Monday, April 17, 2006


Actually, we don’t ban anyone or any topic. However, we join in with the chorus of views that the Grieco/Davidoff chat is , to quote one of our favorite readers: “zzzzzzzzzz.”
Rumpole makes a plea: can’t some Judge, somewhere, issue some stupid ruling so we can switch to another topic? We are not going to publicize it, but it is true, because we have seen it with our own airport bleary eyes, that there is a Grieco blog. No comments or readers. But it exists. Also, our favorite federal Blogger David Markus weighed in with a few choice comments.


Captain of the Election ship hoists anchor and writes:

In Circuit Court Group 25,Judge Murphy is looking good and challenger Josie Velis is on life support:In the January 1 - March 31 reporting period,
Judge Murphy reports:$36,565 raised from 156 contributors.
Challenger Velis reports:$7,370 raised from 24 contributors.

In Circuit Court Group 42,Judge Lawrence Schwartz widens his lead over challenger Gina Mendez in the area of contributions:In the January 1 - March 31 reporting period,
Judge Schwartz reports:$33,425 raised from 151 contributors.
Challenger Mendez reports:$12,975 raised from 64 contributors.


In reply to a comment, Jason Grey, an original member of the “not afraid to sign my name club” writes:

I’m not dumb, I make way more money than you, and I can kick your ass. Enough of this shit I'm done. I shall blog no more forever.

Rumpole responds that its always sad to lose a reader and contributor. However, this blog can get rough. Mr. Grey can always write in anonymously. However, if any reader wants to use the “search this blog” feature at the top and search for “Grey” you will see that Mr. Grey quickly got the spirit of this blog. His comments were always thoughtful and on topic and produced excellent discussions of interesting issues. We are sorry to see him go, and hope he changes his mind.


While we were away, some comments about the Grieco/DJ/Redskins case involved Ed Carhart. Here is what 99% of you REGJB regulars who first walked into the Justice Building some time during the 1990’s do not know: Ed Carhart is one of the finest attorneys in the United States. He is a master at cross examination, and has handled some of the biggest cases in Miami. Do not let his chronic illness which has confined him to a wheel chair confuse you. Prosecutors underestimate him at their own peril. Those people whose ability to write posts are limited to strings of four letter words would do better to write less, and go in court and watch Mr. Carhart try that case. We understand Sean Taylor has several attorneys, but if those lawyers want to win, they should stay seated and let Mr. Carhart do his thing.


A reader writes:

two new judges that treat people fairly and with respect should be noted. Schlesinger & Butchko

A Reader likes lists:

Let's make a list:

Lawyers who refuse to speak to anyone in the courthouse and hence NOT nice:
Defense lawyers who are NOT NICE
Phil Reizenstein
Jose Elortiqui
Jonathan Schwartz
Alex Michaels
Jay White

Abe Laeser
Gail Levine
Josh Weintraub
Deisy "Komisar of Kounty Kourt" Rodriquez
Sally Weintraub
Jon Granoff

Leifman; Lindsey; McWhorter; Glick; Jackie Scola; Tunis; Lederman; Ward; Echarte; Emas; Bagley. [Rumpole notes that if you ever want to chat with Judge Echarte, just find him outside with his cigar. He almost got arrested for loitering and prowling because of the time he spends out there.]

Lawyer who always say hello and hence ARE nice:
Defense lawyers who are NICE:
Hersch; Rabin ;Grey, his good looking partner; Tannebaum;
All of the ticket lawyers ; Half the PD's office ;Ken Hassett;

ASA'S WHO ARE NICE: Bill Howell; Richard Scruggs; Abie Rifkin; Mike the DJ Greico; Bill McGee; Kathy Rundle herself.. the ONE time she actually showed up in a courtroom....Bennett Brummer... himself.. the ONE time he actually showed up in a courtroom...

Krieger-Martin; MJ Francis;Newman;Peterson;Slom;Adrien;
Blake (best jokes too);Firtel;Jimenez;Piniero;Reyes;Soto;Young;Lopez;
Crespo and Leyte (in memory)
Rosinek; Trawick;Zabel;Silverman.

Rumpole says: hmmm….lots of fodder and grist for the mill. (we edited one listing of an ASA because it had a gratuitous comment in the form of a nickname that was just mean. We like nicknames, but the reader should think of something better than the one they used. The comment in its original form is still in the comments section.)

Which half of the PD's office is nice? The lawyers who go to court or the lawyers who stay in the office, munch donuts, and tell the lawyers who go to court what to say and how to say it?

Seriously, if this Grieco thing does not die down, we’re going to pour water over someone’s head in court, just to generate a new controversy and change the topic. It's not that the list idea was overpoweringly interesting, but just that it might change the topic from "Davidoff/Grieco/I know not what I speak o"

See You In Court. We’re the one’s holding the water pitcher in a menacing manner.


  1. I personally know that Grieco speaks very highly of Carhart. I agree.

  2. Dear Bloggers,

    I don't think we've met in person, my name is Anonymous. Sometimes, I make a single innocent post and see what happens. Sometimes I post, then I immediately post responses to myself to make it seem like there are many like me. Sometimes, I even use my "real" name, then I anonymously support myself. I cast aspersions on judges, defense attorneys, and prosecutors indiscriminately and at will with no concern for the facts, their careers, or the emotional impact I may have. My possession of testicles is questionable and would be disbarred/sued if identifiable. Maybe I should be banned, it sounds like I am the problem. I need a hobby and I wish I didn't get beat up so much in high school. I am voting MYSELF off the island.

  3. i think O. Markus' comment on the greico affair was kinda stupid.

  4. Warren Lawler says:
    Hey, to the maker of the "list".. I'm a defense atty and I'm nice!! AND I'm there everyday AND I'm pretty hard to miss (given my bulk)

    I say hello to all.. try to be friendly and respectful.. I realize I'm "calorically challenged" and of course there's that "gay" thing... but I've never made a secret about either!!! I"m NICE DAMMIT!! JEEZ Does one have to be "handsome" to be nice???
    Oh well.. I'll still be nice because being hateful just hurts me.. I wish more folks would underatand that!

  5. Your question mark speaks volumes.. Was I unclear? I'm just having fun with this blog... I'm not going nuts over nonsense and I'm not looking to argue with my collegues over nonsense.. I'm just enjoying it.. I was being facetious when I complained about not being on the "list".. I was SERIOUS when I said that being "hateful" or mean or insulting or derogatory.. just hurts the person who harbors those feelings.. I've been at this a long time and I believe in zealously representing my clients.. I also believe that if I harbor resentments and constantly look for flaws in people that I will wind up making MYSELF miserable.. the people I'm bitching about could probably care less.. Look, I feel fortunate everyday to have a job I love and a life I never thought was possible.. What the hell do I care about who likes whom etc.. I enjoy the blog It was a good idea. It's entertaining and unique to those of us who work in REG each day.. a place to let off steam or show support etc.. If anyone takes it more seriously than that..well..whatever. I certainly won't lose any sleep over it. For the most part I like the people I work with and enjoy what I do.. I think a lot of us do, or we wouldn't still be doing it. My best to ALL of you!

  6. apparently warren is one of the smarter guys around. this could be a great blog if we use it like educated people are capable of. here's to a fresh start of the blog. i suggest a trial board to recognize defense attorneys going to trial and getting acquittals, and asa's going to trial and obtaining convictions.

    some critique is fine, but lets not destroy people.

  7. id also like to hear more about important motions going on and what the rulimgs are

  8. who has been destroyed by the blog?

  9. That loitering and prowling comment was hilarious! On that tip, I saw a PC recently where the cop wrote that my client was hanging out in front of a business "in a manner not unusual for lawabiding people." I don't know if he would ever get how wrong that sentence was. Heck, I saw a traffic ticket where the cop actually wrote in "pretextual stop." Geez, I know it is legal, but WTF!

  10. 9:28 poster. seek help at once. try zoloff it works.

  11. Hows about Nina Vivenzio as an ASA with a shitty personality. Or Jonna "Bubba" Bowman?

  12. Go Warren! I don't eben know you, but your posts were great.

  13. Correction: I don't even know you

  14. Carl Kafka has to be the nicest guy in the building!

  15. Jonna Bowman truly was horrendous. Can you believe that she used to be chief of domestics in county court? It's decisions like that that make me really believe that KFR, DH, and all the rest really are asleep at the wheel. Btw, what ever happened to dear old Jonna? I haven't seen her In REGJB in ages.

  16. You are wrong about Emas, he is a real gentleman, smart and probably (along with Bob Scola)the most prepared Judge on the bench. I know he made me a better lawyer. He refuses to treat cases as "just another case". He expects lawyers to be prepared and if they are they will appreciate how exceptional a judge he is.

  17. she is the most unethical prosecutor that i have ever dealt with.

  18. wrong about Lindsey too. she may not know where she is standing but she is very nice.

  19. emas has a steal trap brain.

  20. Warren, I'm sorry, you are not nice. you walk around with a scowl all the time and muttering under your breath about your clients

  21. emas does not suffer fools.

  22. who is warren? a large jovial gay lad. he sounds like he is better suited to be a social worker or a pastor.

  23. hurts me.... stop

  24. are any of you current or former pd's? if so, what is up with david weed's hair? is it a wig? is it a mop? plugs? i confess that i tried to get hired and i was rejected by the office but come on now.

  25. good call on nina and jonna. now where is that grieco blog?

  26. nina is sexy and always nice to me. but jonna is vile.

  27. it's not a wig. it's a cat.


  29. 10:10:47... A large jovial gay lad... hmmm... I like that.. At 47 being called a "lad" is not a bad deal. I think I'll make it a t-shirt (2XL of course) As for being a Pastor.. well of course that's not really allowed. The whole "being an abomination" thing gets in the way... Social worker? Nah... apparently I walk around scowling and muttering about my clients under my breath!. No, I've managed to be a lawyer these last couple of decades.. I guess I'll just keep plodding along..LOL.. Again the best to all and goodnight!

  30. You are mean people. Mean, viscious, low people. Cowardly and mean and, mean. Glad I got the hell out of that place, regardless of what side I was on. Just when I thought I missed criminal law, even a little bit. Thanks for giving me another reason to be happy I'm no longer there.

  31. this warren guy is awesome

  32. Vivenzio is really pretty, but she would never like me, I am a male and she is not into guys.

  33. o dear. sorry rump but just got off the phone with my friend and he told me to google grieco. if i did'nt feel bad for him then, i do now. this poor bastard needs a vaction. may i suggest a place far away. like say, west africa. the internet can be a weapon of mass destruction....

  34. the person who said phil is not nice, does not know what they are talking about. he is a great guy and a great lawyer.

  35. is there any news on judge linda dakis? also, phil reizenstein is one of the best ... awesome sense of humor, great friend and he was a terrific prosecutor and great defense attorney.

  36. I Like Warren Lawler!
    (and are there any defense attorneys amongst us who don't mutter under our breaths about our clients? I think not. Some just do it louder than others.)

  37. Where's the Captain and Hersch been with our Muldowney reports? Are the hearings over?

  38. changing the topic...let's talk about the Murphy v. Velis Race. Judge Murphy is a great guy and a fine attorney and even by far one of the best judges we have. Why would Josie pick on him? We may never know. She has an attitude and she seems like a two face. I think she will make a terrible judge. Ladies and Gents, let's support JUDGE MURPHY! Josie darling, you lost 2 years ago, get ready to loose again. You didn't get the hispanics votes last time, and you ain't getting them now....

  39. Rumpole:

    Once again this site has turned into a place where people are mostly posting anonymous and often unfounded and downright cruel gripes at those they feel have wronged them (or of whom they are just jeolous of). Sorry, but I think you expected something better; you are, after all, Rumpole of the Old Bailey. You know, the guys who wear wigs and robes while they litigate in their fine Queen's English.

    Query: Is it time to pull the plug (or should we just start wearing wigs and robes)?

    One Who Won't Be Named To Avoid Attack

  40. Velis picked on Murphy likely because she is Hispanic and this is a Hispanic town. Irish guys generally aren't going to win an election. Fact of life is the wrold is terribly racist, and we all know the "educated" masses of miami (or any other city) will simply check the box next to the name of the person who has a similar name.

    Murphy is among the finest Judge's in Dade County, and hopefully qualifications will trump names in this election.

    cant put my name b/c if i do all thge mature attorneys will berate me instead of reading, and possibly repsonding to my post.

    Here is a suggestion: The Blog is a great idea. The past has shown that immature idiots will ruin it. Someone with some internet savvy should open a blog, and you have to log in. Or have a "log in" section of this blog, to filter out the hatred and "douche bag" lines.

    Looking forward to all the mature responses to this post. All by anonymous, of course.

  41. Hey Captain, can you tell us about the other county court races? just curious.

  42. I'm looking forward to more campaign expenditure reports. I'd like to see if anyone is using Pericles Consulting.

  43. Hey Warren,
    I like you too.
    (not that anyone else here cares, but at least I'm spreading love, not hate.)

  44. Pericles Consulting is Periclueless Consulting now. It is now over.

  45. Sunny,
    I think you're the best too!! You're right... probably no one cares but spreading love not hate is a GREAT thing to do!! Besides, you're smart, attractive, and sophisticated.. and that is NOT just because you like me!!

    PS For those of you who thnk it's "wimpy or faggy" to accentuate the positive in people.. consider that I spent 8 years at the PD's office with two of those being devoted to Capital Cases. I have a trial record I'm proud of and STILL think I have a wonderful job, wonderful life, and wonderful friends.. I'm so sorry if happiness bums you out!
    In any event.. the best to ALL as always..
    Warren, (Large, Gay, Jovial, Scowler, Mumbler...all around happy guy) I AM curious though,,. if I "mumble" under my breath and YOU know it's about my clients.. I'm a little uncomforrtable with the level of attention you are giving me....... anyway... if I've amused much the better!!!!

  46. what about adding Fingerhut to the nice list, he has got to be one of the best attorneys at REGJB. It seems to me that even the judges have taken a liken to him, he appears to be friends with damn near all of them. Wonder when he will finally become a judge, then we can start a new list of the judges that actually know what the hell thay are doing and don't just side with the state, he has had alot of experience working for both sides, and I must admit my jeolousy for the talent he has with writting all those books and still managing to have time with a gorgeous young knockout I've heard he's rumored to be with . Now if being nice works, I'm starting now!

  47. I agree.
    Fingerhut for Judge! Where do I send my check?

  48. (To be read in a loud echoey voice like a ref over a PA system at a football game)

    Personal Blog Foul on Fingerhut...writing good things about himself as if it was someone else...comments to be disregarded

  49. I was sorry to see that I was labeled the meanest defense attorney in the building. I have written before that I do usually walk around with a frown, but that is just because I am schemeing on how to avoid to going back to the office where my partner (who is also my wife, and thus my boss) loads me down with uncomprehensible drivers license nonsense.

    On a serious note, I have worked half my life in the Jutsice Building and made some life long friends. I am proud to have been asked on occassion to help fellow lawyers (defense and state) when trouble came their way. I have always done that for free. I also am proud of the fact that in almost every trial I have had, win or lose, I have come out of the trial with a friend on the other side. For the lawyer who thought I was mean because I don't speak to people, please know I am sorry you have that impression, and that if you ever needed help or advice (especially on how to look busy and avoid work) I would be happy to help.
    Phil R

  50. to the above poster, you must not know Fingerhut, he is far from vain and i'd be surprised if he even reads this blog .

    He, unlike many of us is I'm sure is working at 4:00 and not counting down our last hour of blogging, (oops meant work)

    So Mr. Not So Nice Yourself get off the jeolousy kick and learn a thing or two . By the way,
    What bothered you the most? The fact that he is an author and you're still stuck in chapter 1 using spell check.
    Or is it that you're a big man yourself and can't even get looks from a guy in Score(while you're watching football of course).
    Fingerhut for Judge

  51. Phil R,

    Now we know why you have turned to the Rump persona, to escape the ticket matters at your office.


    Ms. Reizenstein

  52. PS. I just read some of the nice comments people wrote about me, and want to publicly thank my mother and my wife for blogging.

    Phil "I am tired of being called Rumpole" Reizenstein

  53. Phil you are a poor excuse for a husband. Who would make comments like that bout their partner, none the less, when the partner is the wife.
    you are a lousy guy.

  54. In reply to that last comment....someone with a sense of humor perhaps????

  55. Phil, go home and talk to your baby, it's much more intelligent than dealing with these kids. Your baby will grow up to be smart, there's nothing you can do about these idiots.

  56. Obviously if history repeats itself then whoever hires Pericles will win the judicial election. By the way, this is not Juan. Do your research.

  57. What are you doing at the office at 4:00. Don't you have a staff and associates to do your work for you? I just got home from my son's soccer practice, I'm going to fix myself a martini and get the grill going for the filets we're having for dinner. Then I will settle in and watch TV on my 40in plasma that I have set up on my terrace. What are you doing? Trying to figure out what you are going to do when your Muldowny motion gets denied after you didn't chip in the $100 for Richard to argue it for you?

    Mr. Not So Nice

  58. Phil, anyone that says anything negative about you OBVIOUSLY doesn't know you. You are funny, educated and always willing to help anyone.

  59. i love phil unless im going head to head with him in holdem

  60. Fingerhut is one of the brightest and most ethical lawyers we'll ever see in the County. He would be a great judge.

    Lawler is a hell of a nice guy. I, for one, appreciate his post and agree. We can have a lot more fun if we chill out a bit.

  61. Dear everyone,

    My name is Phil. Don't ever drive by my house, call my office, or blog near my home. I possess black bags in my car and I am not afraid to use them. Furthermore, my baby is a Ninja Turtle and my wife can stand a lot of pain (she is married to me). And if you want to sneak by my sidewalk at night, I have an attack bird that throws ninja-farts.

    Consider yourselves warned!!!

    Phil "I sure look and have the same sense of humor as Frankenstein" R.

    Note, this is only a joke...

  62. Not that I want to become the focus of this thing, but anything to help ol rumpole (me???nah) I think the above post is very funny.
    I will say that I was very embarassed to have my name in the paper associated with violence. I do not condone violence,and I do not advocate use of violence except in very extreme circumstances, which a did not occur in that widely reported contre temps.

    I hope I was pleasant and friendly to everyone in the court house these past few weeks who offered to drop by my home on a Sunday to speak with me about the blog.

  63. Is your terrace screened in? I'd hate to see a beautiful TV get ruined by the wonderful weather of So. Fla.

  64. Does history repeat itself? It seems like every judicial candidate who hires Gutierrez, Lorenzo, Freed, Lombana, etc., etc., also seems to win. (except for those that win in spite of not hiring them.) Then again, it seems like everyone, and their opponent, seems to hire them.

  65. Today's results in the REGJB:
    Two PD Nolle Prosse's during trial.
    A PD not guilty in Shuminer
    A PD not guilty in Jimenez ROC court.
    A private guilty to misdemeanor lessers in a career criminal case. Bad day for KFR, Huh?

  66. congrats to ALL the atty's in trial this week. may you all have learned from the experience.

  67. screens on my terrace? Bah? I have back up TVs in my Garage

  68. Is it true that Barzee and Sigler are going to Civil next month? If so, why is it that every good judge in the building is leaving? Is there a conspiracy against us by those dastardly civil attorneys downtown?




  70. Tis' true Judges Sigler and Barzee are off to the land of civil, starting May 1. The land of real restaurants and a Starbucks on every corner.

  71. That's idiotic and unfair

  72. The 8:39 poster who loves the K of K K needs a random drug test AND a psych eval.

  73. The 8:39 poster may well need psychotropic medications for thinking the flowery one is nice. However, I think unwittingly, that the KKK is right on point, rather than K of KK: being African American and a County Court ASA? Trust me, you won't survive in Court Court too long.

  74. Rump:

    You wrote:

    "Seriously, if this Grieco thing does not die down, we’re going to pour water over someone’s head in court, just to generate a new controversy and change the topic. It's not that the list idea was overpoweringly interesting, but just that it might change the topic from "Davidoff/Grieco/I know not what I speak o"

    "See You In Court. We’re the one’s holding the water pitcher in a menacing manner."

    Try spending some time in Judge Norma Lindsay's court; the water would be flowing like a waterfall.

  75. the only thing flowing in lindsey's courtroom is justice!

  76. Anonymous said...
    the only thing flowing in lindsey's courtroom is justice!

    The demand for drug test kits seems to be increasing proportionally to the use of drugs by our bloggers.

  77. 1st time blogger.....How about J.A.'s who know what they are doing, ones who are clueless or ones who are nice. We have to be tough, because attorneys just refuse to take no for an answer. No this is not Juan Pericles.

  78. Judge Blake's JA is super!

  79. Heard in Au Bon Pain this morning that Glick is taking over one of the divisions vacated by Sigler or Barzee.

  80. See comments under 4/18 re: bogus list of "who is nice and not nice" (is this like the Christmas song?) Judges Emas, Bagley, Tunis and Ward from Circuit are ludicrously paced on the 'not nice' list. Judges Leifman and Lindsey (although she's new) should not be there either. Just because you don't like some judge's ruling, doesn't mean they should be castigated on this blog and this list.

  81. Sigler and Barzee are leaving. Rumor is that Glick is temporarily taking over and Prescott and Tunis may be coming in...trial judges replacing trial judges. That's better than someone who can't try a case and asks for "Mr. Arthur" to be brought down for the Arthur hearing!

  82. First, we should keep thinking good thoughts for Linda Dakis. Next we should be thankful for the judges we have, and live every moment to its fullest. Finally we should be thankful for judges that follow the law.

  83. Does anyone out there have any info on Judge William Thomas in Circuit CT? I have cases coming up in his court in May and I wanted to get some info on what he's like, etc. Please spill! Thanks!

  84. I have a campaign commentary...why is Larry Schwartz such a condensending jerk when he is on the bench? Doesn't he realize he is up this year? Hell, on personality and demeanor alone, Mendez gets my vote.

  85. I'm just afraid of her husband. she needs to keep him on a short rope....

  86. Remember, Gina Mendez is a idiot. Larry may ask like a pompus ass frequently but, Gina is no better. Her husband is Sgt. Jeff Lock from MPD. He is the guy who claimed permanent brain damage and got comp pay and instantly promoted to Sgt.

    Welcome to the Banana Republic.

  87. sgt? not even detective? sheeeesh

  88. Here's the story on Judge Thomas, in his opinion he knows it all, won't hesitate to tell you, won't listen to you, will tell both the defense and the state that they are stupid and lazy. He's generally a real jerk
