Wednesday, April 12, 2006



75 comments and counting on the last post, but our favorite comment came from a Konty Kort ASA flying under the radar of the Komissar:

I'm a County Court ASA and we're so insulated over here, we know nothing. Who are the good Division Chiefs in felony land? Who are the bad? And who is LORNA?!?!

Rumpole says: welcome young counselor. All your questions will be answered. Just keep reading our blog. Plus, whats the deal with that ASA from Italy in front of Beth Bloom? He's a riot!

And this reader responded:

County court ASA are the best. they think their case is the most important one in the world and will not make a decent offer becasue of it. It's all about a learning curve. and usually, they are still learning.

And this reader commented:

If County Court ASA's were made to intern in the felony division before going to County, they would have a better perspective about the system and would see the county cases for what they really are. I've heard felony ASA's say that after going to Circuit they realized how ridiculous they looked prosecuting misdemeanors as if they were capital cases.


Things just keep getting weirder, but that’s why we love the REGJB and criminal law in Miami. A Prosecutor/DJ? “My Space” ads jeopardizing a prosecution against Redskins Safety Sean Taylor? A My Space Motion to dismiss???

Its still all Grieco to us. Plus, Mr. Davidoff is taking quite a bashing on the comments section. But as others can testify to, that’s what happens when you are brave enough to post your name. And people wonder why we choose to remain anonymous?

Anyway, our favorite Herald Scribe broke the My Space Motion to Dismiss, which can be found here:

Posted on Wed, Apr. 12, 2006
Prosecutor's weekend DJ job new wrinkle in Taylor case

Attorneys for Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor plan to ask a judge to dismiss aggravated assault charges against him because the prosecutor in the case has a website that linked to articles about the Taylor case.Attorney Janice Burton Sharpstein claims the website and the link to news articles shows that Assistant State Attorney Mike Grieco is only prosecuting Taylor because he wants to be known as a prosecutor of the stars and in order to further his side career as a weekend disc jockey.''The prosecutor is not interested in just the facts of the case,'' she said. ``He's interested in promoting his fame by prosecuting celebrities. He's using those articles to promote his business as DJ Esquire.'' Grieco deleted the links on his web page on Wednesday morning after learning of Sharpstein's intention to file a motion to have the case dismissed.He declined to comment on Sharpstein's allegations.The State Attorney's Office says Taylor was charged based on reliable information and his prosecution has nothing to do with Grieco's side business or website. The office gave Grieco permission to do side work as a disc jockey.Taylor, a former University of Miami star, was arrested in June after police say he waved a gun at several people he believed were involved in the theft of a friend's all-terrain vehicle. His case was postponed several times so he could play football last season.It is currently scheduled to go to trial on May 8th

A reader quipped:

grieco, you better plea that dog out before you get spanked. as warren sapp once said,"if you cant play with the big dogs you better stay on the porch".

Rumpole says: DJ ESQUIRE???? How long did it take everyone in the SAO to stop laughing about that? If we were in that office, we would be leaving little 45 records in his office. DJ Esquire?? What a riot!!! Does he give closings in rap/rhyme as well?

Rumpole notes that it’s the start of a Holiday Season. Passover those mean comments and show everyone a little peace and love. Have a Good Friday, and Great Easter Sunday. Unfortunately for us, we remain held hostage in this backwater southern town, by this backwater southern Judge, and this backwater southern prosecutor who wants to do all sorts of bad things to our client.
Fear not-Rumpole is on the case! However, because of this stupid circus and the holidays, posts may be a bit slow for a few days. However, those of you ready to file some really mean comments, don’t go there- we still monitor the blog hourly (we have to do something that interests us in court besides listen to a witness) and will remove them at once.

See You In Court. Not the REGJB until Monday.



    Hot off the tv screen.

  2. Better article, sounds like this whole thing is bullshit:

    MIAMI -- The lead prosecutor in the assault case against Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor stepped aside Wednesday after defense lawyers charged that he was using his prominence in the case to promote his moonlighting work as a nightclub disc jockey.
    Michael Grieco, the assistant state attorney handling the Taylor case, asked to be replaced because "he sees himself becoming the courtroom focus, rather than the individual charged with the criminal offense," said a statement from the office of his boss, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle.
    The move came a few hours after Taylor's attorney Richard Sharpstein said he would seek dismissal of the charges because of "inappropriate and unethical" prosecutorial conduct by Grieco, who had posted news articles about the Taylor case on a Web site that promotes his side business as a DJ in Miami Beach clubs.
    "It's obvious he's exploiting his job as a prosecutor for private gain," Sharpstein said. "It has clouded his view of justice."
    After being told of Grieco's departure from the case, Sharpstein said: "Now we look forward to a fair and impartial prosecutor looking at this matter and doing the right thing, which is to dismiss this case."
    Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Mary Barzee agreed earlier Wednesday to delay the trial for a sixth time, this time from Monday until May 8. Taylor faces a minimum of three years in prison on each of three aggravated assault charges stemming from a June 1 armed confrontation in a Miami neighborhood.
    This latest development could mean even more delays.
    Grieco referred all calls seeking comment to Rundle. Rundle's statement said that nothing on the Web site "compromised the integrity of the Sean Taylor case" but that Grieco "unfortunately" did not delete messages and images sent to him by others.
    "The desire to smear a prosecutor and affect a potential jury pool is a reprehensible trial tactic," the statement added.
    Grieco's page on was still available until Wednesday afternoon, when it was a replaced with a message saying that "this user has either canceled their membership, or their account has been deleted."
    Before it was deleted, the page contained a short biography noting that Grieco works as a prosecutor in Miami and including a photo of a news conference featuring himself, Rundle and other officials.
    It also contained dozens of photos of young men and women -- many of them scantily clad -- accompanied by messages about the Miami bar scene and their comments about his abilities as a disc jockey. Sharpstein called some of the content "moderately pornographic" and not appropriate for a prosecutor.
    Taylor is charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and one misdemeanor battery charge stemming from a dispute with a group of people over all-terrain vehicles that Taylor owns. Taylor, a former University of Miami star, is free on $16,500 bail.
    Taylor has refused a plea deal in which he would receive a sentence of probation in return for a guilty plea to a felony, Sharpstein said.

  3. Sharpstein and a rich client - good examples of what I was talking about yesterday - a wealthy interested party attempting to exert influence one way or the other to get a favorable outcome in their case. Let's all hope that the Grieco event doesn't give Sharpstein any more legitimacy regarding his client's case. While doing his job and advocating for his client, it doesn't mean that Sean Taylor didn't commit the crime. If the SAO goes forward, it could just possibly be because he's guilty as hell. The Sharpy will go after the next prosecutor as one of KFR's lackeys, which won't be the case, but it will give the defense just what they are usually looking for, a diversion from meritorious allegations against their clients. That's about all you need in Dade county for a not guilty verdict anyway. Sharpy, your argument against Grieco is valid, just don't smack that horse for too much longer against the next prosecutor, or the media will start to take a negative view of your client hiding behind a stupid blog at

  4. i love sharpstein but give me a break with this issue. shameless!

  5. After receiving so many flowers from Lindsey, Arzola, Lombana, Rippengale et al, Mike Grieco can now start another side business. He'd better be careful and get his paperwork in order or the Kommissar will send out the cops to bust him for selling flowers without a peddler's license.

  6. good one. but i like this guy edward coke. not to be confussed with our very own edward art koch formerly with the dade county public defender's office.

  7. that cbs news piece on the sean taylor case was priceless. i thought my space was for teens. who knew?

  8. not so. major pussy on my space.

  9. Rumpole you are a useless hypocrite. weeks ago you had a policy in which you wisely disallowed people from making personal attacks on Judges for thier personal lives that did not bear on thier fitness for office. I guess as a hypocrite you cant see how unfair it is to allow people to bring up Lorna Salomons personal life and attack her because of who she dates.
    I guess in Rumps world you cannot allow judges personal lives to be mentioned becuase you want them to continue giving your clients bonds and offering pleas. I guess that same rule doesnt apply to Ms. Salomon Because she cant give you a plea or a bond.
    you are a total fraud.

  10. that cbs story on the sean taylor case was brilliant. all around academy award winner.

    we have a teenie bopper web site, a topless prosecutor, the name DJ ESQUIRE, shady defense atttorney dropping lewd and lascivious bombs, blond sidekicks whining about the constitution, an nfl baller, ferundle, did i mention the topless prosecutor?


  11. memo to judges: please stop issuing bonds and offering pleas to any defendant whom you suspect be represented by rumpole. no bonds.

    the reason is attorney anonymous believes rumpole is a useless hypocrite. we are going to follow her recommendation that rumpole clients be held no bond.

    and no pleas, please!

  12. Hey moron who posted at 1027- one day this filthy hypocrite will be outed and he doenst want to say anything about the judges because they will take it out on him.

    you might actually be dumber than a county court asa

  13. Hey Rump, I too was wondering about the older Italian ASA in Bloom's court. A few months ago there was another older ASA in 4-9 or 5-7. What's up with these older guys joining Konty Kort this late in life?

  14. Sharpstein is a fuck , we all know this, but Grieco is even more of a fuck.

  15. I don't know why Grieco thought he would get more business for the DJ Esquire business from the Taylor case. I would be scarred to hire him for my party for the fact that Taylor, Sharpstein and Co. would show up and shoot the place up. I hope Barzee doesn't have to recuse herself because she is a Cowboys fan. She would look great as a cowgirl by the way. Fuck she is beautiful.

  16. DJ Esquire. I like it. Maybe that was the plan all along. I say, run with it Mike. Write a tell all book, spin crzy whack rhymes, get all up in Sharpie's grill and smack the taste outta that reporter's mouth! Start a criminal defense practice and name your firm Bad Boyz, LLP. When Puffy gets pissed and sues, slap him too. You'll make mad G's.

  17. Mike, I'll start a little side kitty with some pals. We'll all chip in 5 bucks if you go on the air and call Sharpstein your little bitch. That would be hilarious. I would laugh for hours and hours.

  18. Barzee is a goddess. And so freakin' smart too.

  19. So many negative comments about ASAs. Does anyone have some names of some quality prosecutors that you WON'T slam as stupid or unethical?

  20. Quality prosecutors: Charlie Johnson, Bill McGhee, Tom Jerla, all of them in economic crimes. There is also a couple of quality prosecutors in Kounty Kort, believe it or not, but I won't out them.

  21. Will someone in the SAO actually confirm or deny: is LORNA sleeping her way through the office--Rank, some dude in Domestics, etc., and is that why everyone seems to hate her? And even if this is true, what does this have to do with the office being poorly run?

  22. Bill McGee? Surely you jest!

  23. "filthy hypocrite". great adjectives on this site! keep it up!


  25. "Filthy thoughts" are not so bad.

  26. Mike's first stanza-

    My name is mike, I'm the state,...
    I' know what it is to be prosecuted, I once had a friend prosecuted, I know KRF, I fucked her, I know Sean, I fucked him, got three outta him...I know Sharpstein, she fucked me...

  27. that cbs story on the sean taylor case was brilliant. all around academy award winner. we have a teenie bopper web site, a topless prosecutor, the name DJ ESQUIRE, shady defense atttorney dropping lewd and lascivious bombs, blond sidekicks whining about the constitution, an nfl baller, ferundle, did i mention the topless prosecutor?


  28. the problem with being a sole practitioner is that there is no one to sleep through my office. should have been as asa.....

  29. barzee is not hot by any normal standards. shes a decent looking older woman. comments about fantasizing about her in the 2nd floor bathroom only show how desperate the miami criminal law community is

  30. The ASA in Bloom is Spanish not Italian. Does the name Santiago
    really sound Italian to you people?

  31. Greico raps -

    "I'll smack that ass at night,
    and prosecute ya in the light.

    Freestyle all the way to the top,
    while litigating til ya drop.

    On the wheels of steel with my tech nine,
    you'll be seeing me in the front of the line.

    It ain't over yet for the Taylors,
    Rundle's got a whole crew full of haters."

    DJ Scott Africa

  32. Grieco's Page (NOTE: VIEWERS OVER 18 ONLY)

  33. it look likes mike likes girls with brains and an ass, prefers coke to pepsi, and lists "me" as his favorite actor. is it legal to come to court if you pissed yourself laughing so much.

    mike, is the grand canyon really the best vacation spot? is your heart still hurting? automatic slims is for people in the 20's,. grow up. poly sci major (why try).

    for a great laugh check out that web page. i especially love the "i like black people" line".

    have a great morning, keep bumpin those mad rhymes, G....

  34. The honorable Barzee is smart and hot. Thanks for previous post, ugly girl, but you are probably not hot.

  35. grieco is off the case. is that what you wanted sharpstein? greico seemed to be reasonable considering he offered your guy probation. if i were the state atty i would put cathy hogue on the case and offer 366.

  36. Lt. Kaffee,
    You Can't Handle the truth!

  37. First, Lorna gets everything she has coming to her. Lorna was hired to be KFR's personal attorney, on the Miami-Dade county tax payers' bucks. Second, she is a bitch like no other.

    Second, I think there is more to the Sean Taylor story. There has to be a reason why Sharpy would not take probation on a min man case. Think about it. Say what you want, Sharpy is one of (if not the) best defense attorneys in town.

  38. Grieco is the dumbest ASAs in town. Also, you aint that great of a DJ, so stick to the KFR paycheck.

  39. Lets count Grieco's last days at the SAO.

    I give the guy 24 days, not including vacations.

  40. If anyone believes this, I am just laughing, Grieco is so damn arrogant he wants the courtroom's eyes on him.

    From Kathy via the Herald:

    Assistant State Attorney Mike Grieco asked to be taken off the case because ''he sees himself becoming the courtroom focus, rather than the individual charged with the criminal offense,'' according to a statement released by the state attorney's office.

  41. KFR,

    you smear lots of people, well you let your staff do it. DH and LS. It is your turn.

  42. More to the Taylor case than meets the eye? Don't think so. Sharpy's going to slander the witnesses, violate every motion in limine and withdraw the question once objected to, and it will probably work. The state offered probation because convicting a pro football player on thug testimony is probably near impossible. Not because he didn't do it. About LORNA, I am familiar with why people don't like her, but you're just a huge asshole and a worthless coward to talk about her sleeping around and drop shit like that anonymously. LORNA, as a poster and a frequent reader of the site, I wan't to apologize to you for those horrible comments people are making here. Its embarrassing and shameful. Nobody worth anyone's time will ascribe any value to those comments, and anyone who gets into that sort of gossip has more skeletons than the rest of us put together. Either that, or he hasn't seen a woman naked since his daddy's contraception failed. Either way, don't sweat it. What goes around comes around for people like that. Isn't what's happened to Grieco and Ray evidence enough that its just bad karma to do or say certain things. Its all a big cirle, my friends, and if you're a pig headed slanderer, in this life or the next it will come back to bite you bad.

  43. sharpy one of the best if not the best defense atty in town? have you recently dropped a tab of l.s.d.?

  44. Who was a bigger media hound, Grieco or Chris Calkin?

  45. My money says that KFR reads this post and has taken heed of everyone accurately noting that she has a history of letting her office sellout prosecutors. For the first time, I'm actually proud of her; she has stepped up and defended one of her prosecutors. Grieco made a dumb decision, and he's arrogant, but we have all committed both of those sins. Glass houses. Good for you Kathy, in a case like this, you shouldn't contribute to the public skinning of an ASA for a silly mistake. It hardly makes Grieco a hypocrite. Is promoting a case really that bad on a website? His plea offer is evidence enough that this case could have gone away a long time ago. Why hasn't anyone noticed that the only reason the case is around for Grieco to "promote" that Sharpstein told his client to turn down an offer that would have ended this case a year ago. That's the self promoter, Grieco was just along for the ride because Sharpy wants a trial. As long as that's the way it happened, and was inevitable, post it as work experience. Good for you Mike, and to hell with all the haters.

  46. Best attorneys in town? Maybe on a non-celebrity case. His tv hogging makes me hate him, and if I'm on the jury I'll take that verdict down, down to chinatown.

  47. Difference between Ray and Grieco is that Ray is a nice guy, Grieco is not.

    Kathy is saving face. Grieco has a track history of not mistakes, but of abuse of his position as an ASA. Kathy defends him, because she is defending herself.

    Lorna can sleep with who she wants, but she cannot bring the penis into the workplace, or protect the penis in the workplace. Sex is good, I hope Lorna enjoys it as much as most of us. However, do not use sex as a way of moving up the ladder.

  48. I think Mike Greico is a great guy. All my coversations and dealings with him were very professional and polite. No one is perfect, he is human. BTW, no crime was committed, so Sharpie stop trying to get a cheap shot.
    Mike stay strong.

  49. Lorna and Don actually are two of KFR's best hires. Unfortunately, their jobs place them in impossible to win situations almost daily.

    Lorna and Don handle most instances involving serious complaints of employer misconduct. As you'd expect, that means that they routinely deal with at least one very upset person regularly.

    No I don't agree with everything they do. Like all of us, they've made their share of mistakes. But, I respect the effort they put in to try and handle these situations properly. And, I appreciate that at least they are willing to weed out the prosecutors who are not doing their jobs properly.

    Part of their difficulty is that it's impossible for us, as outsiders, to fairly assess them. Think about it. An employee gets disciplined or doesn't like what they do and blabs about it to everyone who listens. They don't say a thing in response. Why? Because they're professionals and it would be inappropriate for them to say anything (even in their own defense!).

    PS---those of you who say that they never go against the division chiefs are wrong, as anyone who saw what happened in the Juvenile Division a couple of years ago can attest.

  50. Barzee aint that hot-let's get real. She looks good FOR A JUDGE. Nice lipstick helps, but overall she's above-average for her age, and lets leave it at that.

  51. You can defend Grieco all you want, but I would hardly call him a great guy and I would certainly call his behvior NOT professional.

  52. Lorna sleeping her way to the top? How stupid are you. She's in the same position she was hired into and has no potential for further promotion (she is not a criminal lawyer; she is an employment lawyer). Besides, you really think her current boyfriend can help her career? Get a clue.

    Lorna's personal life has nothing to do with her professional life. Stop spreading lies.

  53. Up what ladder? Do you think LS wants Kathy's job? Do you think that having anything to do with Ranck will further that goal? Dave Ranck is the coolest guy over there, but the whole admin hates his ass. He's probably the one guy who doesn't give two shits what Kathy or anyone else thinks, and he would skool Sharpstein, Brian T., certainly that idiot Eiglarsh, and the best the PDs have to offer and you'd never know how much ass he kicked because he'll go home and not brag about it at all. Speaking of Eiglarsh almost makes me want to come back to the SAO so I can track down one of his cases and not offer him shit. Has anyone tried a case against him? Ever? Has he ever tried a case? That's the biggest media whore out there, and CBS4 and the rest of the news outlets are pimps for seeking commentary from someone who does little more than annoy others, get in the way, and generally primp before going to court. If you're really good at your job, you make it look easy, and make sure that your 1/4 inch of foundation doesn't rub off on your shirt.

  54. Sharpstein is an idiot. Why? B/c Grieco is an idiot. And now he's off the case. A little too brilliant, Sharpy. Rooting for 3.

  55. Eiglarsh is an asshole. Eiglarsh is the biggest prick mentioned to date in any of the blogs.

  56. Eiglarsh is just kinda dumb. How do guys like him and that Tannenfuck get any pub when they're such mediocrities (at best)?

  57. In response to..."You can defend Grieco all you want, but I would hardly call him a great guy and I would certainly call his behvior NOT professional."
    so have you been professional all the way while practicing law? I don't think so. Everyone has there ups and downs, this was just a bad judgment call...and if people wanted to know more about the case, they could have gone to the clerk's office...It's public record you moron.

  58. eiglarsh and tannenbaum? tannenbaum never tried a case while at the public defender's office. and the other guy is a thesbian.

  59. That which we look on with unselfish love
    And true humility is surely ours,
    Even as a lake looks at the stars above
    And makes within itself a heaven of stars.

    - Sharpstein the Douche (1654)

  60. Compare: "The function of the prosecutor under the federal Constitution is not to tack as many skins of victims as possible against the wall. His function is to vindicate the rights of the people as expressed in the laws and give those accused of crime a fair trial." - William Douglas, vs. "Leeewd and Lascivious...boys using profanity." - Sharpstein

  61. Perhaps we can all take a lesson from Clarence Darrow, especially Sharpstein the hypocritical prick interested in "justice." "The best that we can do is to be kindly and helpful toward our friends and fellow passengers who are clinging to the same speck of dirt while we are drifting side by side to our common doom." Ain't that the truth.

  62. I would love to see the names of these bloggers. I bet a lot of them are coming from the library at the SAO. Maybe a subpoena to see how abuse of time at the SAO. Seems like so many Miami attorneys want to hide behind "Anonymous."

  63. Davidoff, it's "defensible", not "defendable". Other that that, hard to take issue with your post. I thought you moved back to NYC.

  64. Let all those without convictions or withholds for turd break-ins (not you Carlos), cast a vote against that bisexual Mike G.

  65. to all the devils wanting clients of lawyers they dont like to go to prison, grow up. if you dont like a lawyer, do whatever you want about it. the client has no part in your little soap opera. and you people have law degrees?

  66. Grieco is not bisexual. Maybe an asshole, but not gay. So come on, lets not take this to a new level. Lets stick the to the truth.

    Grieco = Paul Petruzzi = Mark Eiglarsh = asshole

  67. davidoff, i thought you said that wouod be your last post. good night now.

  68. A law degree can be had very easily. Look at some of those who hold such an honorable diploma......Some of Miami's best!

  69. the SAO library? You mean the indians and the chiefs dont have the internet? KFR, its 2006, give em the internet. dang....

    Have a safe and happy holiday weekend all....

  70. Eiglarsh is a Dick, Ranck gets tons of trim, and I want to know about the 14 year old hottie all over Grieco's web page

  71. We have no internet. We have no joy. Woe!

  72. do defendants have to be present for Lindsey on sounding dates if pleadings have been filed prior to arraignment?


  74. To those Non-lawyers : Criminal law is different. we Deal with stuff you will never see. With people you will never meet.In places you will hope to never go.

    WE bargain years of peoples lives like baseball cards.We Have to be ready at the drop of a hat to Stand and fight before Jurors who neither want to be there ,nor trust you.
    Even the most minor felony is punishable by five years at the whim of a judge.
    You are all that stands between them and the abyss. The weight.
    Sometimes everyone in a case is lying. Sometimes no one.
    Someone is always: Dead, or shot, or hurt, on drugs, In jail, hopeless, helpless, Mean, scared, angry, indignant.
    Crying Mothers, Crying children, Crying wives,Crying victims. Damaged lives. Wasted lives.
    It's the Chicken or the egg . Are we here because we are Different, or different because we are here.
    It sucks you in and won't let go. Fighting about money is boring, Unimportant. It's this or Nothing.

    Law school is not hard, Just long. It prepares you for nothing.

    And no, I am not smoking something.

  75. If we paid PDs and ASAs enough they would not have to moonlight and what is the big deal about Greico doing DJ work anyway?
    This is not a story.

    Also, Sharpie will regret pissing off the entire SAO on this case.

    Too bad, Grieco and Sharpie are both really good lawyers and both good guys.

  76. higher salaries mean higher taxes. if you want to stay at the PD or SAO, you know what you are getting into. i do not want to pay higher taxes for higher government salaries. then we will have EVERY govt aganecy looking for a handout. this type of work is for "public servants". thank you for those who stay on. for others, do 3 to 5, get some training, and go out on your own.


  77. is the entire SAO pissed at Sharpy? he went a bit overboard, but the "appearance" of impropriety was there. even if none existed, we all know this type of law is about appearances. i doubt Grieco said "hire me, i am prosecuting sean taylor". but the fact that a private money making enterprise he runs links him to ongoing investigations doesn't look too good.

    just put a new ASA on the case, problem solved. everyone is going nuts here. would you act this way in person? would you attach your name to these sophomoric posts? (and no, based on the level of maturity of the posters, i will not sign my name).

    dont forget that we all make a living from this, and if everyone was an ASA, the whole county would be in jail, and no one left to prosecute. if all PD's, the world would be chaos. so chill, and light one up for passover.....

  78. then take 2 and pass....

  79. hey 12:37, you want us to pay warren schwartz more then we already do?

  80. Grieco did what he did, and now it is time for him to pay for his crime. Maybe he will do 366 with Taylor? Oh, I forgot, Sharpstein is on the case, Grieco will be in the cell alone.

  81. zzzzzzzzzz. lets move on.

  82. I do not think the blog should be used to talk about how sexy or hot some lawyer looks.

    Why is it any guy who is in good shape or dresses well is considered gay?

    Many of the known gay lawyers do not dress all that well and are not in good shape.

    Lets use this blog to dish up legal things... not sexual things.

  83. its not gay, its metrosexual.


  85. I,m not dumb,I make way more money than you, and I can kick your ass. Enough of this shit I'm done. I shall blog no more forever.

  86. 2 points, and a cookie

  87. come back Jason.

    I agree with 100% of what you said.

  88. jason, they guy is a fuck ant.

  89. hi kaffee. lets be friends. earlier you called me an idiot or something. now you agree with me. we can be friends. you'll see. good night.

  90. no - no friends here, just hate - this blog is all about jealousy and hate.

  91. I bet the case is dismissed, a misd plea, or a not guilty. I would give odds.

    Grieco gone from the SAO within 21 days.

  92. There's a ton of ASA bashing on this site, while the defense bar gets away fairly unscathed. How about a quick poll of current and former ASAs (I'm an ex-ASA) on who are the most annoying and/or unethical defense attorney to deal with? Who are the coolest?

    This is an incomplete list, but here are my contenders for worst and coolest:


    Joaquin Perez (makes my skin crawl)

    Mark Eiglarsh: pompous nitwit. Seeing Dan Bernstein bitch-slap him around the courtroom was a sight to be seen.

    Marlene Montaner: calling her unethical would be a compliment


    Mark Panunzio
    Pete Heller and Jeff Feiler
    Dan Lurvey
    David Markus (the one who represented Bundy as an FSU PD intern, not the other guy. I forget who has which middle initial)
    Kenny W: he annoys some, but he always has lots of degenerate stories re: boning

  93. Two more annoying ones I forgot to mention:

    Sam Rabin (for having a tantrum any time a judge doesn't go his way)

    David Rothman (for going to KFR on every case. And getting what he wants from her.)

    And another to add to the good guys:

    Reemberto Diaz. Great lawyer and won't try to bullshit you.

  94. Kenny W has made some good headlined himself. Kenny W, not the smartest, but surely the funniest defense attorneys in town.

    Eiglarsh should be at the top of the asshole list, not number two.

  95. Rabin, Rothman, or Eiglarsh dont try cases in state court.

  96. Eiglarsh tries, he just ain't any good.

  97. drug laws create criminals

  98. Lack of immigration control creates crime.

  99. build a wall around america, keep tabs on the borders, and pass out free herb....

  100. davidoff, davidon. say 1000 times my son.

  101. I have to say Dan Lurvey is a pretty decent guy a bit whiny but hey everyone has to grovel to a judge now and then. I also think that

    yes mark eiglarsh is the most pompous jerk going, he walks into any courthouse and thinks people are going to bow down

    wake up mark

  102. Let's make a list:

    Lawyers who refuse to speak to anyone in the courthouse and hence NOT nice:

    Phil Reizenstein
    Jose Elortiqui
    Jonathan Schwartz
    Alex Michaels
    Jay White

    Abe Laeser
    Gail Levine
    Josh Weintraub
    Deisy "Komisar of Kounty Kourt" Rodriquez
    Isis "the idiot" Perez
    Sally Weintraub
    Jon Granoff

    Jackie O Scola

    Lawyer who always say hello and hence ARE nice:
    his good looking partner
    All of the ticket lawyers
    Half the PD's office
    Ken Hassett

    Bill Howell
    Richard Scruggs
    Abie Rifkin
    Mike the DJ Greico
    Bill McGee
    Kathy Rundle herself.. the ONE time she actually showed up in a courtroom....
    Bennett Brummer... himself.. the ONE time he actually showed up in a courtroom...

    MJ Francis
    Blake (best jokes too)
    Crespo and Leyte (in memory)

  103. I forgot to add Eiglarsh to the not nice list..

  104. You put Glick on the not nice list? You must be a rookie or an idiot. He's the best trial judge in the county and always treats lawyers, defendants and witnesses with the respect they deserve.

  105. You put Hassett on a nice list? Hassett is another one of the biggest pricks in town. I agree that post is from a Virgin to our community.

  106. Emas is a great judge, very smart! Glick is awesome!! Jay White, great Jewban! Granoff, another great guy.

    Who is this moron?

  107. the only part of that list that is totally accurate is the not nice state list.

    ANd Hassett is one of the biggest pricks in town? Which town?

    Jay White and Phil are not nice? Who are you? One of the security guards?

    And Alex MIchaels is the greatest guy in the world - no one could care less about anything more than him - he does his thing and says $&*(# all of you. If you talk to him, he's actually a nice guy - been through a lot in his life.

    ANd who wants to say hi to $1000 el-or-tay-gee anyway?

  108. Hassett, does he have a prick? A mouth, yes, but no balls!

    Alex Michaels is a nice guy, but do not give him a dog beater as a defendant.

  109. the reality is, all that matters when you're 6 feet under is how you treated other people. No one remembers how many cases you tried, how many you won, or for judges, how many cases you disposed of.

    Think about it. What was everyone saying when Judge Crespo and Leyte Vidal passed away - that they were great people, nice guys who treated others with respect.

    What some of you think matters is hysterical.

  110. Leyte yes, Manny debatable!

    But you know we only know these guys and gals on the bench.

  111. oh - manny was a sweetheart - he may have yelled a lot, but the defendants he yelled at deserved it

    the point I think of the other poster is that when your gone, all that matters is whether people liked you first, and respected you second

  112. Alex Michaels IS a nice guy with a great sense of humor (he's more fun to mess with than most people I know). He's totally misunderstood. Yes, Alex sometimes (ok, too often) crosses the line in trial. That doesn't change anything though.

    Very few people care about civil rights and freedoms more than Alex (no, I'm not a defense attorney).

    If you ever break bread with him, you'll see I'm right.

  113. Funniest D-Attys:

    Alex Michaels
    Jay Levine
    Warren Schwartz
    Ted Mastos

    Funniest ASAs:

    Abe "Darth Vador" Laeser
    Gail "I'm going to loose it" Levine
    Jordan Lewin

  114. all jewish? warren and ted are not funny.

  115. Warren is funny, when he sleeps. Actually Warren is a nice guy. He would be shocked if he knew who said this.

  116. "ANd who wants to say hi to $1000 el-or-tay-gee anyway?"

    $1000??? Have you seen his latest brochures? He's down to $800 for DUI's, $300 for misdemeanors and $1500 for SECOND degree felonies!

  117. Damn, I would rather be a security guard than represent anyone for those fees.

  118. In the nice judges list, you left out Karen Mills-Francis. She's a very nice person and a great judge.

    Glick is also a very nice persn and a great judge.

  119. L-OR-TAY-GE charges $800 for a DUI? That means his hourly rate is $400 per hour. I mean $600 per hour. I mean $750 per hour (sometimes there's traffic)

  120. Newman is really nice. Do not forget Hendon and Scott Silverman. Glick is a stud on the bench, and Firtel.

  121. Marlowe was the best prosecutor ever! Yeah that's me!

  122. roth is the best ever.

  123. why stop there jerk off? Why not trash his whole family?

    Oh, and don't forget to say why, even though you have no reason, you just like the fact that you can write the word "asshole on the internet while you hide in your pathetic worthless life.

    YOUR family must be so proud!

  124. Glick's daughter is very rough around the edges, but has a good inside. Judge Glick is a super man.

  125. I am an APD. When I first came up to felonies, Stacy Glick was the A in my courtroom. We definitely had our share of arguments, including one kindergarden-style bickering match in open court. She immediately called me and apologized after that. There is no reason to knock Stacy. She is a great girl and a very good lawyer. I actually think that she is one of the better ASA's as a person and as a lawyer in the office.

  126. someone has created a blog just to talk about Grieco? (

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, you should be all over this one

  127. hey lazy weak pd. stop kissing ass to the state. are you trying to curry favor with Ms. Glick? yes. keep up the good fight against the state.

  128. blessed my eyes this morning.... so much trouble in the world...

  129. The Glicks are awesome. Leave 'em alone.

  130. Dear 12:04 poster. Go fuck yourself. I am, without a doubt, twice the lawyer and advocate that you could ever dream of being. The fact is that some of the ASA's are shit, and others are not. Stacy Glick is a good woman and a good lawyer.

  131. In fact, here are a list of other ASA's that I like. If all ASA's were like them, our job would be a lot tougher as they are talented lawyers and good, fair minded people:
    Betty Capote
    Chris Angell
    Charlie Johnson
    Melba Pearson
    Dan Dudis
    Ed Martinez
    Armando Hernandez

  132. Rumpole - found this on another blog - lets do a poll on adding this service:

    "This blog does not allow anonymous comments. Please provide your username and password along with your comment.
    Login information:

  133. 2:29 poster.......don't let 'em get you down. Apparently, on this website, you get blasted for saying we should be nice to one another or saying something nice about a prosecutor. Pathetic.

  134. lots of hate, no doubt

  135. hey 2:29 poster. who are you? you must be some litigator.

  136. I admit it.

    I did that big list and I was wrong.
    Glick is not a bad guy, just too state oriented.

    Oh well.

    Alex Michaels is crazy so that makes him a fun guy to stare at.

  137. A few things to note:

    as far as judges go, Lederman is probably the coldest person going with the guise that she cares about children, the ony thing she cares about is herself and her own agenda.

    Jonathan Schwartz is probably one of the most unethical, slimy attorney's going in Dade County.

  138. I have news for all of you, say what you want that Sam Rabin may whine, but if any of you needed a damn good trial attorney with a brilliant legal mind i guarantee you most of you would be knocking at his office door,

  139. two new judges that treat people fairly and with respect should be noted.



  140. Have you ever noticed how all of Jonathan Schwartz' clients somehow have chest pains during the first day of a jury trial?

    I wonder why only his clients seem to suffer from trial induced chest pains that result in a continuance???

    Schwartz is truly the most dishonest and unethical lawyer to ever walk into that building.

    When ever an associate leaves his "firm" they end up in litigation with him.

    Hey, he even wears a yamica (did I give away that I am not Jewish?) when he is not Jewish.. just to get Jewish clients....

    What a jerk!

  141. Lederman is sooooo bad that even the other judges hate her.

  142. I've been around long enough to know that Grieco can wipe the floors with all of your sorry asses in court...especially Davidoff and that isn't even a reference to the size of his enormous ass. You are clearly just jealous of Grieco's litigation skills, the respect he demands and the fact he's always given the high profile case...not to mention his social skills and ability to have a fruitful life outside the office. And then to attack his sexuality on top of it; now you're all haters because he's good looking, knows how to dress and obviously takes all female attention away from you? The guy could sleep with all of your wives and girlfriends without even trying, but that's neither here nor there. Is he perfect? Of course not, but who are we kidding, neither are any of you. At least he has the balls to put it on the line and the skills to back it up -- he offered the plea, but the thug wouldn't take it. Knowing the force they were dealing with, the defense had to take Grieco down ... and with a cheap shot at that. With high profile, comes high risk of personal attack and that has never stopped Grieco. You all just sit around and wait for the top guy to fall. Well I'm sure this episode has just fueled his fire, so thugs and pussy colleagues beware! Until you're all perfect, you need to get away from your high school mentality and work on improving yourself instead of trying to knock a guy down. All of you who sit on here and bash people are pathetic!

  143. Thanks Mike. I guess since you closed up shop at, this is your only outlet. You're a sad little boy.

  144. I seriously doubt Grieco would give you or this forum the time of day. Oh and I think I just saw him with your mom

  145. Do you really think he would post that?....move on and quit the transparency.

  146. grieco with your mom? i saw him with my dad!

  147. And Lederman's new ally in her quest to reigm in her little feifdom of juvenile world is the charming and oh so full of integrity Hank Adorno. Now there is a real guy who cares about the good citizens of miami dade. Scammed the citizens of miami beach and now sits on the board of Our Kids, the new umbrella organization for privitzation of foster care. Gee do you think he's worried about more dollars for foster children or more ways to fill his pockets.

  148. how did adorno get that position? unreal priorities here in dade county

  149. Hank Adorno is a great guy. He has nine children three of which he adopted. Haters.

  150. having a litter makes you a great guy? i better pop out some young 'uns...

  151. Is he perfect? Of course not, but who are we kidding, neither are any of you. At least he has the balls to put it on the line and the skills to back it up -- he offered the plea, but the thug wouldn't take it.

    please check your facts before posting....Grieco only has one ball.

  152. The only thing more disturbing than that little factoid is that we condemn Greico for self-promotion and celebrate the man (Sarmiento) that blatently breaks the law. Come on people. Who is the villain in this story? "Ray is a nice guy. Wish him luck?" Screw him. He broke the law and shouldn't be given special treatment 'cause he says 'hi' in APB every once in awhile. If Grieco is wrong for trying to get ahead of the game then half the Dade County Bar should be reprimanded. (i.e. R. Sharpy)

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  154. Yup, there are some pretty sick people in this field.

  155. It sounds like they are riding a hip-hop rhyme for DJ Esquire

  156. To: Lt. Daniel Kaffee

    Who are you and why do you hide behind a character you cannot match up to?

    Daniel Kaffee from A FEW GOOD MEN...

    And who takes your opinions seriously on what you post? and what gives you the right to post some of those things?
