Friday, December 01, 2006


A prosecutor of some sort has leveled some serious charges:

Anonymous said...
Rumpole: You worked so hard on the Brandeis post??? How do you explain the fact that much, if not all, of your post appeared in a New York Times article several weeks earlier??

Rumpole responds:

Plea of not guilty, demand discovery, 15 days for motions.

Typical hot head suspicious prosecutor.

1) Look at the top of this blog. See where it says: "Search this blog"? Type in "Brandeis" and see when our post about Brandeis first appeared.

Now Mr. Ashcroft, who posted first about the good Jutstice?

2) We readily admit to reading the NY Times. The Times reported on Brandeis' birthday, and we credited the Times in our post:

The New York Times recently remembered that as a young lawyer, Brandeis co-wrote an article for the Harvard Law Review, The Right to Privacy, that Roscoe Pound, dean of the law school, would later say did nothing less than add a chapter to our law.

The Defense rests.

See You In Court.

Ps: If we weren't so jet lagged and beat from flying home this week, we would have had something better to post than this cheap shot from some unimaginative knucklehead who has nothing better to do than cast unwarranted aspersions.

Of course, we are in the business of defending against those who cast such aspersions, so in retrospect, thank goodness for knuckleheads like our fair, suspicious, reader.


  1. Here's your Discovery Rumpole: The State intends to call as its first witness Adam Cohen who wrote the article "Looking Back on Louis Brandeis on His 150th Birthday" which was printed in The New York Times, Editorial Observer, November 14, 2006.

  2. Rumpole, here's Supplemental Discovery. The State intends to introduce the following document:

  3. The State now demands Reciprocal Discovery and Notice of Alibi, Rump.

  4. Don't know quite what happened to the blog. It seems it was fueled by election gossip this past year as it limped to its anniversary; but now that we don't have anybody to baselessly and viciously attack it is dying its slow painful death. We need more elections!

  5. the trialmaster announces hitting a three million dollar verdict out of are u bottom feeders doing?

  6. What happened to the blog is that I had a trial out of state for the past two weeks and have had my hands full with other matters. I shall return.

    Mr. Prosecutor: I have already provided you with the discovery: My earlier post on Brandeis, well before the Times saw fit to weigh in. I credited the times with observing his birthday, and the quotes that I used.

  7. No go find someone else to pick on. I have enough to do withour fending off spurious attacks.

    You think its easy coming up with these brillant and witty easays that I produce day in and day out, providing endless hours of entertainment to bored judges sitting on the bench, PDs looking to cause trouble, and Division Chiefs in the SAO (who are the only ones who have internet access)?

    How about some credit for meeting your charges head on, rather than deleting your baseless accusations which I and I alone have the absolute power to do??

  8. The State is habitualizing you, Rump. You qualify as an HO, HVO, VCC, GORT, PRRP, Three Strike, 10-20-Life, Jimmy Ryce, Sexual Offender, Sexual Predator.
    The offer from the chief of Career Criminal is the Death penalty with a 20 year min man, followd by MDSO probation and boot camp. Then you are going to have a civil commitment and finally deportation. We need a trial date in a C week, please.

  9. "these brillant and witty easays"

    oh get over yourself already!!!

  10. Rumpole with this blog going into a slow deserved death will you please now out yourself?

  11. Anonymous cried:
    these brillant and witty easays"

    oh get over yourself already!!!

    Friday, December 01, 2006 6:03:05 PM

    Rumpole responds: open your eyes- re-read my post and repeat this phrase to yourself: Rumpole is sarcastic, Rumpole is sarcastic.

    Anonymous said...
    Rumpole with this blog going into a slow deserved death will you please now out yourself?


    Death? I have not yet begun to blog!!!!

    I regret that I have but only one identity to give to my bloggers.

    I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
    (Help- I'm stuck paraphrasing famous quotes!)

  12. The State is habitualizing you, Rump. You qualify as an HO, HVO, VCC, GORT, PRRP, Three Strike, 10-20-Life, Jimmy Ryce, Sexual Offender, Sexual Predator.
    The offer from the chief of Career Criminal is the Death penalty with a 20 year min man, followd by MDSO probation and boot camp. Then you are going to have a civil commitment and finally deportation. We need a trial date in a C week, please.

    Rumpole says: "I ain't ascared."

    Plus I hear that crap every monday, why should it bother me?

  13. The State files its notice of Williams Rule evidence and intent to have a mapping order entered to prevent your right to travel in cyberspace.

  14. This getting far too litigious. I need counsel.
