Monday, January 23, 2006


Rumpole has been emailed:

Abraham Safdie has passed away.

Anonymous wrote:

Abraham's mix is not Arab/Latino as the post states. He is Jewish. His family were Jews living in Allepo, Syria. They were kicked out of Syria and were put on a boat with many other Syrian Jews to Mexico City. the boat broke down and they had to switch boats Mid-Atlantic. The new boat docked in Cuba and his family settled there. He was born soon after, and around the time Castro came to power, Abraham and his family moved to New York. He ran a business in New York and moved to Miami after he retired. He has been working in our courts for 12 years.

Anonymous writes:
Thanks for the clarification on Abraham's ethnic mix. Great storya nd a great guy.

Anonymous writes:

RIP Abraham

Mike Catalano writes:

Mr. Safdie was ALWAYS pleasant and kind.To have two of the Justice Building's finest leave us soon close in time is very sad. I will miss him and Manny Crespo.

Mike Catalano

Rumpole has been emailed:

The son of Penny Brill, (Chief of The States Attorney's Legal Division), Steven Brill, passed away on Saturday afternoon.

This is truly horrible news. Our thoughts and prayers go to Penny Brill and her family.


  1. Mr. Safdie was ALWAYS pleasant and kind.

    To have two of the Justice Building's finest leave us soon close in time is very sad.

    I will miss him and Manny Crespo.

    Mike Catalano

  2. I find it very interesting and quite telling that those of you who have made sincere, wonderful comments about Abraham Safdie have done so in the anonymous fashion. He suffered a great deal in that "justice" building, often going for hours with no break and noone to relieve him so he could rest his throat. You know who you are and SHAME ON YOU! Right, Fat Girl??
    You know why the judges chose Abraham to be honored? He was honored because he was honorable, pleasant, kind and had INTEGRITY. Some things some of you are quite deficient in, and you will never, ever rise to his stature, no matter how many insidious little cliques you have; you know..the "inner" circle that gets "special" privledges?? Basically there are many good people in that building, and some very bad ones.
    The judges rose to a higher level than any court could ever set laws for: they chose humanity, compassion, loving kindness, and brotherhood to name only a few. For those of you who spent hours visiting him and attending his funeral and paid condolence calls to the family, Bravo to you! And the rest of you, well quite frankly..I despise you.

  3. By the way, whoever said Abraham Safdie's family was "kicked out of Syria" deserves a kick in the a--.They weren't kicked out, they left to find a better life like so many others including the majority of the interpreters, unless of course their families arrived on The Mayflower? Perhaps via San Juan, Haiti or South America? And don't you dare refer to Judaism as a reason, you anti-semitic biggoted racist. Good thing you write anonymously you coward!

  4. I am Abrahams grandaughter Suzanne, I stumbled upon this sight looking for info about my Abuelo.. Just to clarify a few things,yes the Jews were "kicked out" of Syria.. as were Jews all over the world, and people of other races..and yes they did leave to find a better life.. we did. My Grandfather was loved by his family and friends.. I saw so myself at the hospital and at his funeral. He was a very special man and a wonderful Grandpa. I know about the "FAT GIRL" too.. You will get whats coming to you.. GOD, HASHEM Doesn't over look anything.. You will never be what he was.. your just jealous...=)
