Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Veteran DUI Officer Jerry Davenport must not like veterans. He was alleged to have smacked one around on an arrest he made. Props to Dr. Hyma with the Dade County Medical Examiners Office for calling it like he sees it.
Lets see the circumstantial chain of evidence:

Defendant Arrested.
Defendant in Custody Of Davenport at Station.
Defendant injured.
Davenport says “woops…he fell.”
Dr. Hyma says- nope- he was punched.
Davenport has prior history of excessive violence.
Defendant PASSES polygraph.
Hmm… Seems like a pretty good case to us.

Read the report for yourself:

Reminds us of the old joke:

How many City Of Miami Police Officers does it take to throw a defendant down a flight of stairs?NONE- He fell.


  1. Hope someone here can help. I am a former mayor and community council member here in MD. My son was "accosted" by Davenport last Wed.Only charge other than "fake" DUI was improper lane change. Breathalyozer was within legal limits yet he still handcuffed and arrested him. He just turned 21. He has a clean record. This is humiliating for our family not to mention the cost we will incur getting this off his record. I will not let him settle for reckless driving. Absurd. He was within a mile of our home.

  2. I think you should be more concerned with the precedence you are establishing for your son's bad behavior. Your son was drinking and drinking--forget the "within the legal limits" excuse. But that's okay because "he was within a mile of our home." By the way, how did he get within a mile of your home? I suppose by driving and endangering all within his path till he got "within a mile of our home." I would expect to read more about your son as his list of bad deeds grows in the future. Maybe you should concentrate more on instilling some maturity and values in your son rather then to make excuses for him.

  3. typical davenport/cloitius arrest...illegal stake-out of such places kendall ale house and hooligans...conjured up reason to pull you "driving to slow"....arrested...i blew 000 not once but twice..then accused of "being on something"....although davenports favorite line is..." i can smell the alcohol from here"...bad dismissed all charges withdrawn
