Thursday, January 04, 2007



Longtime and careful readers of this blog know that we have in the past made use of the word Schadenfreude.

Perhaps now is a good time to review that word and its meaning:

Schadenfreude: To take delight in the misfortunes of others.

It derives from the German Schaden (damage, harm) and Freude (joy);

There is no equivalent word in the english language.

Auf Wiedersehen. Bei Gericht bis.

(Goodbye. See You in Court.)


  1. I do not think you or anyone else was really making fun of the prosecutor with the felony DUI.

  2. I'm not making fun of him, but other people are taking delight in his tragedy. And I think that sucks.

  3. Who is Ace-Nationwide that sent me a gift basket for the holidays? Is this a PI firm?

  4. Ace Nationwide is a bail bonding company.

  5. i didnt get a gift basket?

  6. A nefarious bond running bond stealing company run by a chunky abba who as has been reported on this blog, sends all his business to a few attorneys, including one who bragged about how good he looked with his shirt off.

  7. how many bonds could a chunky abba steal
    if a chunky abba did steal bonds?

  8. is this the place where we announce who we got holiday gifts from?

    Or do we just do that to start shit?

  9. You are a good man Horace...

  10. OTHER WORDS FOR TODAY; sauerkraut, wienerschnitzel, sauerbroten, liverwurst and bromwurst.

  11. I dont think anybody is getting joy out of the misfortune of Cholakis. The numerous comments have to do with the issues of decent folk making serious errors and how society is to treat such situations.

    Some have felt that an otherwise fine life should be treated more leniently. Others have felt that superior knowledge and responsibility require greater scrutiny.

    Some have felt that folks have been using the site to promote their own goodness and others have disagreed with it.

  12. Anonymous, with his/her head in a paper bag said:

    I dont think anybody is getting joy out of the misfortune of Cholakis. The numerous comments have to do with the issues of decent folk making serious errors and how society is to treat such situations.

    Rumpoloe replies- you didn't see the "shoe is on the other foot email" that went out on the facdl list serve yesterday?
    also try and read some comments from the past two days. there are plenty of idiots gloating.

  13. Sorry to say this, but the buzz around the courthouse is gaining steam- our old friend
    Gene "Obi Wan" Zenobi is Rumpole.

    You sly, horse handicapping son of a gun, you. Congrats on a good run of keeping it secret, but we got ya in the end big guy.

  14. Obi Wan Zenobi uses the force to pick juries.

  15. hmmm. Obi Wan Zenobi as Rumpole? Has quite a nice ring to it.

  16. All I know is that for 79 bucks Scott Hidnert puts a world of hurt on the prosecutors...and you get your money back if you get points.

  17. Scott Hidnert is opening the "Seafood defense team" and sending mailers to people arrested for various wildlife violations. Gonna make a fortune.

  18. Hidnert? He owes me money.

    The Q.

    Fear the Q
    Respect the Q

    close your eyes

    become the Q

  19. Everyone's favorite former judge update: Dems in power day 1.

    Care to bet how many days (hours) before his name reaches the senate judiciary committee?

    He's a bipartisan shoe-in.

  20. Little ticket/Hidnert trivia:

    which hollywood bigshot/celebrity has Hidnert NOT represented?

    George Clooney; Steven Soderberg; Madonna; Brad Pitt; Sylvester Stallone; Pat Riley; Anna Nicole Smith; ? His office is a corucopia of pictures of movie stars.

  21. If Zenobi is Obi Wan, who is Yoda? And who is the Wookie?

  22. Justice Building Star Wars,

    Gene Obi Wan Zenobi as Obi Wan Kenobi;

    Ken Weisman as C3PO;

    Roy Black as Darth Vader

    Beth Bloom as Princess Leia

    Warren Schwartz as Yoda

    Michael Greico as Luke Skywalker

    Jorge Perez as R2D2

    Bennett Brumer as The Emperor

    and Rory Stein as Chewbacca, the Fuzzy Wookie.

  23. Obi Wan Zenobi won't / can't respond -- because he has no idea how to work a computer, can't read this blog, post to it, or send an e-mail. Obi is stuck in the typewriter and fax generation. Which also rules him out as Rumps. In addition, Rumps' institutional memory quits in the early 80's, but Obi Wan was practicing in the Justice Building when Ford was President in the 70's. Next guess ...

  24. noooo.. Rump has gone back to the 70's. What better cover than "oh I can't work a computer."???

    Just the type of trick a Jedi Master would pull over those with weak minds.

  25. Rory Stein as Chewdanish the Danish eating Wookie.

    Jeff Rosinek as an Ewok.

    Kathy Rundle as the wicked witch of the west. (woops, wrong movie).

    Don Horn as Lando Calrissian

    David Miller as the Evil Sith

    Joe Farina as the Emperor

    The Civil Courthouse as the Death Star

  26. hmm..(chomp) (chomp) (smack) (smack) gene zenobi huh?

  27. The DUI prosecutors as the Clones.

  28. Juan D'Arce as Anakin Skywalker.
    Ivan Hernandez as Jabba The Hut

  29. Weisman as C3PO??? I have been laughing so hard I am crying...stop it stop it.

  30. how could anyone cast anybody other than Abe Laeser as Darth Vader. Get with it people,

  31. Abe as Darth Vader - a shoo in for the Oscar.

  32. See the Abe thing is about 29 years I went with something new

  33. Has everyone lost their mind tonight?

  34. David Weed as Jar Jar Binks.

    Peter Adrien as Ephant Mon

    Jose Elortigui as Wam Blam Lufba

    Bobby Reiff as Darth Sidious

    That hot little PD as AAyla Secura.

  35. A synonym to the word is: "Larry David's, Curb Your Enthusiasm." See,

  36. mark panunzio as han solo

  37. Pedro Echarte as the voice of darth vader

  38. Echarte as the voice of Darth Vadar!!!! Great one!!!!

  39. Don Horn as the 1st assistant to Darth Vader, the one in military guard that is extremely dumb and just a lap dog.

    Lorna Soloman as the White Witch.

  40. Wrong movie jerkoff, Lorna Soloman as the slave to Jabba the Hut, played by???

  41. big DUI win in Broward... 4th DCA upholds J. Kaplan disallowing tap water maintenance of intoxilyzer

  42. Whats the deal on Judge Arzola?

  43. Arzola...AA...Pocket Aces
    American Airline

    double A

    anyway you slice it


  44. Rumpole are you stupid or what. If you did not want a debate on your prosecutor friend why place a post on the subject.

    Get you head out of your A--- !!!!

  45. Dear 12:39- your eloquence and powerful use of the English language has left me stunned and almost unable to reply. But I shall take a deep breath and endeavor to do my best in the face of an obviously cunning and intelligent adversary:

    I posted the report that Mr. Cholakis was arrested because it was bound to come out and be a discussion and part of what this blog is -is a discussion of the events of our world and the lawyers and Judges who work in our humble building.

    A debate about the Cholakis tragedy- ie., should he be fired, should he be suspended, should he be held to a higher standard, is different than the comments "he's a jerk-serves him right" that people of your ilk seem to delight in writing.

  46. DEAR RUMPOLE; You created two blog chapters to the arrest of a prosecutor. Either you did so because you want to gloat about his misfortune and draw attention to it or you think he was a nice guy as prosecutors go and you want to help him. One or the other: help or hurt. If you are the criminal defense attorney of capital cases that people are saying you are then you don't like cops, detectives, and prosecutors very much but maybe this is one you liked or tolerated. Some bloggers have suggested the names of attorneys who could possibly help this man STAY OUT OF PRISON. This case may receive a lot of publicity, may get coverage by Court TV- they liked the drunk pilot case where 2 people went to prison where nobody was injured. So I ask you; what have you done to sincerely try to help George Chilotis if your intention was something other than dancing on his grave by dedicating two blog cites to his misfortune? Have you attempted to talk to him, have you talked to him or his closet friends at the SAO, have you put your two cents in as to who you think could handle the pressure of his case and made a recommendation of a couple of attorneys who he should consider hiring keeping in mind that you will be dealing with a special prosecutor from the governor's office, media, pressure from friends of his, a win at all costs type of case so he doesn't end up in prison, and eventually having to take on the MIAMI BEACH PD and ultimately ethical accusations by the prosecutor because unknown friends of the defendant will witness tamper. So I ask you- other than give a soapbox to his tragedy and encourage the type of gossip, anonymous character assassination, and philosophical debate so people can try to trumpet their intellectual sophistication, what have you done to make sure this scared probably depressed suspended without pay man get the best counsel available? Have you organized a financial assistance drive so if he wants someone like Roy Black he has a chance- cops help their own all the time- they even have a union. Step up to the plate and prove that you didn't dedicate your blog to his arrest to hurt him- how do you propose he gets help. I look forward to your reply- or would you rather post words from a German dictionary.

  47. His name is Cholakis Mr. Righteous.

  48. Mr. Righteous says the last post clearly demonstrates that you are one of the dozens of attorneys who contribute to this blog who has nothing to say, other than criticize a typo. Clearly you do not handle really complex cases and the truth of my post left you speechless so go back to pleading misdemeanors and gossiping at au bon pain.

  49. Anonymous, finished eating his/her black and white cookie, said this in part:

    “One or the other: help or hurt. If you are the criminal defense attorney of capital cases that people are saying you are then you don't like cops, detectives, and prosecutors very much but maybe this is one you liked or tolerated.”

    Rumpole responds: 1) it is neither black nor white- neither help/hurt Mr. Cholakis.
    How about moderating a discussion? This blog is for discussion of issues, and that is what I am doing.

    Under your theory of the world, I either 1) Make fun of Cholakis 2) Organize a charity event 3) Ignore his arrest and not let anyone post about it.

    I have a personal opinion about the case. I have given it here anonymously. I have public persona as a blogger- in this case it has been simply to state that Mr. Cholakis was arrested.

    I did opine that I was not in agreement about his decision not to provide a breath or blood sample because of his posiiton as a prosecutor. I was roundly criticized for that opinion by both prosecutors and defense attorneys. prosecutor.

    The second post I did was a response to the morons who delight in Mr. Cholakis's arrest. I have no tolerance for that.

    As a personal matter, if you were to organize a defense fund, you could post it here, I would give it a front page post, and would contribute under my own name.

    But I completely reject the tone of your post, which is either I am happy about events I have labeled a tragedy, or I must lead the charge to his defense.

    If Mr. Cholakis valued my opinion enough to call me as a defense attorney, I would recommend Richard Sharpstein and Janice Sharpstein , Richard Hersch, or Robert Reiff, not in any particular order. They each bring something to the table. A dream team would be two of those three. (I am neither of those people).

    PS: How in your convoluted view of the world you suppose that if I defend capital cases that I hate cops and prosecutors is beyond me.

    Let me give you a piece of advice that has worked for me. I view people, be they cops, prosecutors, potential jurors as individuals. I like or dislike them based on who they are individually, not because of their job, race, sex, or appearance.
    That view has helped me immensely professionally, and to win more case then you probably have ever tried.

    Now if I could only follow my own advice when it comes to Judges.

  50. you go rump. that post was ridiculous. clearly poster has no idea what s/he is talking about; cant even get the name right

  51. It was a chocloate croissant, french made, covered with ben & jerry's icecream. Your backpeddling is reminicent of a michael jackson moonwalk. I am a better trial lawyer than you-that should narrow down my identity in case you stopped tracing the posts you hate the most.

  52. Listen dough boy- I can't track posts. I can erase them, but then that would deprive the world of laughing at you.

  53. Hey Rumpole: where is that cool calm collected demeanor, i guess doughboy really got to you. stay anonymous, stay healthy and go back to hanging out with apds who are 30 years younger than you because it seems that you aren't getting your ass kissed enough these days. Pressure of your exposure getting to you- probably should move your office.

  54. I don't wish to tempt fate, but the pressure of exposure is not getting to me. When someone comes close to guessing my name then I'll get worried. I will admit this issue has me on edge because it is such a terible tragedy. People are horribly injured, someone may lose a leg I hear, a good man stands accused of a serious crime. Nothing about this is good, and it bothers me a great deal.

    I'm preping a trial for monday, so maybe it's too much starbucks.

  55. PS If you think for one moment I did this to get my ass kissed, then where have you been for the last year as I am routinely attacked from all sides on every issue.

    It's tough being right all the time.

  56. It certainly is tough.

  57. Gene Gene bo bein banana fana fo feim fee fi fo MEAN GENE.Gene Zenobi-starts a blog-chooses a BriTish name to compensate for coming from Scranton and attenting bullshit schools, wants to be important. biggest legacy is a fucking blog- ha. gets pissed whenever anyone outthinks or outdebates him, loves murderers and their cases, what a fucking idiot.

  58. Obi Wan Zenobi may or may not be Rumpole but he has nothing to compensate for. He is a great lawyer, real successful, and a hell of a nice guy. Plus a great horse handicapper.

    May the force be with you.

  59. Umm. I don't know about Mr. Zenobi, but nobody has out debated me. Plus, this blog is pretty successful and I'm pretty proud if it.

    I do think "Obi wan" Zenobi is a pretty funny name.

  60. if it wasn't for court appointed murder cases zenobi would be unemployed, he should kick back part of his salary to the black community, the minute they stop killing each other he is unemployed.

  61. Doesn't anybody dislike Lorna and Don enough to follow up an invitation to trash them? What the hell is this blog coming to?

    Next, we are all going to be singing "coooommmmmbayyyyya...."

  62. That's pretty funny. I saw Laura Adams sneer at a defense attorney a few weeks ago and tell the judge that he wanted to meet in chambers because he wanted everyone to sing cummbayya and get a better plea offer.

  63. Your freedom hangs in the balance of a closing argument. You turn to your three high powered counsel and say I want you: (check one) to do the closing:

    []Scott Hidnert
    [] Elortigui
    [] The Q

  64. rumpmeister:

    why did you delete my jaba the hut post?

    i think those were great casting calls. sheesh what a grouch.

  65. abe's comment was the funniest i have read on the blog to date. frickin hysterical.

    and who is the q?


    There are two types of Englishmen: Those who speak in the Oxford/Cambridge brogue and those who aspire to. I do not know what you aspire to RUMPOLE but it is not logical analysis.

    You write:
    A debate about the Cholakis tragedy- ie., should he be fired, should he be suspended, should he be held to a higher standard, is different than the comments "he's a jerk-serves him right" that people of your ilk seem to delight in writing.

    You seem to believe that it is somehow VERBOTEN to call Cholakis a jerk or suggest that he deserves what he gets. You misperceive this as "gloating" or mean-spiritness.

    A man who rapes an 8 year old deserves to be called a "jerk" as well as other derisive adjectives, even if he is an upstanding member of society.

    Has it crissed your smug mind Mr. Rumpole that some of the bloggers here may have had close relatives killed by "jerk" drunk drivers.

    Abe Laeser may wish to get all warm and fuzzy over his friendship with Cholakis and this may be seen as some stand-up thing to do. Others however are not prepared to give Cholkais as warm wet sloppy kiss.

    Would you give the victim whose leg may be amputated permission to call Cholakis a "jerk"? -- Anyway it is not your place to make that determination.

    Maybe if your child, wife or self were laying on a gurney with exposed bones in an operating room, you just might call Cholakis a "jerk."

    Maybe even Abe Laeser himself would think less of supporting his "friend" and more on supporting his loved one.

  67. I am a bit sensitive about making fun of a person's appearence. Your comment was shooting fish in a barrell especially against one individual who is as nice and harmless as they come. You may not like the way he looks, but don't you think he has had enough people tease him for a while?

  68. If and when Mr. Cholakis is a convicted felon, you can have your say. Anyone who has had a family member hurt or killed by a drunk driver would probably not write "couldn't happen to a nicer person" which are the types of posts I am complaining about. Anyone who writes that Mr. Cholakis deserves to be punished because he is alleged to have committed an act that threatened anyone and everyone on the road that night can have their say without worry I will delete the comment.

    See the difference? I do.

  69. Oxford? Cambridge? Bah. Speak yiddish and dress British I say. Capiche?

  70. The Q???
    Quinones. The DUI master. The man who inspires fear and dread when the doors swing open in a county court and he comes sauntering in.

    Fear The Q
    Respect The Q

    close your eyes
    become the Q.

  71. I choose Hidnert. Go get em scotty boy. Do me proud ( or refund my 79 bucks.)

  72. black & white cookies? ... he's/she's from Brooklyn?

  73. could rump be zenobi? i know that he hates BB and weed. and he is a self rightous person who bottom feeds on ct appt cases; rarely has retained/

  74. I just know, I know, that Horace is Fingerhut. I know it.


  76. Cholakis will not be on court tv..its really in the big scheme a no big deal case. His issue is nothing like the pilots...

  77. Why the intetest in Judge Arzola all of a sudden? Thought he was ok according to both sides...

  78. Rumor is that Bob Levy is desperado because Al dumped him for being an unethical cheat. Any truth to that? I want to hire Al, but not Bob. Know what I mean Breaker-Breaker? What is the scoop Cowboy?

  79. Cholakis. Give him a break. Charge him with disorderly conduct or some other violation befitting of his lofty law enforcement position. Acopolies.

