Thursday, September 06, 2007



COLTS. SAINTS. The 2007 NFL season kicks off tonight as the defending champion Indianapolis Colts take on the New Orleans Saints. If you listen to Rumpole, this may just be a preview of the AFC Championship in January. Super Bowl Champs do well in this game, as we all remember last year as our Fins started the season in Pittsburgh with a loss.

Take the Colts -5.5 over the Saints. 52.5 seems a bit high so we like the under, but not as much as the line.

SUICIDE POOL: Want to play against Rumpole? Email us your suicide pick each week before kickoff. We will post our pick on the blog. Unless you want either the Colts or Saints, no need to get your pick in tonight. Right now we're leaning to the Charges at home over the overrated Bears. But we will make our final selection by Sunday. If you really want to compete against Rumpole, your pick must come from an email address so we can track your picks for the season.

The rules are simple- pick one team each week, no point spread involved. However, when you use that team, you cannot pick that team for the rest of the season. One loss, and you are out.

Have fun. And remember, bet with your head, not over it, unless we tell you to.


  1. We run our server through a remote host somewhere in the vast Northern reaches of our country, the better to protect our identity. That server is experiencing problems. Thus some comments and emails may not have reached us. Sorry. We are working with tech geeks to resolve the problem. And for you super sleuths on our trail, the best of you already have reached this dead end, the rest of you have no clue.

  2. Bravo to your last post re: ROC offices! What an outrage. And your readers are right to believe that the new law will not work as written.

    Here's the problem: Unless the law is overturned, the legislature will simply allocate more funds next time around and the ROC offices will "work". Government programs and departments tend to stay around no matter how they perform. Don't think this will be any different.

    Stop it before it actually starts of forget it.

  3. Rumpole RE the Labor day Christys incident. I was one of the civil lawyers and it seemed half of Miami filed lawsuits while the other half bragged about getting splashed with mashed potatos. I just remember thinking i had never seen so many lawyers from civil and criminal court in one case. Plus a few scattered feds and government lawyers it was quite a show.

  4. The Big E against the Third DCA.

    Go Elortegui.

    2007 WL 2480550

    Well maybe not, but the dissenting judge was in his corner.

  5. As Indy goes up 34 to 10 maybe Mr Markus will share our private email today on his blog as we told him the Saints D is very suspect. If Indy will sit on this lead the under will payoff as well. It aint bragging if you can do it. And i most certainly can pick NFL games.

  6. Rump. One of the hoity toity Coral Gables patrons that was splashed with some of Shumie's mashed potatos did file a complaint with the EPA. But it never went anywhere.

  7. Hey rumpster, what's the delay in the Jorge Perez resigning matter. It was rumored a few days ago. It's now becoming old news. I am hopeful we can get someone who at least can make some decision, any decision, and make it today, and make it without mumbling. Good luck and good riddance to Judge Perez. Adrien should be next.

  8. The game was a bore, but I'm glad football is back.

  9. why do some judges have to be such pompous asses. take a look at l schwartz running an arraignment calendar. why would such a simple process cause him to be such an ass.

    grow up little man.

  10. Rumpole, you're full of yourself. The Saints are a good team but not great in a first game of the season with a much more difficult schedule to play. Picking the home team here, the world champs no less, was a no-brainer. The Saints will be lucky to win 10 and will probably lose in the first round as a wild-card entry given the predictable O they have and the lack of a consistent D.

  11. to 8:28 pm

    You are entitled to your opinion.

    Having said that, there is nothing in Mr. Millan's career to indicate that he is anything other than a professional and a gentleman and cares very much for the clients he represents. I have never seen anything else from this man.

    He has decided that he wants to serve the public by running for public office and do so as a Circuit Court Judge.

    There is absolutely nothing in his background to support your baseless allegations.

    CAPTAIN OUT ......

  12. Rumpole, I'd love to splash you with mashed potatoes. You went to Christys without me? So much for top shelf ________ (you fill in the blank).


  13. out of the loop here - what's the story about christy's? I'm gathering it involved shumie, flying mashed potatoes, and a lot of lawyers. . .anyone care to fill me in?

  14. from last weeks posted comments:

    Anonymous said...
    This email is for the Ethics Commission.

    Check where Mcgillis obtained the monies to do that election mailer. I mean, a man without a job cannot possibly pay over $10K for a mailer that aims at destroying the candidates that did not pay Bob Levy. Someone paid for that and that my friends is a criminal, JQC and Ethics investigations.

    Does someone care? Maybe Harvey Ruvin? Maybe not? We all know that SPIRIT is a ongoing crime. Harvey needs to go, but Mcgillis is not the person to replace him.

    Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:48:00 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Why is SPIRIT an ongoing crime?

    Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:08:00 PM

    Q: WHAT!!!!!!!

  15. OUT OF THE LOOP: Details are sketchy. There was a "Christy's Labor Day Incident" in 1989. The details were sealed for 20 years in the subsequent settlement of the various lawsuits. All that can be said is that it involved flying mashed potatos, a glass of wine poured over somebody's head, and possibly a cigar.

  16. Recognize that this is L. Schwartz' last term and he does not care what you or anybody else thinks. Come to think of it he never did.

    Why is he still there? Even after strong-arming all the plaintiff's lawyers in civil to the tune of $300,000, in the end you can blame it on the rain. The same rain that saved several others last September.

  17. Hey 11:50 am, be more specific. what happened on friday's arraignment calendar?

  18. Every Judge has strengths and weaknesses. Judge Schwartz has his own way of doing things and can be a bit pedantic at times. We all know this. It was much discussed during the last election. But he has his strong points as well. He knows the law and will no kowtow to the State just because they are the state. And that means something in these days of what we see as unholy alliances between DC's and Judges like in Judge Adrien's division.

  19. The homo-erotic comment about a judge and a DC did not make it. You can figure about a better way to trash them than that can't you?
