Thursday, January 12, 2006


Founding member of the “not afraid to sign my name” club, roars:

(this post was delayed due to the Crespo posts)

Dear Rump:

I appreciate your hard work on the blog site but it is getting rather frustrating that some ex-prosecutor (anonymoose) is taking anonymous pot shots at me which I am helpless to defend (a defense lawyer who can not defend himself; what irony).

As far as I can tell, all of the posts have come from the same person, whose ass I probably kicked in trial. I'm sure you would not be too happy if they took such unfounded shots at you (the actual lawyer, not the fictitious one). So please Rump, filter or leave me out of the site when this moron makes his idiotic posts.

I try to do my work with diligence and creativity. I do not seek out the limelight or the fanfare although I will vigorous propound the defense point if requested to do so (so the public doesn't think that everyone is guilty). I even turned down "48 Hours" a few years ago because I didn't want the attention (they then went with Catalano).

The bottom line, Rump, is that I really don't need this little weasel chipping away at 20+ years of my reputation without the opportunity to fight back. After all, at the end of the day (or career), that's all we have; our good name and reputation.


Bobby Reiff

Our Favorite Bard wrote:

Who steals my purse steals trash;
'tis something, nothing; 'twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name

robs me of that which not enriches him
and makes me poor indeed."

And in the very same play, twas also written:

"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy!
It is the green-eyed monster,
which doth mock the meat it feeds on."

Rumpole responds: Mr. Reiff, you are one of our favorite readers and posters. Our rules do not allow personal attacks, and although you apparently have a critic, his/her posts are not out of bounds (saying for instance that you are a lousy hockey player). We cannot agree to allow someone to opt out of our free ranging discussion of the REGJB because they don’t like it. You have your fans. Indeed, you now are part of an inside joke about never losing a case. Careful readers know you were attacked for that, and that you eloquently responded with a defense that included one difficult loss. You should just keep reading and writing. We will make sure no cheap shots get by us. Indeed, most readers were tired of the little contretemps, and we invite you to turn that razor sharp wit and well oiled key board to some of the other topics of the day. After all, you are a published author. Please keep reading and writing. Your critic has the courage of a mouse for taking shots anonymously.

We draw your attention to November 7, 1962. Richard M Nixon loses the race for Governor of California and announces that this will be his last press conference:

"I am not Bobby Reiff"

"You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

Mr. Reiff, you do not want to go out in some Nixonian huff. Looked what happened to him. It's bad karma.


  1. I took an oath as an appointed member of a Florida Bar Grievance Committee. I served as a member from 2000-2003 and spent my last year as vice-chair.

    To this day, I have not discussed publically any aspect of the proceedings of the committee, and I will not now.

    Grievance committee proceedings involve allegations against members of the Bar. The committee's discussions and decisions are not something to be aired publically, especially here, where the attorney was found not guilty.

    I took my oath seriously. My responsibility was to evaluate the facts avond circumstances of each case, and come to a decision based on the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar. This is what I did, and unfortunately, cannot respond to the allegations contained here.

  2. Rump, you blew it on this one. Why in the world you you allow someone to attack a respected member of the Bar anonymously like this? Is the purpose of you site to provide an opportunity for bitter (and, spineless) folks to slam other people? This attack on Brian is ridiculous. The author knows (or should) that it would be unethical for Brian to respond. I can't believe you posted this.
