Friday, April 07, 2006



Rump, there is a very interesting rumor going around that Judge Bertila Soto and Hector Loncaca called Ms. Gloria Gonzalez to get her to move out of the Group she is at an put her elsewhere. I just read an opinion from the JQC and Supreme Court and Judge Soto may have just commited a great offense for calling a candidate and Mr. Loncaca as well since he is on a Committee for a Judge(s) and thus the Judge is responsible for his actions. Not to mention his appointment on the JNC by the Governor which sounds to me like conflict out of Iraq.

Can you (Rump) or the Captain please investigate and let us know. Please Rump, urge Ms. Gonzalez to write to the Blog about this matter. I am surprised to hear this BS as I hear her husband is a cop. Can someone call Loncaca and get his side as well. I know he is a bit arrogant, but why shake people down? Rump, only you can prevent a Forest Fire, only you.

One more thing, it is also said that Judge Ripyourhearout has called the famous Albert Q. to make sure his trusted lawyer will not run against her. As well, she is taking Judge McWhorter around to many events helping her campaign. What's the deal? Did Democracy end in Miami-Dade County? It is against the JQC to call and scare people Judge Ripyourhearout. What are you thinking. Rump, mucho Furgo in the Ripster and McWhorter. Of course, allegedly.

Rumpole responds: Behind the lighthearted manner of your posts rests some serious allegations against sitting Judges. These allegations are just that: unverified allegations. These Judges are invited to email us their responses. As in every other situation, when a Judge emails us a response to an allegation, it is posted in its entirety without any alterations. Even that one time when we felt his honor sat down to blog after finishing that bottle of wine, and then had a few nips of the cooking sherry….the email went up in its entirety.

A reader wants the truth:

Rumpole - it is time to stop hiding the truth - tell your readers that Judge David Miller is the runaway winner in the Best ASA Poll - disclose!

Rumpole replies that the only thing we won’t disclose is our identity…unless faced with contempt of court. See the last paragraph of this post.


A reader has been sipping a bit of wine at fundraiser recently, and started seeing things:

I thought Judge Leifman said that JAs cannot campaign. Then why is Laura going to every fundraiser in town and taking names of who is there giving? Hello? Will someone please put her on check? People do not want to donate anymore. Stop scaring us please. I'll buy perfume, it is cheaper.

Rumpole notes that we have been at several recent fundraisers ( not by choice…we just went out to dinner and there was the judge with his/her friends. You can’t walk into a restaurant these days without running into some judicial fundraiser) and did not see the JA in question. However, there is a marked difference in a JA attending a fundraiser and a JA actively campaigning against another sitting Judge. By the way, just so it’s clear: while we abhor the alleged activities of JA D’Arce, we have always thought Judge Hernandez was a gentleman and a credit to the bench and we take no delight in the fact that he now has a challenger.


A reader with too much time on his/her hands wrote:

During a recent search on Google I got a hit in the top ten for this Blog. This is a testament to the webcrawler at Google. However, that led me to think whether we really want people in Rochester, Nebraska or even Broward County to read what we the enlightened guardians of justice are up to in our spare time (I might add some of you on County time). Perhaps some of you should realize that your silly musings are only interesting to yourselves, and you should spare the rest of us your dribble.

And another reader wonders:

if our silly musings are only interesting to ourselves, how did this blog obtain top 10 status on google?The world is waiting for the d'arce indictment.

Rumpole ponders: Well, it can’t be our dashing and rugged good looks. It can’t be our sexy graphics. Could it be our writing and sense of humor? Or is the answer to be found in the incredible number of bored judges and attorneys in our fair city? Top Ten huh? And we ain’t even trying. Why, if some enterprising Newspaper wanted to PAY US for our talents (Hint hint) we could devote some real time and energy to this thing, and it would really take off. Hmm. … A “Rumpole Column” on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Herald (we would even buy Joan some flowers) or the New Times sounds nice. Or even our overworked friends at the Daily Business Review……Until then….pardon us as we are going to prepare some more motions on disorderly conduct and petit theft cases.

A LITTLE BENNETT IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL. Can’t go too long without chatting about our pal, our buddy, our best-est PD:

Say what you will about BHB (especially after the fiascos of the last election campaign), but I think I can safely say that life as a PD is way better than life as an ASA. Yes, we're still underpaid (but we still make more than the ASA's) and overworked, but I'll tell you this much: there's no one breathing down my neck and telling me what to do with my cases. I can wear jeans to the office whenever I'm not in court, and in general, the attorneys seem to be pretty happy there. And if I lose at trial, I don't get chewed out or reprimanded. Out of all the PD's who were hired in my class, all but one are still with the office. Conversely, I know several ASA's who were hired at around the same time as I was who are long gone.... (Coincidentally, they were among the smartest and fairest ASA's that I worked with.)

SUBPOENA???? RUN….HIDE. Some little bird and friend of the blog dropped us an email hinting or wondering that someone may be trying to subpoena us. Yikes! S/He said the rumor was on our blog. Does anyone remeber that post?

A subpoena could blow this whole thing to kingdom come. We’d be lucky to get a job going to traffic ticket status conferences in Orlando after our identity was revealed. Any First Amendment Attorneys want to handle a high profile pro bono case?


See You In Court dodging process servers. We are quicker than we look. A product of some championship dodge ball games in our younger days.


  1. I thought Judge Leifman said that JAs cannot campaign. Then why is Laura going to every fundraiser in town and taking names of who is there giving?

    What BS. I've been to Liefman campaign events also. I've seen his JA there. She is not campaigning. Nor is she "taking names of who gives." Hey moron/Juan, the names of who gives are on the checks. Why would anyone "have to take names"?

  2. You're right, that must have been him. Mr. D' Arce, I'll explain it like you're a five year old (love Denzel): JAs cannot run campaigns while on the clock. JAs can do whatever the heck they want when not on the clock. Your problem was you were running a campaign while sitting at your JA desk.


  4. the weekend is here and the ISPs are not available during the weekends, so if anything, the blog is safe for this weekend.

  5. As to some of the above comments:
    1) Why in the world would your "source" tell you not to post on this site? What crime, besides bad puns, which is a misdemeanor, are we comitting?
    2) if the ISP records were subpoeaned, how would that affect the people who post, as oppose to us?
    3) if you are truly serious, send us a private email. However, I can tell you that in our discussions with Google, your source is as useful as the person who told George W that there were WMD's in Iraq.

    Finally, go ahead and subpoena us...we ain't ascared...we'll just get you know who to threaten you know who. (we love stirring up the cauldron of bad blood.)
    It's too nice out to be inside blogging. Get off the web. Go outside and run in the park.

  6. the person posting the subpoena comment is just someone who wants the comments to stop - there is no subpoena and if there was, the ISP would not be able to verify who Rumpole is - any non-idiot knows that.

    Now, continue everyone.

  7. Rump, why the aggression. Maybe the source is valid. Listen, let's just be careful. We have nothing to fear. Even if you get outed, Rump, we will still respect you.

  8. IF Blogger logs the IP addresses of posters, then you might be able to tie an otherwise "anonymous" post to a particular computer.

  9. not true - ip addresses are randomly assigned by the ISP - trust me, the subpoena threat is garbage - the response from bellsouth, aol, etc will be that the isp is registered to them, not to anyone specific, and blogger does not keep lists of anonymous posters or any other posters

  10. Regarding the comment about Leifman's JA... The poster fails to recognize the difference between excercising one's right to free expression, on the one hand, and being paid to shill for a campaign.

    D'Arce, when he decided to make money as a "political operative," just to use his own lawyer's words, lost a huge chunk of the protection afforded him by the first amendment.

    And Rumpole, whatever goodwill Judge Hernandez had before this incident has evaporated with his refusal to fire D'Arce for his gross ethical lapses. It reflects poorly on his judgment, his character and his ethics.

  11. First, the Court doesn't have randomly assigned IPs. Second, even randomly assigned IP's are traceable if they are logged. And all major ISP's log all IP's.

    The easiest way to show this is to google "RIAA" and "Subpoena".

  12. The following is from Time Warner Cable's ISP provider notice:

    Operator's system, in delivering and routing the ISP Services, and the systems of Operator's Affiliated ISPs, may automatically log information concerning Internet addresses you contact, and the duration of your visits to such addresses. Operator does not use or disclose any personally identifiable information that may be derived from these logs for marketing, advertising or similar purposes. Operator, as described above, as well as your ISP, in providing the ISP Service to you, also has access to personally identifiable information about you or your ISP account, including the name and address associated with a given IP address or, possibly, one or more e-mail accounts. You have consented, in your Subscription Agreement, to the collection of personally identifiable information as described in this paragraph.

  13. I love Rumpole, have my own suspicions as to his(yes, I think Rumpole is a man) identity, but will happily sign on as the pro bono lawyer to quash any subpoenas. Sincerely, Lauri Waldman Ross

  14. Does there now exist a Blog police ? In south florida they can't even arrest and prosecute most real criminals much less blogers who's opinion they don't like.

  15. Just because it may be technically possible to subpoena computer logs which would allow the identification of individual computers doesn't mean its going to happen.

    I hain't skeerd.

  16. we will destroy you if you try to shut down the will of the people!

  17. "we will destroy you if you try to shut down the will of the people!"

    Dammmm! Ain't he or she baddddd!?

    Who is "we" (destroyers), "you" (destroyees), and "the people" whose will is being "shut down".

    Please answer the question after the effects of whatever drugs and alcohols you ingested have passed.

  18. I am confused, D'Arce lost his Constitutional protection when he got paid? So the Constitution only applies to people who do not get paid? Hey, legislators and their staff often campaign against one another (See JC Planas) and utilized the staffers. Seems funny how your reasoning is working. If you are correct, then all Legislators, the Governor and even President are in trouble. Where did you go to Law School, Hatred University. LMAO!

  19. Anonymous is right (at least one of them is), ISPs can -- and do -- log IP addresses. Unless you are a real techie and have serious anonymizing (it is a word)software, or you logon on from an open, random wireless connection (not guaranteeing this works b/c maybe the ISP for the wireless connection logs MAC addresses), there is no protection from a subpoena to uncover your identity (be you Anonymous or Rumpole). Of course, getting the subpoena is a different story. It is not nearly as easy as "I AM NOT JOKING" Anonymous would have you think. Bottomline, Rumpole, you will have plenty of warning before any Judge forces your ISP to reveal your identity. See:

  20. well answer this then - when you use a program such as IP lookup and you look up your IP address and it says it is registered to bellsouth or aol, how would someone know who was using that IP address? Doesnt make sense. Looks like the subpoena response would have a long list of IP addresses registered to the ISP's, not individuals, right?




  22. Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

    Thomas Jefferson, 1786

  23. Phil...your days are numbered

  24. Hell, as long as we are all being outed, Kathy is the best, I love Judge Miller, Bennett is a phenom, cops never lie, and ASA's are truly doing god's work.

  25. The IP address belongs to Bellsouth or AOL (they are assigned huge blocks of addresses). Bellsouth turns around and assigns either a dynamic or static address to its customers. The assignment is logged by Bellsouth. Bellsouth, and all ISPs, knows who it assigns its IP address to. Many, many websites, in turn, log the IP address that connects to their site and date/time of the connection.

    If you commit a fraud on, for example, they know the IP address that connected to them and made the fraudulent purchase. They look up the IP address and see it belongs to Bellsouth. A subpoena is issued to Bellsouth asking for the identity of the customer to whom the IP address was assigned on the particular date and time. The answer, of course, only identifies the ISP's customer, not necessarily the user, as many irate parents who have been sued by the music industry have learned.

    Learn more than you ever wanted to know about how IP addresses identify you here:

  26. We dont quash subpoena's and warrants, we squash 'em.....

  27. Well Rump, this morning I purchased a wireless internet connection under a fake company name in order to blog on this site. I am sitting on the beach somewhere in Miami and have not even told my kids where we are at. On the way here I blindfolded them so as to confuse them all in an effort to avoid being detected. Listen, I don't believe the subpoena bullshit, but I just feel better doing it this way. I will check in later, when the sun sets

  28. Rump, as you are soon to be outed, and are sending overt signals that you are seeking employment at a local newspaper, please don't forget us if it all hits the fan. We believed in you, you will lead us to a better land, please, please do not let us down. I have a career at stake, kids at Ransom and a tuition at Duke to pay. Please. I am serious. My comments about Leifman were in jest.

  29. Just dismantle this stupid fucking thing. It is a bunch of lawyers acting like little gossipy school kids. It is ironic that you say that you admire Howard Roark, when you act like Peter Keating.

  30. Just dismantle this stupid fucking thing. It is a bunch of lawyers acting like little gossipy school kids. It is ironic that you say that you admire Howard Roark, when you act like Peter Keating.

  31. Just dismantle this stupid fucking thing. It is a bunch of lawyers acting like little gossipy school kids. It is ironic that you say that you admire Howard Roark, when you act like Peter Keating.

  32. I think the fact that the previous comment was repeated three times is a dign that this blog is being intervened.

  33. How do wireless systems work then? If I'm making fun of my favorite judge while sitting at the corner Starbucks, wouldn't any address come back to their system? Baristas beware!

  34. Was I the only one who had to look up the Rule of Lenity? Now I really know law school was a waste of time.

  35. why would any of you give two shits if you got cought selling shit about someone on this blog. speak your mind!

  36. I bet Judge Miller finds it very lonely in civil. He is the only ASA in the courtroom now.

  37. I bet Judge Miller finds it very lonely in civil. He is the only ASA in the courtroom now.

  38. I bet Judge Miller finds it lonely in civil. He is the only ASA in the courtroom now.

  39. Does this thing post three times?

  40. no, but that asshole does

  41. no, but that asshole does

  42. no, but that asshole does

  43. What posts are more enjoyable to read? The well written witty post, or the one by the wordsmith with an IQ of 70 that simply resorts to cursing because they lack the intelligence and imagination to come up with anything better?

    Just wondering.

  44. What posts are more enjoyable to Read? The well written witty post, (mine, of course,) or the one by the wordsmith with an IQ of 70 that simply resorts to cursing because they lack the intelligence and imagination to come up with anything better? (not mine, of course.)

    Just wondering.

  45. Rump, your going down, bull frog.

  46. Rump, your going down, bull frog

  47. Is there some crime i'm not aware of that relates to posting an opinion, or speaking your mind? why is everyone so chicken shit about IPs?

  48. rump rump rump...come out come out wherever you are. The gig is up phil...

  49. rump rump rump...come out come out wherever you are. The gig is up Phil...

  50. Why is everyone so scared to speak the truth. There is so much corruption at the SAO, and no one calls KFR out on it. We know she wants a big gig, but come on she cannot even get home on her own.

    Juan is a nut case. The guy is so high on his self. Why doe shis boss just not fire him?

    Jason Grey is a good guy, maybe he should be the next SAO.

    Who is Phil?

  51. Rumor has it Mike Grieco is back to playing on the beach, is this true?

    I heard Grieco had to get permission from Don Horn to be able to cross the bay and get on to the beach. Part of Grieco's punishment for trying to prevent his buddies from being arrested.

    Phil you know anything about this?

  52. grieco was seen on the beach last night with a police escort. He is now like royalty.

  53. Grieco is royalty. That is a fact all know. However, ws KFR on his arm?

  54. So was on his _ _ _ _ . DICK .

  55. Good Grieco story. the guy is such a cock. Apparently, he works out at a gym on the beach. A few years back, he was running on the treadmill or the eliptical which looks over the street. Downstairs some guy was getting arrested and there were a number of police around. grieco jumps off the treadmill and changes back into his work clothes. He grabs his badge and runs downstairs holding his badge and saying to the cops, "What've we got here boys." Story was told to me by a friend who works in the gym who saw me saying hi to him there once. Apprently the whole gym staff laughs at him about this.

  56. What is the story about Grieco stopping his friend from getting arrested?

  57. If Phil does get exposed, which articles should he be most worried about?

  58. none! get a grip turd excavator.

  59. Hey Rump! what is going on with all this BS with the judges? I thought they could not endorse any other candidate or judge seeking re-election, publicly or otherwise? I went to an event last week where I watched Rippingle literally invite and bring up a young guy who filed against that female former hearing officer..her name escapes's marty shapiro's seat...Rippingle introduced him to the crowd and it was obvious she was endorsing him...McWhorter too! what is going on? Can you tell us what these Judges can or cannot do? isn't this a JQC violation in the making? especially after Rippingle called albert Q. to keep his associate from filing against him.

  60. they should call this this narc blog.

  61. He like Columbo without the Colum.

  62. He's also like Columbo without ther olbo

  63. To Anonymous who wonders why everyone is scared to tell the truth: I don't see any shortage of posters who speak what they believe to be the truth. What most posters appear to be afraid of is revealing themselves while speaking "the truth."

    Jason Grey is right, no crime has (yet) been committed on this Blog, so all the concern about IPs is misplaced. However, posters should know that defaming someone in the comments section can result in a court allowing the defamee to uncover the defamer's identity. See the articles below. The key issue courts have to decide when the defamee seeks to force the ISP to divulge the identity of the purported defamer is whether the posting was truly defamatory. Most times, the postings are mean, hurtful and childish, but rarely truly defamatory so as to justify stripping a poster of anonymity.

    See you in Court, Rumpole, reading the Blog on my Treo 650 and trying -- in vain -- to avoid the label of techno-nerd.


  64. Im confused. Gerrymandering was supposed to provide equality in all electoral circuits/districts/municipalities and counties. How is it that the judiciary in Miami Dade is not representive of the County population? You will notice that the minority is judging the majority. So if a jury is supposed to be made up of our peers, why is the judiciary (judges) not.

    Rumpole (Phil), Captain, can somebody please give us a breakdown as to the number of judges and their claimed ethnicity?

    Historically speaking (20 years ago), a Black or Hispanic had no chances of being elected to the judiciary. It is easy to feel the pain of those Blacks and Hispanics when looking at the 2006 judicial election. These candidates are still mistreated, and made to feel inferior, inadequate, and less deserving of a judicial seat.

    Furthermore, if all the allegations of judges calling other candidates are true (and their Treasurers calling or Bar Association Presidents calling them as well), we see that some judges have developed a sense of entitlement to their seats. However, these seates must be and shall always be democratically elected. Thus, when people run for a seat on the judiciary, judges need to stop taking this as a personal attack. They need to stop feeling entitlement to their seats and understand that serving on that judicial seat is a privilege.

    Lastly, I am dumbfounded by the claim of judicial persecution. The right for anybody to run for election is a constitutional right created by our founding fathers. When the people feel a Judge has not performed in their judicial tasks adequately, then the people have every right to want to elect a better or more responsive judicial officer.

  65. I'm afraid you miss the point. Judges have become much younger over the last 10 years or so.Think of all the judges sitting at the MJB, are any over 60? How about those running? All are in their 30s and 40s.
    A Judicial seat pays good money, comes with state benefits and flexible hours.Try finding that in the private sector!
    Young Judges have Mortgages, Kids ,private schools,Etc. funded by a job that can be lost every 6 years. Many judges would be hard pressed to make half what they make now if they had to work as attorneys. Thats a lot of pressure. The voters have no idea who the candidates are and simply vote for names . Any Judge can be unseated by an unqualified 5 year lawyer whos name appeals to voters who vote by ethnicity or gender.It's No wonder some Judges are starting to freak out.

  66. Grieco called up a detective (Ramos) on South Beach the night his friend got arrested. Grieco told the detective, whose wife is a former ASA, and told him not to make the arrest. Grieco said the defendant was a friend of his and the detective should not make the arrest, as a favor to Grieco.

    The detective did the right thing and made the arrest.

    Grieco, allegedly, even went into Leyte's courtroom and said he was going to represent his friend but he was still an ASA. Supposedly Leyte told Grieco to file his NOA after he left the SAO and told Grieco his antics were unethical.

    Grieco left the SAO, but did not represent his friends.

    Grieco came back to the SAO and the case was still pending. Interesting that the case was dismissed based on a C4 motion not being responded to. The ASA who was handling the case, left the office during the time the C4 motion was pending.

    Don Horn said Grieco did nothing wrong. Horn said the case should have been handled better by the pit prosecutor. Horn said he was sorry there was an error and that the C4 motion should have been responded to.

    I got this story from an attorney who was representing the victim in the case. Neither the victim nor his attorney ever got a letter of apology or an explanation on Grieco's games.

    Grieco is real ethical.

  67. Jason, are judges not good attorneys and cannot command more than $130k a year in private practice?

  68. Grieco is about friends not about justice, then.

  69. In the past, young lawyers have gotten on the bench as the candidates you speak about aspire. For Example: Judge Jon Gordon and Judge Federika Wilson. Of which both are a pair of the best we have around still today.
    If you can be President of the United States at 35, why can't you be a Judge. Haters!

  70. Jason, most when most judges take the bench they take a pay cut. Only shitbird attorneys like you would seek office to take a pay increase. You should never think about taking the bench for a pay increase. You would be doing it for the wrong reason. You are a shitbird.

  71. Making more than 130 grand a year isn't easy.Trust me.
    My point was, in the past when Judges were older they often had become rich, or at least $ secure and didnt need income.(if i recall the job used to pay 60 k), They didn/t care if the were re-elected or not they would retire.
    It is hard to start over especially if you have given up a lucrative practice,and have the expenses of a 40 something parent.

    My point was not that our judges are unqualified, but that they feel threatned by an election system that has little relation to qualifications and is all about having a good sounding name.

  72. You think someone like Pando could get a job for $50k anywhere?

  73. don't sell yourself short jason. your a giant "shitbird".

  74. Who keeps voting for Warren Schwartz in the public defender poll? Now he is a SB.

  75. go to Flanigan's if you want to see Grieco practicing his opening arguments "to the common folk"....

    a winner is he....

  76. As a former ASA I actually can say that Jason is a not a shitbird. Unlike the Michael Cattttttt, Britts, and Mr. Q of the defense world, Jason was always up front and a nice guy.

    Sorry Jason, but you cannot be called a shitbird. Big or Small.

  77. Grieco,

    How about you respond? I am curious if this is true. I heard there was a bar complaint filed against Grieco on this. Anyone know?

  78. im rich, buff and handsome. so why should i dignify your slander with a response.
    mike g.

  79. I know about the Grieco incident and the reality is that the case was bullshit and Grieco pointed that out to his office.


    A guy tried to beat up a friend of his on South Beach and he pulled out what looked like a knife and tried to stab him with it. A friend sees this and decks the offender, who hits his head on the sidewalk and loses consciousness. Grieco's friend tells his buddy (the defender) to get out of there and he leaves.

    So what happens?

    1. The guy who defends Grieco's friend from what looks to be a knife attack gets prosecuted for "Aggravated Battery".
    2. Grieco's friend testifies at a pre-filing hearing concerning what really happened (i.e., defense of another) and he then gets charged by the detective and the State for being an "accessory after the fact".
    3. Most of the above is orchestrated by an ex-ASA who is friends with the aggressor-"victim", who is trying to make this into a civil suit so that he can collect damages for his buddy (and legal fees for himself). He apparently demanded big $$$$ from the defendant's to get his "client" to drop the charges.

    Grieco saw this bullshit going down and he tried to correct it by going to the higher ups in his office to show them how the office was being manipulated by an ex-ASA (who happened to be friends with the detective). He was told to back off and he did, but he was pissed off enough to consider leaving the office, which he did for a short while.

    Bottom line: Grieco's a stand-up guy who got a bad rap because an ex-ASA, civil litigator was manipulating the system.

  80. From what I am told about the incident those are not the facts.

    The Facts:

    Grieco's friends were not permitted at a bar. Victim's got one of the defendants' girlfriend fired for stealing money at a bar. Victim was at another bar and was confronted by the defendants. Defendants were ordered to leave the bar. Defendants waited for victim, when victim left, defendants jumped the victim.

    Grieco called the detective the night of the arrest and begged the detective not to arrest his friend. Grieco never went to the higher ups in his office. The attorney representing the victim is Jonathan Davidoff, and he never even met the victim or the detective before. In fact, the victim never paid Davidoff and Davidoff never asked for a penny.

    Finally, the victim never demanded a penny, he only wanted his medical bills paid for.

    The case was not dismissed by the office. Grieco left the office and coudl not cut the real world.

    Grieco rich? NOT! Grieco bufffff, steroids? Grieco handsome? NOT! Grieco gay?

  81. I do not know if Grieco is rich, some think he is cute and he definitely does go to the gym. What is certainly not in dispute is that Grieco is dirty!!!!!!

    Grieco is on a power run with his badge. I heard he missed the badge and that is why he came back to the State.

  82. Grieco would get screwed if in private practice

  83. I worked with (or near) Grieco when I was with the SAO. We're all a little weird one way or the other, and his eccentricity happens to be his ego. There were many others at the SAO whose flaws were more subtle, and also more dangerous. Grieco is harmless. The real threat to the system are those few ASAs flying just under the radar, without moral compass, who out of fear for job security and a lack of character dispatch their authority with merciless inefficiency. As one with some experience now in the civil world, I think Grieco would do just fine. If he put the knife in all the way to the hilt in your back, at least he would do you the common courtesy of bragging about it, rather than wiping the blade and ditching it somewhere in the City of Miami's jurisdiction.

  84. Grieco tried and failed in the private sector. I guess your hypothesis is wrong.

  85. I didn't know I was putting forth a hypothesis. You got a definition I don't know about?

  86. You said Grieco would do well in private practice, but the results speak for itself.

  87. Grieco should turn in his bar license and retire to the club scene. I hear he was good at it.

  88. I said he would do just fine, not well, but in either case that's hardly the point. How about everyone just go back to the "If someone abuses their authority then...they're a scumbag." As far as I can tell, only one person on this whole page has first hand knowlege of any of the goings on in the Matter of Disgruntled Posters v. Grieco. That would be Davidoff. He can make whatever assertions he wants because he put his name to it. All the others seem to just not like him. It would be so easy to just pick another ASA (or PD) at random and talk about how scummy he/she is. Sweet Jehovah Witness! It just occurred to me that I'm defending Grieco. Rump, this is a very strange post. I say we all pick on someone else, because now more than ever Mr. DJ will be very proud that he has occupied so much space.

  89. If Davidoff is a disgruntled Poster, well this world has turned around. That guy has been MIA, and not Miami, but missing in action for like three years. Good prosecutor who is in New York, maybe he is fighting it out with a former ASA who became an ADA in NY (a psycho).

    Grieco is what he is, and he should not be hidden behind KFR's curtain, because she thinks he is cute. Cute with no brains.

  90. I can just picture JG sitting there, all enjoying the view from the skyline in the Big Apple, reminiscing about his time in the "305", showing his pals this blog and how crazy we all are, and then SMACK! BAM!, here he is being called a psycho. That's low, man, really low.

  91. two hookers and five large pizzas please.

  92. Was that JG's order last night????

    If so, I am proud he has come to the better side. JG psycho? I do not know, maybe ask yourself if he fits the definition.

    Rumor is Granoff is the only thing that kept JG from jumping off the top of the tallest building in Miami. Maybe he is trying to jump from a taller building in 212.

  93. Josh was cool, Leave him be.
    Say what you want about Grieco because he won't give a shit .

  94. Fag. High commentary indeed. Just when I thought this line of thought wasn't going anywhere....

  95. Fag in the sense of gay, or just weak?

  96. Josh Gradinger, for all of his eccentricities, was one of the funniest bastards in the history of the SAO. If Jackie Mason were an ASA he would be Gradinger.

    -David Nozick

  97. strnge post. i never thought he was funny just kinda a joke.
