Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Judge Ivan Fernandez (Circuit Court REGB) writes in. NOTE: This post was anonymous. Many times Judge's email us from their 11thcir email address so we know its them. This is PROBABLY Judge Fernandez, but we cannot be sure:

Hello, this is Ivan Fernandez.
Thank you Rumpole for the compliment, and thank you Captain for trying to keep the "Ivan" identities straight.
I saw a comment from anonymous indicating that I had Juan D'Arce run my campaign in 2002.
The fact is that I paid Juan D'Arce $500.00 to do some campaign work with a number of influential groups in the community.
I also paid a number of other people different amounts of money, some more than $500.00, and some less, to work on the campaign and help get out the vote (designated GOTV on the expenditure report).
My total expenses for that campaign were approximately $64,000.00.
The bulk of the money was spent on advertising.
I hired Susan Fried to manage my campaign, and The Captain is correct when he says that Sky Smith was my treasurer. There were many other people who helped me with the campaign, as volunteers. I hope this clears the air.
Ivan Fernandez

Rumpole says, the air is clear, we think you do a great job and for the 100th time, people should stop confusing you with the county court Judge Hernandez who just got opposition and who employed Mr. D'Arce.

The Captain writes:

In 2004, in a contest for an open Circuit Court seat in Group 40, Dade County voters had to choose between four candidates. The race was between William Thomas, Don Cohn, Josie Velis, and Catherine Parks.In the primary, the voters said:

Thomas - 66,241 - 29.9
Parks - 66,406 - 29.9%
Velis - 51,284 - 23.1%
Cohn - 37,937 - 17.1%

In the runoff:Thomas - 312,884 - 54.9%
Parks - 257,405 - 45.1%

Fast forward to 2006, and with Judge William Thomas on the bench, we see that Velis has filed to run against incumbent Judge Dennis Murphy and Don Cohn has filed to run against incumbent Judge Bonnie Rippingille.So, what say you Catherine Parks, are you next???

Mrs. Parks has been a member of The Florida Bar since 1983. She actually started her career as an R.N. before going to law school at the Univ. of Miami. For the last 23 years she has concentrated her legal degree as a litigator, practicing in the areas of insurance defense, medical malpractice, construction litigation, mass tort claims, product liability, real estate, and appellate matters. In the 2004 campaign, she raised $42,276 and added $84,000 of her own money to the contest.We will be watching closely to see if Parks becomes the last of the 2004 Group 40 losers to try once again to convince the voters of Dade County that they have the right stuff to be a Judge.

and the Captain has spoken .....

And the Captain speaks again:


IT'S OFFICIAL:ROBIN W. FABER is a candidate in Group 4 of the Dade County Court having filed yesterday to run against incumbent Judge Ivan Hernandez.

Mr. Faber has been a member of The Florida Bar since 1983 and has spent most of his career with the Dade County Public Defender's Office. He was also in private practice at one point in his career. He is presently a Senior Attorney in the Juvenile Division of the Miami-Dade County Public Defender's Office handling both a regular caseload and assigned to the Juvenile Drug Court. He is presently a member of the Executive Board of the Eleventh Circuit Juvenile Justice Board, serves on several boards of programs impacting juveniles in Miami-Dade County, and regularly lectures at legal seminars, schools and community groups on behalf of juvenile delinquency issues.

His opponent, Ivan Hernandez, reports a total of $4,900 in contributions. Interestingly, he has a total of $2,850 from 14 attorneys and an additional $2,050 from 8 separate bonding companies. (some of you may remember that being an issue with Judge Slom and his campaign).

On a separate note, Hector Lombana is currently a member of the 3rd DCA JNC having been appointed to that position by Gov. Bush.

This Captain thinks that Robin Faber will give Judge Hernandez a run for his money and that we could be calling him Judge Faber come next January.

ADDENDUM:Hector Lombana is also the campaign treasurer for two County Court campaigns: Judge Steve Leifman and Judge Bonnie Rippingille and one Circuit Court campaign: Judge Ellen Sue Venzer.

Rumpole says: Lets not forget Judge Hernandez's acumen in choosing his support staff.

A reader has a bright idea:

How 'bout the most useless State Attorney poll. Here is a starter list:Don "I don't got your back" HornKristy Bettendorf a.k.a. "The puzzlenator"Howard "got some popcorn and a "movie"" PohlLorna "run around the block" Soloman -- She does marathonsor...any career criminal division chief a.k.a. "No, we won't waive PRRP unless it is being prosecuted by a CC attorney"

A reader says:

Best ASA Poll:

Best ASA? I nominate Judge David Miller.

Rump sez: you want him? You got it!.

A reader gets write to the point:

Judge Firtel is a good man

Rumpole adds.. and a good Judge.

One Sad Note: Many of you know about the courageous battle Judge Stan Blake's brother has fought for almost 25 years against kidney disease. Judge Blake even gave his brother one of his kidney's a few years ago. We are sad to report that Judge Blake's brother passed away yesterday. You can send condolence cards to Stan at his chambers in the Justice Building.

63 comments since last night on the previous post. Gotta go read our email. (Your posts get emailed to us.)
See You In Court.


  1. Robin Faber over a Hisp. sitting judge in the August elections?? Keep dreaming , Captain.

  2. Maybe he'll legally change his name from Robin Faber to Roberto Fabelo. Then it'll be a more even race.

  3. Rumpole stop me before I commit murder. That dumb stupid arrgghhh woman at the DMV will not let me see my client's file. I went Thursday, she said next week. I went Tuesday, she said wendesday. I went today, at 11:30, she said the hours were between 7-11 and 2-5. I HATE THAT WOMAN!

    Thanks for the vine.

  4. i heard that robin faber could'nt make it as a felony public defender so he got sent over to juvinile.

  5. uh, actually, he chose to go there - nice try

  6. that might be even worse.

  7. Uh, by the way, it's "juvenile" not "juvinile". If you're going to spread malicious crap about someone, at least make sure you spell it properly.

  8. faber you better grow thicker skin. you might not be ready for dade county politics.

  9. do me a faber and leave robin alone - hes about to get rid of the cancer down in south dade

  10. are crazy? faber is going to get smeared. if your his friend ,tell him to run in nov. of 08. if he runs now he has no chance.

  11. i am his friend, juan, and I am thrilled he is running now.

  12. well, she's gonna need a lot of friends with $ to pull this one off.

  13. I love the speling police.

  14. faber is the winner, as long as D' Arce is charged or if D'Arce helps Faber's campaign. It's all in D'Arce's manos.

  15. robin faber is an average government atty.

  16. Rundle-Fernandez won't charge D'Arce, as she knows this would hurt her cousin's Ivan Fernandez, race against Faber.

  17. I mean Hernandez, whatever.

  18. Rump: I heard someone use the term "rule of Lenity" this morning. Uh, oh....

  19. Fernandez, relax. The Coconut Grove Chamber is not in question. ;-)

  20. I heard Parks might jump into the Hernandez-Faber race, but she's not saying anything to anybody. If so, she gets the female vote and walks away with it. Ole Ripyourheartout was seen having a hissy fit when she learned of her opponent. Cohn should beat her.
    Murphy, although a good judge, must be very worried about Velis.

  21. on the parks issue. i thought robin faber was a chick. her name is robin, she works in juvi, and she has earing. where i come from thats a chick.

  22. good point. I didn't know Faber has an earring. In the Cohn-R race, I still think Don Cohn is da MAN. I can't believe someone like Norma Linsey (who IS she?) is now a judge when the JNC in all its wisdom won't even give Cohn an interview. He's got almost 30 yrs experience as a major criminal defense trial atty. What are they thinking? Ditto for Parks w/the JNC.

  23. I think everyone that writes a statement in this BS web site needs to do go back and do their Jobs. This is the reason why nothing ever gets done in the justice building. That's why criminal are walking away from their crimes. Another thing leave Judge Ivan Hernandez alone, he's a great judge, a friend to Law enforcement, cares about his community, and has served his country, unlike most of the people that read or write in this web site.


    get the facts on former (I mean Judge) Ivan Hernandez
