Monday, March 24, 2008



The 2008 Election season just got hotter as we now have our fifth incumbent judge who has drawn opposition.

In Circuit Court Group 76, Incumbent Judge Spencer Eig is being challenged by Aventura attorney Roniel "Ron" Rodriguez IV. Mr. Rodriguez has been a member of The Florida Bar for five (5) years.

Mr. Rodriguez lists his practice areas as in civil and commercial litigation. He has two quite interesting email addresses: sue u soon and lawsuit8

He has some "claim to fame" having sued Hooters, PF Changs, Sports Authority and other retail establishments under an obscure federal law. In the Hooters action, he sued them for "revealing too many figures" as an article on states. It is a violation of federal law for a business to put all of your credit cards numbers on the receipt. Hooters was doing it and Rodriguez filed suit. Apparently, he has been handling this type of litigation against other businesses as well.

Judge Spencer Eig has not had to run in an election before as he was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush in October of 2005, after the legislature created a new seat. Eig sits in the Criminal Division.

With Rodriguez' challenge of an incumbent Judge, he joins these races with an incumbent versus a challenger:

Circuit Court Group 51
Incumbent Douglas Chumbley vs. Challenger Marcia Caballero

Circuit Court Group 55
Incumbent Jeri Beth Cohen vs. Challenger Abbie Cueller

County Court Group 17
Incumbent Eric Hendon vs. Challenger Denise Martinez Scanziani

County Court Group 42
Incumbent Norma Lindsey vs. Challenger Lisa Lesperance

Other tidbits:

I must admit when I'm wrong. Judge Prescott is not running for any other office. He has filed in Group 35 to retain his seat as a Circuit Court Judge.

This completes the filings of incumbent judges expected to file for reelection. Now we get to watch over the next six weeks to see if anybody new jumps into the races to challenge another incumbent judge or instead opts to file in one of the open seats.

And speaking of open seats, Migna Sanchez-Llorens remains the only candidate without a challenger in the "open seats" category. Group 18 Circuit Court Judge Jon Gordon is not running again and Migna is the only one who has filed for the seat - So Far .....

As for the "open seat" in Group 63, Judge Rosinek's plans to resign before the end of his term have been put in a freezer.

Rosinek, who participates in the infamous drop program, had wanted to exit out early as the result of the drop system - but - he has gotten some behind the scenes pressure from some incumbent judges whom I shall not name - to keep his seat until the very end. To do otherwise, would cause a domino effect the likes we haven't seen since the war in Vietnam. If Rosinek resigns, Crist gets to appoint a replacement. If that happens, the two candidates that are now running to replace Rosinek, Maria Sampedro-Iglesia and Manny Segarra - would be forced to file against incumbent judges - alas, two more incumbents would join the five races mentioned above. So, you see, Rosinek is here to stay, until December 31, 2008.

It's going to get very interesting .....

Judicial Nominating Commission

The JNC has met and they have recommended six attorneys to Gov. Crist to replace County Court Judge George Sarduy, (who was promoted to the Circuit Court). The names:

Joeseph Davis, Jr. (34 years)
Steve Grossbard (34 years)
Alicia Otazo-Reyes (16 years)
David Peckins (31 years)
Rodney Smith (7 years; City Atty's Office)
Lourdes Simon (13 years; Public Defender)

Notably missing from the list: Stephen Millan, Mario Garcia, Jr., and Migna Sanchez-Llorens (all judicial candidates), Shirlyon McWhorter, Flora Seff and William Altfield.

CAPTAIN OUT ........


  1. OK, so who are the Bob Levy candidates wise one? Please advise so we do not support.


  3. Congratulatons Migna! You deserve to be elected unopposed!

  4. You're slightly miss informed about Rosnick. Look for him to say adios after qualifying, so Charlie can't fill the seat.

  5. Lourdes Simon was a fine attorney way back in the 80s when I was a PD... but CAP claims she's a lawyer for 13 years ... I think she'd be the fairest Judge for all sides from this group on the Governor's desk. Good Luck and congratulations for making it this far.

  6. I don't care who challenges Eig...Eig (like Adrien) has no business being on the bench and its time for him to go.

  7. Too bad Bill Altfield was not sent up. He is a good guy.

    What happened to De la O? No more O? Did he give up?

    Maybe now McWhorter will go away and stay away.

  8. I think its kind of cool how Davis, Peckins and Grosbard have been practicing law longer than many of your blog-readers.

    Feel old now, Rumpy?

  9. Are you kidding me with those e-mail addresses for Roniel Rodriguez? I guess he also has a myspace page with 250+ friends and likes skateboarding too.

  10. Speaking of judicial elections, did anyone make it out to Denise Martinez-Scaniziani-LeFleur-Ngyuen-Steinberg-Wang's fundraiser? Her website said she had something going on in the Grove last Wednesday...

  11. I find it utterly impossible to believe that you run five miles every day.

  12. The story about Ben Kuehne made it in the St. Pete times today...They make it sound like he gets set up by the feds!

  13. Lourdes Simon would be a great judge. She is very fair to everyone, she's smart, and she has a very even temperment.

  14. De La O didn't apply. Maybe his wife convinced him to keep making boatloads of $$$. It's all about the benjamins, yo!

  15. Some Baboon named Babun is running against Harvey Ruvin. The Baboon has no idea what a clerk's office is but, he is a Republican and wants to be elected to something.

    I guess running a window and door business makes you the perfect candidate for Clerk of Court.

  16. say what you will about the women in the lindsey-lesperance match-up, but lesperance is seriously pounding the pavement early and often.

    every time i pick up a community paper shes on the front page cozying up to some local business group and having fundraisers.

    the latest one was a cupcake party. now who doesnt love a cupcake party?

    norma better get moving.

  17. Denise Martinez-Scaniziani-LeFleur-Ngyuen-Steinberg-Wang's fundraiser was a complete blast.

    The next Denise Martinez-Scaniziani-LeFleur-Ngyuen-Steinberg-Wang event is coming soon.

  18. I checked with TWO independent sources who confirmed the prosecutor in question was charged in a DV restraining order (at the time he was working in DV court, which is kind of ironic), however, neither of them knew if he accepted PTI. As I udnerstand it, the DV restraining order is a public record, so there is a public record of this incident. However, If I am incorrect I would remove it at once.

    As to another individual who questions my level of fitness:
    Not only do I run five miles every day, but I strongly adhere to the Lance Armstrong theory of exercise: you should only exercise on days you feel like breathing.

    So whomever that a**hole was who I banned who said he was going to sue my estate when I died, I assure you I will outlive that jackass.

  19. Bill Altfield is very deserving of real consideration by the JNC and he should have his name sent to the governor. They should give Peckins a spot already on the theory that perserverance counts for something.

  20. A restraining order might be part of the civil divorce proceeding docket history.
    That would/could be different than a criminal charge.

  21. Roy Black has been a government target for sometime now, odds are they tried to set something up against him and it clearly did not workout. Which is the only reason why they were left with no other choice but to attempt something so preposterous against Ben. Undoubtedly, the indictment against him is seemingly distorted.

  22. Manny Segara has no business being a lawyer, no less a judge.

    I will vote for ANYONE (other than perhaps Manny Segara) over Spencer Eig. Eig is a TERRIBLE judge.

    Lourdes Simon would make an excellent judge.

  23. It has since been pointed out to me the difference between a DV restraining order( a civil matter) and a DV arrest. As such, I removed all comments about the person gettting PTI which would give the appearance the person was arrested, when he was not.

  24. Captain- the appointment should go to Joe Davis Jr. He is the most qualified candidate for the job.

    And tell us what is happening with the replacement for Judge Mills Francis?

    Also, Captain, can I interest you in meeting for a drink at a local watering hole - you turn me on.


    Although it is a very personal matter when it comes to Family Court, it is public record. But we are still dealing with peoples lives and their children.

    There are two cases:

    Manual Segarra v. Esperanza Segarra


    Both mention Restraining Orders and anyone that wants to read the dockets online can do so. I will not go into all of the details.

    CAPTAIN OUT .....


    My name is Gossip. I have no respect for justice. I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives. I am curious and malicious and gather strength with age.

    The more I am quoted, the more I am believed. I flourish at every level of society. My victims are helpless. They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face. To track me down is impossible. The harder you try, the more elusive I become.

    I am nobody's friend. Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same. I topple governments and wreck marriages. I make innocent people cry in their pillows.

    My name is GOSSIP aka Rumpole.

  27. This is Carol and Pete Ferrero.
    Could you please let your readers know that your comment regarding your refusal to post a comment submitted by a "Ferrero" was not us? We had some slight feedback today and didn't know what the person was talking about. Thanks,
    Carol and Pete

  28. Anyone know the status of this case against Apple Computer in Broward ??

    Case Summary
    Broward County Case Number: CACE07021186 State Reporting Number: 062007CA021186AXXXCE
    Incident Date: N/A Filing Date: 08/27/2007
    Court Location: CENTRAL COURTHOUSE Case Status: OPEN

    Case Parties
    Relationship Last Name First Name Middle Name Party Type Sex Race Year of D.O.B. D.O.D. ID Type ID Number
    001 CURTIS EDWARD ROYCE AT BARID 000000236845
    002 APPLE INC DF

  29. Carol and Pete- I'm sure you had nothing to do with the offending individual I have banned.

    It's a bit humourous how far this blog reaches though, eh?

  30. Altfeld and Seff deserve to be on list.McWarter even deserves to be on list.In fact they should run because of their experience.Problem is the ethnic bias in this community.We do not wish to admit the problem.Yes,non-Hispanics did win in the past,with three or four incumbents winning in th last election;but it is becoming increasingly more difficult.
    Qualifications mean less;community service means less:name are most important.Yes,it has happened in the past with other groups but experience was tantamount.Today that is not the case.
    We want a good judiciary:it is up to the public.AnAttorney for 5 years has what to show for him/herself?Some profess years of experience as a "professional" but mean in two or three different vocations totalling 20 years.Look at community service:when was it begun;perhaps to show up on election.

  31. Rump
    I've known Lordes Simon for over ten years. I have been her trial partner. I have seen her in court and heard her personal views out of court. I beleive she will be polite, curtious and listen to everyone. I think she will be a Great Judge. Besides she has something every Judge should have, common sence.
    D. Sisselman

  32. joe davis is an outstanding candidate, who would make a great judge.

  33. Can we return this blog to the important things:

    1) All things Q
    2) Shumie doo.
    3) The fakes.

    Lets examine the fakes for a second. A true blog phenomenon. Does the federal blog have fakes? NO. You'd think by now there would be a "fake phil hororowitz" or a "fake moreno" or a "fake ungaro-benages (I'm a jew give me my holocaust money) but no, no fakes on the federal blog or the broward blog.

    But here, we have a treasure trove. Fake Alschuler- a gem. Fake Peckins- I mean who would want to voice the veiws of Peckins? And yet FP does it well and funny. And then Fake Blecher and real fake Blecher. You know what that means? That two people wanted to be FB and one of them was late and pissed off so s/he assumed the title by being "the real" fake B. Very funny. Fake Blake carries the judicial view, and the various other fakes I cannot remember now.

    Anyway, can we keep the blog to Q/Shumie?Fake basics? It works much better that way.

  34. I will not post comments about an ASA who is going through a nasty divorce.

    And for you, the person I have banned, your "LOL" comment was obvious a mile away, so I have taken it down. You have a problem with that guy? Go have the courage to tell him you think his wife is ugly to his face. Go ahead coward- show us all how tough you really are.

  35. Phil R I wrote that comment because I knew you are this Rumpole guy.

    Stop with the BS.

  36. D. Sisselman:

    Thanks for those fine comments on Lourdes Simon. I am happy to have reported that she was named as a finalist.

    David, you should encourage all that know Lourdes to write letters to the Governor and his legal counsel in support of her being named to the open seat.

    The Captain is always happy to help in this area as we want to see only the most qualified and deserving getting appointed to the bench.

    Cap Out .....

  37. I am not sleepy. Rump? Rump? Post more news please. MSNBC is boring.

  38. Didn't that ASA run for public office once?

  39. Sissel - and she can spell better than you too - "curtious" - are you really serious with that spelling.

  40. Guys,

    Is there a circuit seat open right now and if so, are names at the big house?

  41. eig is an embarrasment and someone must challenge him. sadly his elbowing others out of the way for the microphone on the elian case will insure his tenure on the bench no matter how poorly he behaves on the bench
