Monday, December 24, 2007


UPDATED: This may just be the most wonderful story of 2007.
A US Solider in Iraq, a single man, meets, befriends, and finally adopts a
young Iraqi boy who has cerebral palsy and is living in an orphanage.

The Solider is Capt. Scott Southworth, and he is what being an American is all about.

CLICK HERE for the most heartwarming story of 2007, and one of the best things we have ever heard of one human being doing for another.

From all of us here at the Justice Building Blog who labour 24 hours a day to bring you the latest news and humor from our beloved Justice Building:


TRACK SANTA: Click here for Rumpole's (semi) exclusive contract with the North American Air defense Command to track Santa.

And finally, this news which we first read on the Broward Blog:

The Lakota Indian tribe, who are decedents from Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, and whose territory includes Nebraska, the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming, has announced "We are no longer citizens Of the United States."

The story is HERE and the tribe announced that it would be issuing passports, driver's licenses, and that its citizens would live tax free.

Rumpole says: Sign us up. We're in.

And for all of our religious and Christian readers, we leave you with this message of peace:

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:10-12

Happy Holidays. See You Wednesday.


  1. The Injuns are leaving the country?Let me be the first to say this (all together now)

    S O M E B O D Y C A L L T H E


  2. i guess kathy learned her lesson after getting hit in federal court a few yrs ago on the rossbach sexual harassment law suite that resulted in a verdict of $300k, and attorneys fees to the plaintiffs attorneys in the same amount.

  3. will someone please name the stste attorneys who were fired ? Please!


    Operation "Dollar Bill" will begin when BHB formally announces that he will not seek re-election. The operation will continue through Xmas eve. The operation will primarily consist of getting BB's name out in the public as a viable candidate alternative to CM. Operatives will fan out to the various holiday parties and during the course of "small talk" begin mentioning that BB is seriously considering running for PD.. .

    Operation "Sour Apple" will commence December 31 when operatives will turn their attention to raising and identifying problems within the PD's office. Conversation at holiday parties and meetings should include the issue of morale, the issue of salary structure, and instilling in the conversation the general belief that "new blood" is need to shake up the power structure and the administration. It is not necessary to mention BB, and any mention of CM should be in a negative connotation...

    Rump- sounds like these guys are serious.

  5. Rump- MERRY XMAS. The Godfather just started on Bravo. And I have the blog on my laptop. All is good.

    I can't tell you the number of times I have overheard our feckless leader Country Joe Farnia mumble "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." It has, you must admit, worked for him.

  6. "Isn't that Roy Black the famous attorney"

    "Sure. My Uncle Joe helped him with his career."


    "Well Roy was under contract to a big downtown firm. And Uncle Joe went to see the partner and offered him 10,000 dollars to release Roy. But the partner said no. So the next day Uncle Joe Farina went with Hector Lambada, and the partner released Roy for a certified check for 1,000.00 dollars."

    "But how?"

    "Uncle Joe Farina held out the contract and Hector Lambada assured the partner that either his signature or his bar card would be on that document. That's my Uncle Joe, but not me Kay."

  7. Tonight, my 3 year old niece included Rump in her bedtime prayers, thanking him for his Santa tracker.

    After a busy evening she worried her little mind that she didn't get to bed early enough and that Santa missed her house.

    But...alas...Rump has his eye on Ol St Nick and she layed her head to rest with no worries.

    Merry Christmas Rump. You're the best. Don't forget to stop by my house and leave the Santa suit behind.

  8. A different ASA was fired for offering a reasonable plea.

    Cab Calloway was fired for messing with the eye candy.

    These stories just get better every day.

  9. Not surprising that the first peoples of the world are again rising and reclaiming their heritage. The Jews of Israel, the Maori in New Zealand, the first peoples of Canada, The Inca of Peru (who now live in Tawantinsuyo... not Peru), the Navajo of Arizona (who have police and courts and Navajo schools)... and finally, yes, the Lakota of the Black Hills have finally left their wounds at wounded knee and have again reclaimed their country. Is that not all the natural response to the hundreds of years of western genocide.

  10. Thank you 2:04 AM. While we often play the Grich, we do indeed have a heart and Merry Christmas to you and your little niece. It's wonderful to be 3 years old and believe in Santa.

  11. 6:08: "Western Genocide" is hardly unique. Pol-Pot? Mao? Rwanda? Not Western. How about plain old oppression like Japan's brutal occupation of China? Or the Taliban? Heck, Ghengis Khan? Or the Aztecs... they ate children. Any way. Merry Christmas.

  12. Point taken 7:49, but the powers you mentioned didn't exactly target Native peoples because they felt superior and needed their land.

  13. hmm...kind of weird discussion for Xmas. How about dem dolphins? locking up first pick overall next year.

  14. Personally I would like to discuss "Deep Cover" and whether the Barzee Memo is legit.

  15. Rump, I would like to apply as the Au Bon Pain food critic for the blog. If you try a lot of cases (as I know you say you do) you spend a lot of time in Au Bon Pain scarfing down lunch before voire dire.
    I think a weekly food critique would be good. Am I hired?

  16. This blog is really letting me down. I am dying to know which prosecutors got shit canned and nothing! Somebody, anybody, please let me know what happened and who were let go!

  17. Why canned the prosecutors right before Christmas when they have expenses and need to buy gifts and stuff? Prosecutors deserve consideration from Kathy and her high command. After all, it is the pit prosecutors who must look brainless, unreasonable and nonsensical to the world in order to make Kathy look good to the voters.

  18. Herb Walker....grrrrrr. A grrreeall jegrrrrek.

  19. I am afraid you are a little late to the blog "miami frank bruni". I ave already reviewed Au Bon Pan as well as Little Reds . As my two sons pointed out, these were reviewed under the name Frank Bruni. I welcome your reviews but please select a different name.

  20. No comments on Captain Southworth? What he did was outstanding. A great man.

  21. Frank Bruni- first, no one knows what Little Reds is and no one cares, beyond you hacks that go to Broward for a few extra bucks.

    Second- I haven't seen anything you've written on Au Bon Pain.

    Third, I doubt anyone cares about a food review from someone who has a Honker the size of Yonkers.

    Good day sir.!

  22. What a great story, Rumpole! Thank you for sharing that with us.

    There are really no words to do justice to this wonderful man, Capt. Southworth. My cheeks are still wet.


  23. 1:15, there were toys for tots donations in that courtroom, and one prosecutor certainly did get fired. I wouldn't say it if I didn't know it for sure. I can't post my name because I work for the state, and you know how that is.

  24. To Miami Frank Bruni: Indeed I do have one of the largest "honkers" in the RGJB yet you display an utter disregard for proper cuisine by panning Little Reds. Yes, Au Bon Pan has been reviewed but you are welcome to write your own. Perhaps you should try Little Reds before defaming us hacks who drive to SR 84 to enjoy the best ribs in South Florida!

  25. I for one would like to see a food review of the cuisine in the REGJB. Bruni as merely offering his time to the cause, can't we just let the man contribute?

  26. NAME THE PROSECUTOR FIRED IN MILLS FRANCIS- BECAUSE I WANT TO REPRESENT HIM OR HER IN A LAWSUIT ALA THE PD SCANDAL THAT LAUNCHED THIS BLOG. And ps- if you numbskulls don't realize Rumpole is a PD, you're as dumb as Frank Bruni with the large schnoze

  27. I was in Mills-Francis on her last day before the holiday (great party judge, you out did yourself) and I did not see anything amiss in the courtroom and I was there most of the morning.

  28. Rumpole, your father did business with Hyman Roth. Your Father respected Hyman Roth. But your father never trusted Hyman Roth.


  30. damn...I wanted to be fake anonymous.

  31. Walker is not dead. We hit him with five shots and he's still alive. That's bad news for me, but its bad news for you. You go make that deal with Sonny and Fernandez-Rundle.

  32. Remember kid. Two shots in the head each. Awwww...its gonna be okay. Things will be a little rough for a year or so. They gotta have these wars every ten years or so. The last big firing at the SAO was ten years ago. You know, Michael, we was all proud of you as a war hero. Your father too. Your gonna be fine. You go on vacation and we stay here and take the heat.

  33. The hotels here are bigger and swankier than any of the rub joints we put in vegas. (smaller piece- pointing to birthday cake).

    At the time of my retirement or death, I turn over all my interests in the SAO to Don Horn. But all of you will share. Sexual battery will go to the Lakeville Road Boys; Robbery to to the Corleone Family, but Eddie Levine of Newport will bring in the Pannunzio brothers, mark, Dino, and Eddie, for a piece.

  34. There was this prosecutor I knew. He was younger than me. During the crack days we did our first work together. Worked our way out of the pits. Things were good. As much as anyone, I loved him and trusted him. Later on, he had an idea: to prosecute anyone and everyone in the name of the lord. That kid's name was Herb Walker. And there isn't even a plaque or statute or sign post of him in this town. Someone fired him for an alleged sexual harassment beef. No one knows who gave the order. When I heard it, I wasn't angry. I knew Herb, he was headstrong, talking loud with Adrien, saying stupid things. And I said to myself "this is the business we've chosen." I didn't ask who gave the order because this is the business we've chosen.

  35. Mills-Francis had a party??? Was she there? She NEVER answers the phone I can't believe she's ever in the building! I heard she got a reaming for never being in the office or returning phone calls. It must be true since her mailbox is always full!

  36. Rump,

    Why is Chief Timoney being investigated for the car thing with Kendall Toyota/Lexus when KFR gets a free van from those guys? You can see it parked outside the SAO along 12 street? Did you know her office prosecuted the owner at one time? Hmmmmmm!

    Wouldn't surprise me to see it gone after this week!

    Oh Sussanah should look into this!

  37. moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!
    moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!moderation off!

    I feel so free! MErry Christmas, Rump!

  38. I overheard this conversation while at the SAO:

    I understand. You found paradise in America. You had a good trade, made a good living, the police protected you and there were courts of law and you didn't need a friend like me. But, now you come to me and you say "Kathy Rundle, give me justice." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my home on the day my daughter's to be married and you ask me to do murder for money.
