed to tap into "emergency funds" (meaning they will forgo their nightly Ribeyes at tax payer expense) and fund the court system without any layoffs for JAs, clerks, etc.


  1. A couple of posts ago there was a comment asking if anyone had ever had a good experience with a Broward judge or prosecutor. As a south of the border and infrequent (by choice) north of the border practitioner I have NEVER had a positive experience with a Broward ASA. I have been treated very well by Judge Diaz, Judge Lazarus and Judge Miller. Judge Gehl is a nightmare!

  2. Dont mention any good experiences you had with a Broward prosecutor. Any inference that he/she gets along with a member of the defense bar (particularly from miami)and that person will likely get fired.

    As far as judges are concerned, Michelle Towbin-Singer is a pleasure to practice in front of. Of course, she was a PD in Dade for several years, so she is much more realistic about how to handle a criminal case.

  3. Judge Gehl is a nightmare?

    Judge Gehl is probably the only judge in Florida that I would let my client go pro-se, bench, on a case. She is the perfect county court judge - understands people, and that misdemeanors are misdemeanors.

  4. I agree Diaz is very pleasant and fair to try a case. Judge Feiner is also a great judge to appear before, except that his courtroom is very cold. Both judges are friendly and allow you to make your arguments. As for Broward ASAs, they are dumber than the ones in Dade.

  5. The Broward prosecutors generally have a very bad attitude and think they are above the law.

    They waist much taxpayer money trying weak cases.

    The problem is that Satz does not teach them to be ethical.

  6. Thank you to all those who helped in getting the legislators to reconsider their position regarding the cutting of fund to the judicial assistants.Without the j.a.'s all would have been hurt greatly:the public,private industry,attorneys and all who labor in and participate in the judicial process.

  7. The legislature blinked... for this fiscal year. Next years budget will be painful. The judicial funding crisis will continue year in and year out. It's the consequence of funding the courts through the state.

  8. Appearing before Judge Diaz in Broward is like playing Russian Roulette. You stand in line at calendar and watch him be cordial to attorneys and then BAM one comes up and he is horribly offensive and rude. Additionally, he calls every male attorney Counselor and yet when a female appears he calls her Ma'am

  9. Judge Horowitz and Judge Robert Carney have always been nothing but a pleasure to appear before North of the Border. And while we are at it, do you mean to tell me that there aren't several Judges here in Miami Dade that appearing before is worse than having root canal with no novicane? Let's talk about Judge Thomas and Judge Lederman!

  10. i appeared before judge shutter in west satellite broward last week. he's a little manic but he took the time to fashion a decent plea agreement with me (undercutting the state) on a dwls (10 yr. dui rev.). the state wasn't unreasonable, but he did better.

  11. I'll tell you why Gehl is a nightmare: refusing to call on me when it was obvious that I was the only attorney left in her courtroom (you know, the suit, tie and briefcase hint) and then not accepting a withhold at a calendar call on my clients FIRST dwls case no accident and the suspension was for a failure to pay which was taken care of before the calendar call and my client had reinstated his license.

  12. ...and if Judge Gehl is the only judge you would "let my client go pro-se, bench, on a case" then you don't get around much...and he wouldn't be your client if he was pro se anyway...unless that's how your clients feel when you represent them.

    at 10:26 I didn't mean Terri Ann Miller, I meant the other Judge Miller. Terri ann is a nightmare Dade was lucky to dump on Broward

  13. Here is the biggest joke.

    Why not take money from the Judges? Instead, the money was going to be taken from poor JAs (you must have the worst lobbyist) and Clerks. What gives? We all know that Judges are overpaid and won't miss $5K.

    Charlie Crist, come on man. Are you crazy? Slash judicial salaries and hold judges accontable.

    Talking about accountable, Mr. Alex Acosta! Any word on "Operation Ethical Bench?"

  14. county court judge murphy in broward is a pleasure to work in front of. I'm glad that broward ASA's are such ass holes. It makes victory that much sweeter when you are a dade atty and win in trial. Unfortunately , I rarely go to broward so those moments are fleeting and far between.

  15. Judge Feiner is one of the most obnoxious anal retentive jerks ever to wear a black dress.

  16. I find it interesting that Broward gets such a bad rap. I have lived in Broward for 17 years (and practiced there for longer than that) and even though a majority of my practice is in Miami, I enjoy appearing in Broward.

    They do several things much better than Miami, including the fact that misdemeanor motions to take depositions are considered without hearing and almost universally granted. They also permit depositions to be taken in nearby law offices, so there is no waiting for deposition rooms and you can get your work done in your office if the witness fails to appear.

    Sure, there are some bad judges there. But there are bad judges in every jurisdiction.

    One of the best judges in the state is Judge Elijah Williams, who is a true gentleman. Even though I only appeared before him on one case, he really made a favorable impression with his politeness and fairness (and no, its not like he granted a motion to suppress or something).

    There are several other judges in Broward (Lazarus, Berman, Gehl, Diaz, Feiner, Robinson, to name a few off the top of my head) who are extremely fair and a pleasure to appear before if you get to know them. So don't be so fast to complain about the judges there.

  17. Matthew Destry is very good judge.

  18. The courts are funded through the state thanks to the revision 7 to article 5 that was pushed by county mayors led by Alex Penelas and which voters naively approved thinking that, labeling the money as "state" money somehow would save money to county taxpayers.

  19. M. Kaplan is a great judge that is a pleasure to appear in front of. I found Diaz to be very even keeled and a pleasure as well. Thumbs up to Shutter, who acquitted a client of mine in a bench trial when it was the officer's word against a couple civilians. Judge Goldstein is also a wonderful judge.

  20. Judge A Horowitz in Broward is the most unfair judge I have ever been in front of. He knew nothing of the case and made horrible mistakes

    1. I am so sad that my case was in front of him and recused by him.
