Monday, February 05, 2007


If yesterday was Super Sunday, then today is " Colts Blue" Monday.

The Colts played a good-not great-but a good game. They did what they had to do to win the game. They took the best punch the Bears had, got off the mat, and came back and won the game. It's almost an embarrassment that a super bowl champion has so little faith in their special teams that they could not kick the ball off deep after being burned. But the Colts offense controlled the game. They kept the Bears' offense off the field, and the Colts defense did what they had to do to control the Bears' running game.

We do not see either team returning to the big dance next year.

We finished the season by picking the Super Bowl Winner, but by losing the over/ under. We broke the story that the coin toss is fixed, and our sources correctly predicted the Bears would win the toss. We also told you the Bears would score first, but we thought it would be a field goal. Billy Joel brought the anthem in under 102 seconds, and Prince managed to sing without being electrocuted.
Our predicted score of 35-24 was close to the 29-17 final.

That's it for the NFL until the April draft. Anybody who wants a regular Sunday column in the blog, please send us an email. You do not need to reveal your identity.
If you think you can call some March madness college basketball, let us know.

Now back to law, the courthouse, trials, and such.




    Act 1: Scene: Penthouse office suite of the Miami PD. Monday Morning, madcap mayhem as the PD commands his young troops and sends them out to battle.

    Act 2: Midday nap in BMW in Coral Gables

    Act 3: Two young PDs walking down the street in the Gables with a camera cell phone snap some priceless pictures, and the fun ensues.

    Cast: PD An older tall man, thinning hair, sleepy eyes.

    The PDS. madcap group of 30 or so 20 somethings running around like crazy

    The Sexy Secretary Lola: makes the rumors fly

    Tonight: open auditions at CG Playhouse. 5-9pm.

  2. A poem

    Sleepy sleepy sleep they will call you

    creepy creepy creepy your pictures will be

    only g-d can make a tree I grant you

    but only a PD can sleep in his car from 1 to 4.

  3. Somebody had a little too much coffee this morning.

  4. I sleep in my car
    therefore I defend.

    The PD Thinker.

  5. The comment made at 2 pm is offensive to those in the african american community who enjoy the blog and do not wish to see the "n" word. What is wrong with you Rump? Comments about who is dating who are deleted but this one can stay? Let me know if I need too find another more tolerant blog

  6. I agree with 2:39. It is now 3:21 pm. If you take such "pride" in this blog, then do what you promised to do.

  7. Who do you mean by "THEY" Cracker?

  8. Nice post 3:30 p.m. Way to make an offensive post even more offensive with an offensive defense. I must say that Rumpole has deleted posts of mine that I would consider much less offensive than the one in question, in that they did not use blatantly offensive words. I guess to Rumpole someone who uses the "n" word is not a "mental midget" but someone who deserves first amendment protection. Very strange double standards.

  9. "They" = African Americans who choose to use that word in rap songs and when referring to each other. Any more questions?

  10. Rumpole is in trial. He will not be able to delete the offensive post until he gets a break.

  11. lord people get the hell over it!!!!
    i thought there was a difference between the two any way..

  12. Bottom line - the post is offensive and should be removed!

  13. When do I get a chance?

  14. I predict that all of this, from 2:00 to 5:41 will be removed by 6:30 p.m. tonight.

  15. it is after 6:30 and the comments are still up- so I guess unless you are calling a judge gay all is good in Rumps world- let the gossip begin!!!!!

  16. Okay. Here goes...rumpole doesn't have 'pole' in his name for no reason.

  17. Hey if it is OK maybe I can start by using it in all conversations- maybe we all should - let's just use the word or maybe that racist piece of shit should just apologize. the point is - if you are white and the word just comes into your mind and you think it is ok to use it .. don't hide behind a false name and maybe you should move back to the North of the Border... maybe Davie, I hear that they are in need of a good ol' boy to handle lynchings in their spare time

  18. and the comment was made to the black man's face

  19. Is that ok? or should the black man have just said- "aw shucks my wetback?" and don't tell me that it refers just to mexicans because the cubans coming over here have more than wet shoes on

  20. The point is that the word is offensive in the eye of the beholder. If you do not get that then there is something wrong with you. The word Nigger has been in the dictionary for years but it does not make it ok to use but good use of your internet surfing skills to try and justify why the word... yes it is the same, is not offensive you racist piece of shit .

  21. I have been reading these disturbing comments and I am really sad that this is still going on in this age and day. This is Black history month. We had two black coaches at the superbowl and yet people are still calling each other names. It is disgraceful. I think that for all of the changes and strives , socially that have been made one little comment can set it back.

  22. NWA

    The greatest hard core rap band in the history of man.

    if you can deal with the size, parental discretion is advised.

  23. you know just when you thought the idiots who post on this blog have said it all, out pops a few real jerks.

    Rumpole please delete this entire post and the responses.

    If not let the libel begin!!!!

  24. ahh fuck it!! Let the libel begin...

    Have at it!!! lets get the rumors, outright lies all out in the open now!!

  25. i know who rumpole is. click on my name to find out

  26. I agree, too much hostility going on here. When using a word like that you should first consider how the person on the other end receives it, and second, whether or not you would say it to some folks in Liberty city. The first approach deals with respecting other's feelings and the second deals with self preservation.

  27. YOU people have the mentality of 2nd graders. I was sick by what I read. This blog has between 200-1000 readers a day. How would you feel if you were included in some of those posts? Or your wife, or husband.
    I was physically sick by what I read.

  28. honestly rumpole just delete all the post and write something on how dumb some people can be.
