Saturday, December 23, 2006


Something a little different before the picks today.

Rumpole’s super bowl odds.

Colts- 3/2 to make it to the Super Bowl; 3-1 to win. Colts are the top team here until Chargers win a playoff game and show everyone they got game. Tony Dungy is all class and deserves to win one. Peyton is no Marino/Fouts. He will get a SB ring before he’s done.

Ravens. 3-1 to make it; 4-1 to win. Surprising Ravens get the second seat based on an experienced team, a great defense, and a QB who knows how to win.

Chargers and Bears: 3.5 -1 to make it; 5-1 to win. Both these teams have something to prove. Edge to Chargers with the best player in the game, but all it takes is one bad half by either QB to send these teams home in their first playoff game.

Dallas; New Orleans; Seattle: Best of the rest division winners. All have weaknesses that peg them as Playoff losers. 6-1 to make it; 8-1 to win.

Bengals 9-1 to make it; 9-1 to win it. If this team gets hot-watch out. Fundamentally a better team than those directly above them if they can get some pass defense and stop getting arrested.

Jax/Denver: 9-1 to make it; 11-1 to win. Good teams that can and will be beat.

Eagles/Jets, 20-1 to make it; 25-1 to win.

Steelers 50-1 to make it; 65-1 to win. Long odds against them getting in. If they do sneak in, then odds change dramatically, but still not the same team that won it all last year.

Bills. 75-1 to make it; 100- 1 to win.


Like the surging 49ers -3 at home over the Cardinals. One team has a great coach, one team has a lame duck coach.

Like under 47 in the Philly/Dallas game.

Like the over 36 in the Tennessee/ Buffalo game.

Fins are in a –win one/lose one cycle. This is the win cycle, and Fins are -1 at home on MNF. Jets need this one for the playoffs which makes Miami a dangerous pick. Fins would love to be the spoiler for the Jets. Take a deep breath and lay the digit.

Colts -9 at Texans. Dungy not going to rest his boys this year. It’s pedal to the metal until he gets to Miami.



  1. People who claim to know say the L&L twins- Lurvey and Lyons have the Dontrelle Willis case all sewn up. You go guys!!!

  2. Rump:

    Please stop with the football handicaping already; this is the R.E.G. website. If you want to play Jimmy the Greek, start another site, will 'ya?

  3. The problem is that I am picking at 80-85% or so documented. and that is an amazing run not equaled by any professional gambler over the course of a year.

    Plus what else do i have to write about for Sunday?

  4. Rumpole the picker has opined,
    "Pick the Fins this time, you'll be fine,"
    So take a quick lookie,
    and call your best bookie,
    with all your winnings you feel devine.

  5. JerryM at Camilus house admitted that this will be the first year in several years that a well known Judge would not be available to serve Christmas Eve dinner. But a large check arrived instead, as the Judge was "overseas."


  6. Rumpole: You are not a serious oddsmaker. The fact that Dungy is all class and deserves a SB ring is not a factor in setting the odds. If it were, Dave Wanstedt would still be coaching the Dolphins and Marv Levy would have four SB rings instead of the none that he does not deserve. Get serious.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Rumpole: You are not a serious oddsmaker. The fact that Dungy is all class and deserves a SB ring is not a factor in setting the odds. If it were, Dave Wanstedt would still be coaching the Dolphins and Marv Levy would have four SB rings instead of the none that he does not deserve. Get serious

    Rumpole says: My word are you smart. You figured out that some lawyer in Miami is NOT a serious odds maker? All by yourself? Come on, you had some help right?

    Listen tough guy, you post your predictions in public like I have and do as well as I have and then you have the right to criticize me.

    I may not be an odds maker, (plus the fact that Dungy deserves a ring does not go into my factoring the odds, I just felt like saying it)
    but I am so far ahead this year that I should CHARGE for my picks, and charge extra to delete your dumb comments so people do not have to waste their time reading swill.

    Wheew. Why am I so testy this morning?

  8. you should charge for this service. 5 dollars per month. and never surrender your identity. the thought of it has made you a wee bit soft....

    merry christmas and a happy new year.

  9. hey asshole Mr. Moderator, give us all a fucking break already.

    get a life or at least get some fucking clients so we dont have to read you bull every 5 minutes.

    jesus get over yourself......

  10. To 10:31 and 11:18, for crying out loud, it's Christmas Eve, be a little nicer...what a bunch of losers...though I agree with 11:18, nobody is forcing you to read the blog 10:31...if you don't like the "moderator" don't bother reading, it's HIS blog

  11. Having goten that off my chest, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    hey asshole Mr. Moderator, give us all a fucking break already.

    get a life or at least get some fucking clients so we dont have to read you bull every 5 minutes.

    jesus get over yourself......

    Rumpole replies: My dear Sir or Madam,

    My ego is way too LARGE to ever get over myself. Ever.


    The greatest blogger and lawyer you'll ever have the privilege to meet.


    and yes, if you ask nicely, I will give you my autograph for your elderly Aunt in Kansas.

  13. I can now publicly state that there is less than a 1% difference between the DNA of jonathan blecher and eddie haskel.

    Bobby Reiff
    Walter Reynoso
    Richard Hersch
    Jim Best
    Michael Catalano
    Chris Lyons
    The Q
    The E
    The Zen Master
    Dan Lurvey

  15. its not a sunday until those power rankings come out.

  16. That Wally Reynoso- they don't call him the Ladanlian Thomlinson of DUI for nothing.

  17. love the new polls. lovem.

  18. That Walter Reynoso, he's no Simon Steckle, but he'll do.

  19. just wonderin which 150k ford is back in the shop????

  20. Miami Bondsman gets 100 million!!

    The Israeli cabinet has approved the release of $100m (£51m) in frozen Palestinian funds.
    The move was agreed at the first meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority (PA) President and american bondsman Abba.

  21. pracitto does the ford posts-he's jealous of Allan.


    January 3- a day special to Migna fans, remains special as the old gang gets together at Perricones Tuesday night at 7PM to celebrate what was, what is, and most importantly, what will be.

  23. First round of drinks at the Migna party is on Shelly Schwartz!!!

    (no top shelf please)

  24. Just hangin out at Privee seeing what I could see. and boy did I see an eye full-

    That super duper hottie young PD lawschool intern, she's a sweetie. That 40 (almost 50) somthin Judge, who's divorced. SHE's a sweetie to.

    Those two liplocked on the dance floor!!!


  25. that even steven lives a life most of us just dream about. how does he get into club Privee anyway?

  26. my vote for rookie of the year 2007?

    Don Cohen.

  27. Merry Christmas from Air Commander Catalano high in the French Alps to all my peeps in Miami. Keep warm little people.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Bobby Reiff
    Walter Reynoso
    Richard Hersch
    Jim Best
    Michael Catalano
    Chris Lyons
    The Q
    The E
    The Zen Master
    Dan Lurvey

    Sunday, December 24, 2006 12:34:07 PM

    Dear troubled and misguided 12:34:07:

    ARE YOU ON CRACK!!! Half of the lawyers you listed are incapable of puttig a complete, coherent, and grammaticly correct sentence together let alone understatnd the subtlties of a DUI case. Others are great attorneys but are not familiar enough with the ins and outs of a DUI case to properly represent a defendant so charged. Put the pipe down and think about it.

  29. i tried i squeezed put i could not fit essen into the top 10.

    sorry big guy.

  30. why such mean comments about lurvey? hes an ok guy. not a simon steckel, but an ok guy.

  31. Just to continue the thread that said give me a smart, respectful, and fair Judge anyday....What's up with J. Scola? As good as her hubbie is....well you know the rest. Talk about capricious and inconsistent...She is the epitome of someone who is smart enough but just doesn't get it. It just goes to show you intelligence isn't the bellweather of a good jurist. It takes much more including the ability to show compassion when it is deserved. It's easy to to be inflexible. Knowing when to give thats a gift. You know there is something wrong when all sides are unhappy.

  32. why such mean comments?

    because this is a blog, and blogs are the crank calls of the 21st generation.

    Why no more crank calls - BECAUSE OF CALLER ID......

  33. While it might be construed as mean by some I didn't notice you taking issue with the substance of my comments. It's not a crank call. Crank calls are pranks. People, usually young people, having fun. This is called criticism. It has a purpose. Maybe...just maybe someone might take a look at their behavior the way others view it and change. Or maybe not. The fact that one may or may not take the criticism to heart and take action should not dissuade the making of the comments. They were not made to inflict pain or suffering but merely an observation. In the end the blog will "judge" my comments.

  34. even steven
    who are you? rumpole, please tell us who even steven is so that we can mock him for being an ass sniffer.

  35. " ... and to all a good night"

  36. I have no idea who anyone who doesn't sign his name is.

    Can you believe the bengals missed the xtra point????

  37. Anonymous zinged:

    It just goes to show you intelligence isn't the bellweather of a good jurist.

    Rumpole quips- soon as I find one I'll let you know.

    (couldn't resist.)

  38. Great call on the Colts -- LMAO

  39. Why is evverybody always pickin on me........?

  40. Rumpole,
    Are you nutz? Manning couldn't get it done with a ground game last year and a better defense than Marino ever had. You're right! Manning will never be Marino (the greatest QB of all time).

    If Super Bowl Rings were the mark of a great QB, then let's annoint Dilfer, Hostetler, or Rothlesberger too.

    Please, Marino never had a ground game or defense. Further, he's better than Montana ever was. Marino didn't have Lott, Rice, or any help at all.

    The fact that Manning didn't make it last year is further proof of how he can't hold Marino's jock. Didn't Hou beat them yesterday or was that my imagination.

    Oh yeah, and for the posters who don't think handicapping should be here, I'll bet Rumpole any day. His/her picks are easy to chop up.

    Also, since Rumpole started this up, I would think he/she can put up any and all bullshty on this blog.

  41. Don't think any nailbiting involved:

    Miami has a knack of winning strange games (like the recent Pats game) and under Saban is on fire towards the end of the two seasons he's been here. Plus, it's the suminumbatchin, icehole, corksucking, Jets. Although I'm wooried about Freeman Mcneil lacing up his kleats, laying a single digit doesn't phase Maronie.


    (rumpole, 80% with the spread documented?) Wrong business Sir Rumpole. Your silly commentary on Manning disgusts me. He is similar to Marino regardless of whether he wins a ring or not. Let's see him finish out his career first. By the way, Eli stinks.

    Fantasy Champ this year 14-1! CLINCHED IT BABY!

  42. Roman.......I agree that Marino is the best every and that he didn't have anywhere near the help that most of the consensus top qb's other than him had (most had everything he had and a ground game and/or great TE to boot). But, saying he had no help at all is silly. He had two excellent receivers (Clayton and Duper) and, for many years, a GREAT pass blocking offensive line. It is a shame that never won an SB. It's also a shame that many folks knock his leadership skills because of that, particularly since it's practically a miracle that he got the Dolphins as far as he did.

  43. Like under 47 in the Philly/Dallas game.

    Ol' reliable still has it.

  44. why thats a lovely robe your wearing today judge bronwyn miller. id love to see it on my floor.

  45. So much for my fargon handicapping skills. We suck. Good thing there's poker.

    As for Marino, but for the Marks Bros. and a pass blocking OL, he had squat. Really, less than any qb of that caliber ever had. With a fair OL, a duper or clayton, one better than lousy rb, and a sack master, he could have done it.

    He missed the Killer B's by a few years oddly and JJ's defense when they decided to run Kareem up the middle each time for a 1.7 yards a pop.

    Tonight was typical horror. I'm a Sox fan, Heat fan (which explains the picture of the heat hat atop Napoleon Bonaparte Broward's statue on my website that the fargon bastages stole when we won it last year in our great courthouse) and a Fin's fan. Saw the Sox in Fenway in O4. Saw the Heat. Saw the Marlins. But, before I roll over, I need a parade for the Dolphins. Perhaps they need to bring back Flipper to reverse the curse.

    Geez. We stink. Every year. This is killing independant Roman.
