Friday, February 24, 2006


Jason Grey is in his usual mood, and has a simple question:

why does everything in this stupid, backwater, cultureless banana republic come down to race? It's idiotic to vote for someone because of their race. It is insulting to group people by color. As if, all black people feel the same about all Issues, or all Jewish people would do the same thing under a particular set of circumstances, and don’t even try to group Hispanics, A label that includes at least 30 subcultures. The founding fathers had it right. voting is too important to be left to the masses, That's how we ended up with our current Idiot in chief.Voters should have to pass an exam on the issues before being allowed to cast a ballot. Other wise you get morons in office because their name sounded right.

Rumpole responds: Just what Florida needs, another layer between a citizen and the ballot box. Can you just see the headlines now? People rioting as the same people who administer the FCAT grade tests to see who votes, with county court judges grading the essay portion of the test.

And a reader responds:

or we could just start a poll tax jason. you think bush won because of the uneducated? no way. the rich people voted for him because they thought they could have more money/less taxes. we want everyone to be able to vote. but we want informed elections. our judge elections are not informed at all. that's the problem -- not that dumbies are allowed to vote.

Rumpole admits: We try and help our readers by spell checking their posts, but misspelling “dummy”? Well, not to rhyme, but that was too funny.

Blog hint: Write your post on Word, spell check, cut and paste.

And another reader writes:

Natalie Holloway WAS pretty good-looking. Also, on Jason Grey's point, I'm glad to see somebody coming around to my view that the vote must be restricted. I believe only property owners ought to be afforded the vote. When you allow the vote to extend to folks you have little to no stake in society (other than to take from it), it's predictable what type of governance you'll get.

The Lord Of The Traffic Magistrates has spies in his midst’s:

A spy reports:

Another Judge Is Required To Clean Up The Mess Made By The Supervisor Of The Traffic Magistrates. The Magistrates Have Been Directed To Penalize Persons Who Wish To Proceed To Trial Or Even Set Their Matters For Trial.Magistrates Adjudicate On Many First Offenses; Yes Even Seat Belt Violations And Impose Fines In Excess Of 350 Dollars. This Is As A Result Of Judge Leifman’s Direction. Are People Not Entitled To A Trial, Non-Jury Trial Taking Probably Less Than Ten Minutes Without Being Punished Severely?
Especially When Having A Good Record? We Submit, The Law Requires Justice And Not Severe Sanctions For Going To Or Electing To Set A Matter For Trial.
We Do Thank The System For Placing A Fair Judge To Doing The Mitigations Of The Mess.T.B.

Rumpole responds: Sounds like someone wants Shelly Schwartz to replace the Lord Of the Traffic Magistrates. Judge Leifman probably has a thankless job. But it would be nice if he responded to these allegations that he directs traffic magistrates to rule a particular way. We are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that there is another side to this story. How about it Judge L? Want to respond. Judge Shelly Schwartz can email you the link, as readers all know Judge Schwartz reads and responds to this blog, eloquently at times.

Judge David Young writes with breaking news:

BIG NEWS....BREAKING NEWS....Sy Gear asked for discovery! Yes it is true. I was honored to participate in such a historic event.

Rumpole responds: We tend to post any drivel a Judge sends us, because it's a Judge and we can't resist taking a cheap shot.
OK, to get in the spirit of Judge Young's email, Sy is great isn't he? A one of a kind Justice Building Original.
In reality though, Sy often asks for disco- he just doesn't take depos. But as legions of young ASA's have learned, he is dangerous with a police report, a few notes, and a worn out pencil. And juries love him.

See You In Court studying for the voting test and avoiding Judge Young because we were so grouchy towards him.


  1. Responding to nebulous accusations by anonymous posters is known as "feeding the trolls." It shouldn't be done as it only encourages them.

  2. Rump, you never answered my question about inappropriate brown
    nosing of Judges on your blog.
    What's up dude, does it really stink to high hell to anonymously
    say a certain lawyer is a brown
    noser, when that lawyer makes grand
    statements about a judge who he knows is reading the blog and who he practices before?
    It seems you've taken the easy road on this so far.

  3. Your comment is a rather abstruse. Are you upset about a brown-noser, are you upset that someone anonymously called someone a brown-noser, or is there something I'm missing.

    In any event, all lawyers brown-nose. Some do it with subtlety and style. Others as fawning sycophants. But fail to curtsy before the crown, and you'll see few favors.

    (Judge...reservations are at "the steak-house," 7:45.)

  4. Hey Einstein: check out the Thursday February 16, 2006 post, wherein this was posted:
    Curious wrote:

    Rumps, Is it fair to say that calling someone out as a Brown Noser is a personal attack under your guidelines?

    Rumpole says: no- that’s allowed. But the more important issue is if someone calls lawyer “X” a brown noser anonymously, it really stinks to high hell. If you want to comment on a poor aspect of a person’s character, why not stand up and say who you are?
    Now, it is true, we did not try and find you, sit outside your house, then approach you in the driveway, hand you a cup of coffee and your wall street journal and then sit down and give you our answer. But we did respond to it.

    Speaking of which, we get 20-25 emails a day, so as readers now know, not to toot our own horn, but it takes more than a comment to make the blog. It takes a pertinent and well written comment (or if you are Judge Young, just a witty remark about Sy).
    See: we don't brown nose Judges- indeed we take every opportunity we get- fair and otherwise- to take a cheap shot or two. Its that latent hostility that we need to exorcise.

  5. Please;I do not wish to nor would I replace Judge Steve Leifman as the administrave person in charge of the traffic magistrates.I do believe such is a thankless position.Being an administartive judge is difficult and truly a thankless position.It is hoped that when a person becomes a judge or magistrate they have the ability to be independent thinkers and decision makers within the perameters of the law.Judge Leifman can't be blamed for the failures of others.Judge Leifman cannot be in every traffic magistrates court to watch over each of their rulings nor should he be.

    As a judge I have the oppurtunity to provide justice in the courts of our community.I listen to the facts and make the decision based upon the facts presented.I want people to understand what happens in a court ,whether represented or unrepresented.I wish for people to leave the court believing I was fair albeit not everyone leaves happy. I at least attempt to explain the reasons for my decision be it in civil infractions,criminal traffic violations,domestic violence matters and even uncontested dissolution of marriage matters.
    But as the song title goes,
    "I did it my way"providing what I believe to be justice.
    So no thanks.
    Judge Shelly Schwartz
    p.s.Yes,I do view the log periodically.

  6. The devil will find work for idle hands to do
    I stole and I lied, and why ?
    Because you asked me to !
    But now you make me feel so ashamed
    Because I've only got two hands
    Well, I'm still fond of you, oh-ho-oh

  7. I have been reading the website for the past several weeks and I have noted our dysfunctional family’s ever more virulent attacks on Bennett Brummer. While I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Public Defender’s Office, these attacks on BHB strike me as somewhat shortsighted.

    I practice extensively in Broward County and it has always struck me that the difference between practice in Miami, where “justice” is not just a word hidden in Webster’s, but an actual concept followed by all of the players (prosecutors, defense bar and judges) involved, at least most of the time, and Broward, where justice is rarely found, was because of the strong philosophical lead provided by Janet Reno, Bennett Brummer and a strong and vigorous defense bar. I guess you all would rather have the lead being provided by Michael “You May Not Have Committed This Offense, But You Must Be Guilty of Something” Satz and Alan “Let’s Spend the P.D.’s Money on Margarita Parties” Schreiber, not to mention Chief-fascist Dale Ross.

    Sorry, folks, but from where I sit, BHB’s lawyers are the ones that help the system run as fairly to those “accused” of committing crimes as it does. Look at the people who work for him; for the most part, they are dedicated, experienced and talented lawyers. If you don’t believe that the system is more fairly applied in our little courthouse, try a few weeks sitting in courtroom north of our border.

    Oh, and by the way, does anybody find it ironic (read, funny) that Al “I’ll Punch The Lights Out of Any Defense Attorney Who Crosses Me/ Or Any Lobotomized Juror Who Doesn’t Vote Guilty” Milian was busy calling the prosecutor’s case in the Broward’s Sheriff officer’s fake statistics matter a “prosecution looking for a case”? Sorry, but that cat is not changing his spots!

  8. The debate is over. Bennett, thank you for your service but it's time for you to go.
    I still hang with people at the PDO and they tell me how bad the office has gotten since the election. Brummer shows his
    face at the office about once a week. The rest of the time nobody has any idea where he is.
    All you have to look at are the trial numbers. Last year 175 felony trials to verdict.
    That's pathetic when you consider that it's a 250 lawyer defense firm.

  9. Anyone wonder what would happen to the system if every single defendant announced ready?

  10. great pleas. that is why you need a strong PD.

  11. shelly, I think that you use the word I too much

  12. leave shelly alone, he's fighting for his purple robed life

  13. he has the edge. D. Sanchez is not Cuban and has no $.

  14. Want to know what happens behind the scenes, ask Mr. Traffic Dictator for a Public Records request pf the memos he writes to the Hearing Officers. If not, ask his Bailiff to know what Courtroom he is sitting in to make sure defendants are being squeezed correctly. Enough said.

    We all know that it is not about the defendant being innocent or guilty. It is about collecting fines.

    By the way, does the mental health division really exist or is it in "Fantasy Island?"

  15. Leifman should leave the bench and go into private practice and see the effects of his stupid rules. Or democracy should help him do this.

  16. Rump, how quick we forget the old days. "No Dogs, No Blacks and No Cubans." Seems we all need to remember what Miami was like back in the day. What Miami is going through at this time is the same evolution that any community goes through when a group of people migrate to it and mature. I am sure that our brilliant Judges do not expect to be on the Bench until eternity freezes over. Thankfully, most are now diverse and you do not have to be from a certain race to win in Civil Court anymore. It is time that the bench start to reflect the community of Miami-Dade as we say about our juries. We are seeing history happen. I am just glad to be alive to see it.

    If you do not believe me, ask Raul OrdoƱez Jr., Elio Vazquez and or Xavier Cortada.

  17. Good morning everyone. I would like to thank Judge Myriam Lehr for the great work she did in 1996. It has been 10 years, thus it is time to celebrate the 10 year anniversary with another great effort.

    Myriam Lehr 88,292 55.75%"
    Steve Leifman 70,074 44.25%"

  18. Funny someone should question the diversion program's existence. On Friday, the diversion program held an awards program. Well over 150 people attended. Carlos Alvarez, city and county commissioners were there.

    If you don't know what the diversion program is, if you don't know the good it has done to help real people, if you don't know the amount of time and money it has saved the PD, SA, Corrections, and everyone involved... then you are blind. How successful is Judge Leifman's program? Successful enough to have both prosecutors, defenders, police and politicians on board. How innovative is Judge Leifman's program? Innovative enough to earn him an invitation to speak before the recent annual gathering of state supreme court justices from across the U.S.

    In any event, if Leifman left the bench and went into private practice...I doubt he'd spend much time defending speeding citations.

  19. Someone wrote: It is time that the bench start to reflect the community of Miami-Dade as we say about our juries..

    Oh yeah. Miami's Cubans are the flag-bearers of diversity. Just look at how they've supported Miami's black judiciary.

    I'm sick of idiots who point to past wrongs to justify present ones.

    Competence matters. Ethnicity doesn't.

  20. we can argue about this forever - the bottom line is that we exist in a jurisdiction where ethnic politics reek like horse shit. Candidates do not run against judges who necessarily deserve opposition (i.e. Dennis Murphy, Steve Leifman) (i.e.2 Schwartz and Schwartz need to go but are also the victim of ethnic politics)

    We are electing and appointing idiots, congratulations.

    Now let's get back to the purpose of the blog - gossip - what's with the rumor ASA cristina miranda is running for judge?

  21. please say Miranda is not running! she is a bitch from hell !

  22. I heard BHB died a 3 weeks ago, but they just keep parking his car outside the office once a week to make everyone think nothing's changed.

  23. If we had a minimum age of 60 for judges elections would'nt be a problem. Increase the term to 10 years and have mandatory retirement at 70.
    I cant figure why young people want to be Judges. The pay is'nt all that great, and Guidelines badly restrict the excersise of discretion. If you want to help people , Legal aid, pdo, sao, or the innocence project seem like more fulfilling choices.

  24. Is it true that Judge Henry Ferro is going to be running for Judge again? A certain bird just told me.

  25. If Leifman thinks he is that good, then he should become a State Representative. Oops. Al Gutman took care of that.

    It is true he practices diveristy. He tries (tried) to have all races represented in his office some years ago regardless of quality of work.

    Let Leifman leafe and take Slump with him.


  27. is made up of a series of judgments on insufficient data, and if we waited to run down all our doubts, it would flow past us.

  28. That's cool Rumps. I know that you responded to my first question. You just didn't respond to the second one. Way to go around the issue and confuse everyone. It seems like you have chosen the best profession for your talents.
    Confuse the jury and create a
    reasonable doubt. But homey I am
    not a juror, so that won't work
    over here.

    The question is why does it stink to high hell to anonymously call
    out a brown noser for what he is?
    And why does that require deletion (censorship) from the comments section?

  29. is being a brown noser the same thing as giving a dirty sanchez?

  30. To whomever anonymously declared Cristina Miranda a "bitch":

    You a gutless wonder and it is likely that you are only hating because you got your ass handed to you by "pitbull barbie." Cristina is the epitome of what a prosecutor should strive to be. She is a knowledgable, hard-ass litigator who will call out a defendant, defense attorney, judge, ASA, and/or cop if the need arises.

    IF there is any truth to the rumor that she is seeking to don the robes, this county should consider itself lucky.

    Hey rump, no more anonymous aspersions...Cerrano says "bring that shit to me mang!"

  31. "No more anonymous aspersions" from a guy who writes in Anonymously and calls someone else "A gutless wonder". Typical ASA logical reasoning, and hypocrisy.

  32. I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BRAINCHILD! The MENSA meeting has been cancelled in your honor.

  33. and...i do not cast "anonymous aspersions," i cast "Spiderman aspersions." "Anonymous" is a bigger cop out if you are going to call someone out by name. I'd LOVE to call u out by name. Enjoy irrelevance.

  34. Of course, my failure to grasp the irony of posting under a pseudonym while simultaneously mocking anonymous commentary is precisely what got me kicked out of MENSA in the first place.

  35. I didn't post the last 3 comments. I'm taking my ball and going home now.

  36. RACISM and the American Assembly-Line Justice System...I really wasn't minding my bus. c. 20 yrs. ago when I got arrested by a platoon - yes, 40 or so of the City of Miami's finest, for, to quote those wonderful police officers "whoremongering/pussy-hounding/snatch-snatching" - they just couldn't stop trying to outdo each other. They even had a TV crew for the event and I got about 20 seconds of free face time while the good guys did everything but step on my neck while getting me cuffed. I had a police officer of African American descent process me and in so doing asked a series of unbelievable questions. Upon learning I was employed by a bank (I was terminated less than a week later) he continued his intimidation by demanding a loan. He became enraged when I refused and offered to "fuck (me) up" because I wouldn't make loans to "niggers" (I have no idea, to this day, how he came up with that one). I was spared a baton-ing because three other officers on that safari intervened. (I wonder if felons are treated like that.) The "rescuing" officers then advised me on how to plead at my arraignment and how the State Atty would "fuck me up" if I didn't do exactly they said: plead nolo contendere. Ignorant and thoroughly intimidated, I did exactly as I was told. Can you imagine those cops laughing? They're still laughing today, 20 years later. I fucked myself - exactly as they had ordered. Fast forward to last month. I was putting my currently on-going paralegal education to good use by jumping through the hoops to expunge (not that it would really erase anything) that incident from my record when I got to see the grotesque, convoluted, and hypocritical American justice system in action again. The word ZOO does not describe the RICHARD L. GERSTEIN Justice Building and what goes on in and outside of it: "Slaughterhouse" is more accurate. Defendant after defendant was hauled up in front of a judge that will remain un-named, were read the same old tired litany, their charges, had their prior records reviewed out loud, etc. After entering their plea, they were told that if they did this that and the other the court would magnanimously castrate them instead of behead them. It was a shame to see how many lives were being either destroyed or irrevocably changed for the worse when they could have simply asked for the public defender. When I was up, the State Atty had no idea what I was there for, the judge was so set in "its" ways that "it" did not know how to handle my expungement. (In fairness to the judge, "it" did grant my expungement, a week later, after "it" had time to review the process.) Imagine, a defendant actually exercising his rights in the RICHARD L. GERSTEIN Slaughterhouse! (As an aside, I was incorrectly charged and any examination of the Hollywood production of my arrest would have revealed multiple improprieties and abuses on the part of the City of Miami's finest...Now I know why res judicata was really invented.) If the North Koreans or Iranians ever decide to nuke us there is one place above all others that cries out to go up in hellfire: The RLG Slaughterhouse and the stench of "justice" along with it.
