Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Jason Grey continues:

I'm sure everyone is tired of me by now but I've got a few more things tosay. Lawyers Come to the MJB because that is where We make our Living. Its nota game or a sport. Trust me if I had the dough I would be at the helm of a 52 Davis sport fish, not at sounding calendar. When I appear before a Judge I want a decision, I don't care what the decision is as long as the judge is being intellectually honest and calls them down the middle. when you get the job you earn the right to make the call.

What is unacceptable is when you make us look bad. Remember there is a client with us and potential clients in the audience. When you are curt with us, impatient, short tempered or rude, you hurt us in the pocket. A kind word and hello never hurt remember Manny Crespo?
If you deny my motion please do so with grace, If you think I'm an idiot please call me sidebar, If my conduct is not up to par, order me to chambers at the break and yell! once a client loses confidence we are done. remember , the rules require us to treat you with respect , but I'm sure you would much rather the respect be heartfelt and real.
Jason Grey

Rumpole notes that we covered a lot of this in our Trial Lawyer Bill of Rights. However, Judges should always remember that we must respect the position. We do not have to respect the individual Judge, especially when election time rolls around.

More Judge Stuff:

A fan of Judge Blake (winner of one our polls) writes:

While we think Stan Blake is an absolutely wonderful judge....whoever said: "the Governor's recent judicial appointments show that it is not that important who sits on the bench, as what they have done for the Republican party" is being intelluctually disingenuous. You are also detracting from some of the quality Circuit judges appointed this past year. What about Judge Pereya-Shuminer: years as an APD and six plus years on the County bench; Judge Leban: 20 plus years as an appellate lawyer, nominated countless times, under different Governors and JNCs for Circuit and 3DCA; Judges Prescott and Tunis? He spent his whole career as a respected ASA and AUSA, five years on the County bench; Judge Tunis spent 15 years as an APD-many handling death penalty litigation, five years on the County bench. Have any of them done a "great thing for the Republican Party" that no one knows about? At least keep the facts straight on this blog, at a minimum, otherwise it loses credibility.

A former Client writes about Judge Schwartz – and it maybe a first for a client to post here:

Judge Sheldon Schwartz represented my in my other life 'before becoming an attorney. Yes, he has a fault. He wants people to understand what they are charged with, what the charges mean, and what could happen should they be found guilty or enter a plea. Judge Schwartz would like every person leaving the courtroom to understand why the court ruled as it did, be it a defendant, witness, officer and yes, even the State Attorney or Defense Counsel. I for one do not believe such is a bad thing but one we are not used to in the justice system.

Rumpole inquires: When you retained him, did his ties hypnotize you into writing a big check?

A Call to Kathy Fernandez Rundle to get involved:

Does anyone think Hank Adorno committed a bar violation when he met with Joe Arriola to discuss the Fire Rescue Settlement?According to the Herald, when Mayor Diaz arrived for breakfast, "Arriola and Adorno had already reached agreement on the terms of the settlement."Was it not improper for Adorno, a lawyer, to directly negotiate legal issues with Arriola, a non-lawyer, given that the City of Miami was a represented party?Damn I wish I could hear the State Attorney discussing this.

Rumpole grumbles: Civil stuff…bleah.


  1. Who ever said that about Adorno is obviously a jealous political hack.

  2. Given what Adorno has already admitted, his best defense strategy is probably to go straight to the ad hominem attacks.

  3. No more boring civil, city govt bullshit, EVER!
